Chapter 456 Collect tuition!

Scalloped wool? Collect tuition!

Niu Lang has made a lot of progress after experiencing the live broadcast of the goods just now. This time he was able to take the goods with ease.

The gods who watched the live broadcast all had a keen interest in the stories that Cowherd told.

As for the content of the story, it’s actually very bloody, the kind that I don’t want to write.

[The male fairy buys the first lipstick in autumn for the female fairy, which is a symbol of caring about the other party!

So sisters, this lipstick is not for you, but for male fairies.

If you want to know if the other person loves you, you can send him a link and ask him to buy you the first lipstick in autumn.

If the male fairy wants to show love to his favorite fairy, please buy the first lipstick in autumn.

Affectionate couples who have already formed Taoists should also buy the first autumn lipstick for Taoists to express their hearts and minds.

All in all, buy it! Buy it! Buy it! 】

After Niu Lang finished telling the story, he didn’t give the gods a chance to react at all, and went straight to the topic.

He explained the importance of buying the first lipstick of autumn for fairies from various angles.

In the final demon slogan, the gods who watched the live broadcast were all startled by the demon.

[He Xiangu: Niu Lang makes sense, the first lipstick in autumn is too meaningful. 】

[Dianmu: I will send the link to Lei Gong, if he doesn’t buy it for me, I will electrocute him! 】

[Chang’e: I don’t know if someone will give me the first lipstick in autumn. 】

[Big fairy: Hey, I don’t want it. I’m afraid that there will be too many people to give it away and there will be no place to put it. 】

[Chang’e: If you have the ability, don’t accept it. In fact, I don’t care much. 】

The fairies in the live broadcast room, regardless of whether they were touched by the story of the Cowherd, anyway, the concept of the first lipstick in autumn has been deeply rooted in their hearts.

The pressure came to the male fairy in an instant.

The three situations mentioned by Cowherd have too much coverage.

Who doesn’t know a few fairies, and who doesn’t want to have a good relationship with the fairies?

[Taipei Jinxing: What kind of broken story is this Cowboy telling? Some people believe it if there is no such story? 】

[Erlangshen: They really do everything in order to sell more things. We must unite and resolutely resist! 】

[Bull Demon King: Yes, if you resolutely resist, you can’t get used to this trend. Tota Heavenly King, you won’t betray us, will you? 】

[Torta: Take care of yourself first. I never give my wife any gifts. 】

[Wu Caishen: Yes, we must not be fooled, just let him not sell a single lipstick! 】

The male immortals in the group quickly reached a unified opinion, and it seems that they have formed a huge resistance force, to properly cure this unhealthy trend.

[Nezha: Brother Xiaoyao, have you read all the news in the group? You may have to overturn this time, or should I help you buy more? 】

Nezha, who was also in the group, became a little worried when seeing that the male immortals had reached a unified opinion, and took the initiative to talk to Shang Lin Chuan.

[Xiaoyao Xian: I appreciate your kindness, but it is not necessary.

If you have a fairy you want to give away, you can buy some, otherwise you may not be able to buy it if it is too late. 】

Lin Chuan naturally saw the words of the male immortals, but he didn’t care at all, and responded casually.

If the male immortals showed indifference to this, he would still worry about whether the thinking logic of immortals and mortals was different in this respect.

But obviously, the male fairies are still very concerned about the first lipstick in autumn.

Don’t look at these male immortals talking harshly now, but the attention is real.

As we all know, attention can be converted into sales!

[Niu Lang: Alright, brothers and sisters in the live broadcast room, having said so much, you should already be eager to wait.

So we are now three two one… on the link! 】

At this time, Cowherd finally completed a series of appetite talk skills and entered the last link.

After the link was sent, Cowboy closed his eyes and dared not look at the sales.

When he introduced lipstick just now, there were always male immortals mocking in the barrage, saying that they would never buy it.

After watching a lot, his heart is actually very bottomless, relying on his obsession with dolls and dolls to support him.

Now the result was about to be announced, but he never had the courage to watch it again.

Cowboy closed his eyes for a long time before plucking up his courage and narrowing his eyes.

As a result, the screen in front of him was so empty that he couldn’t help but open his eyes and rubbed it, thinking that he was dazzled.

But he looked at it again, and it was still empty.

This made the Cowherd’s mentality a bit collapsed.

What about the lipstick link? What about the big link, why is it gone?

Cowherd took a closer look, and the barrage was all complaining about too little goods, urging him to quickly load the goods.

“In other words, 100,000 lipsticks, every lipstick that sells 99 merit points, are all sold clean?”

Cowherd finally realized a fact, feeling very absurd in his heart.

The male immortals, didn’t they say that they resolutely resisted and didn’t buy a single lipstick.

As a result, how long has it been since it was all sold out, do you want to be so wrong?

[Nezha: Did you see Brother Xiaoyao? It’s sold out, and the lipstick is also sold out! 】

Nezha also discovered this situation and was very excited to share the good news with Lin Chuan.

[Xiaoyao Xian: You don’t need to report to me, I have seen it all.

How about it, do you still think that the lipstick will not be sold? 】

Lin Chuan had been staring at him, and he had already found out that the lipstick had been sold out, and he responded calmly.

[Nezha: Brother Xiaoyao, how on earth did this happen, and all those who say yes will resist it? 】

Nezha was still very curious about this phenomenon, and wanted to get answers from Lin Chuan.

[Xiaoyao Xian: In fact, it’s very simple. No matter what the male fairy thinks, things involving the male fairy and the female fairy are never determined by unilateral will.

Even if the fairies said one by one, it seemed that they didn’t want lipstick at all, but the male fairies dared not give it a try, I’m afraid they will meet the fairies’ cold eyes the next day.

The male fairies actually know this very well, so they are just hilarious in the group.

Anyway, when purchasing, they will not announce who the purchaser is, and they are not afraid of being blamed.

This is probably divinity. 】

Lin Chuan said with emotion.

Sure enough, even though those gods had already ascended to the immortal realm, the logic of thinking as a person was still preserved, even more obvious.

In this case, Lin Chuan didn’t feel embarrassed if he didn’t want to do something to squeeze the wool on them.

No, how can this be called scalloped wool? Obviously, it is to charge tuition fees and charge tuition fees to teach the gods to grow up!

As for whether the gods want to pay the tuition, he doesn’t care about it, he has already accepted it anyway.

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