Chapter 457

Niu Lang’s live broadcast of goods continues, but Lin Chuan has not paid much attention to it anymore.

Because the largest wave of tuition fees has already been received, and the rest is a steady stream of normal income.

Judging from the intensity of the complaints of the gods in the group, their current merit points have been almost squeezed out.

No matter what activities they do, I am afraid it will be difficult to earn a lot of merit points in an instant.

If this is the case, what else do you care about? Let’s talk about when they are paid again and have merit points.

After the event was completely over, the three of Nezha Niulang Baihua Fairy contacted him one after another. It was praise like clouds, flattery like rain, and Lin Chuan felt embarrassed.

The three fairies who were crazy about flattering did not feel embarrassed at all.

Because most of these words they said came from their sincerity.

The wave of operations performed today has completely exceeded their imagination.

In a day, they have earned tens of millions of merit points. Such behavior, they had never even thought about it before.

Today, however, they witnessed and participated in all this with their own eyes!

The other gods who have been squeezed in wool may not feel obvious, but they will just complain.

But they saw everything clearly, so they deeply felt the terrible Lin Chuan.

The dispositions of the gods were simply pinched by Lin Chuan!

[Ciu Lang: I would like to call you Brother Xiaoyao a “male lecturer proficient in divinity”! 】

Lin Chuan was very happy to be photographed, but when he saw Cowherd’s words, his whole body was not good.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Your doll is gone! 】

Lin Chuan replied to him, and then directly blocked him, letting Cowherd beg for mercy and sell him miserably, and ignored him.

He had to let Cowherd experience what a word is, let the male god shield him for three days and three nights!

After finishing all the three gods, Lin Chuan began to count today’s gains.

With regard to cosmetics, due to various promotional activities, some discounts were made in terms of income, but nearly 50 million merit points.

There is no promotion for this single lipstick, and you can earn as much as you sell, which is another 10 million merit points.

Coupled with the merit points he had originally, there were only 30 million merit points left for the 100 million merit points needed to repair the sun and moon Baoding.

It can be said that he has taken a big step towards repairing the Sun and Moon Baoding.

If it goes well, the points earned by selling these things will be enough for him to repair the Riyue Baoding.

If it doesn’t go well, that’s okay, the big deal is another event.

Lin Chuan was already familiar with the matter of engaging in activities in the fairy world, and he didn’t panic at all.

When Lin Chuan finished counting his income and was about to take a rest, Laojun Taishang suddenly found him.

[Tai Shang Lao Jun: I heard that you are in the immortal world, and you have made a lot of storms, which is quite tossing.

If you continue to toss like this, the atmosphere of the fairy world will be destroyed by you. 】

[Xiaoyao Xian: Dignified Taishang Laojun is so idle, it’s no wonder that the development of the fairy world has not improved. 】

Lin Chuan was unhappy when he saw him coming up, and he reacted directly.

Taishang Laojun, is it the incarnation of one of the Six Saints?

[Tai Shang Lao Jun: Who said I am very idle, I am clearly very busy, OK? I naturally have something to find you. 】

[Xiaoyao Xian: What’s the matter? 】

[Tao Shang Lao Jun: Cough cough, you see that you can earn so many merit points this time, and there is credit for me opening the live streaming function.

So, shouldn’t you consider giving me some of the merit points you earned?

Don’t be too greedy, be careful of choking to death by eating alone! 】

Lin Chuan’s eyes stared when he saw the words from Taishang Laojun.

The dignified old gentleman, openly asked him for the benefit of this small transparency who only had the foundation-building period. No one believed it.


[Xiaoyao Xian: So you are looking for me just for good, right? Then wait. 】

Lin Chuan got an idea as soon as he turned his eyes.

[Tao Shang Lao Jun: Don’t worry, don’t worry, you can calculate it slowly. 】

When Taishang Laojun saw him, he thought he was going to count the income and make sure that the dividend was gone, so he was naturally patient.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Okay, all my merit points have been used up. Why did you find me just now? 】

After a while, Lin Chuan sent a sentence that caused his Three Corpse Gods to violently jump. He almost couldn’t stretch himself and exploded Dou Li Gong.

He asked Lin Chuan for benefits, but Lin Chuan ran out of merit points at once, so he could still get his hair? !

The co-author Lin Chuan asked him to wait just now, just to make a surprise consumption, not to give him the opportunity to deduct merit points from Lin Chuan’s WeChat.

[Tao Shang Lao Jun: With so many merit points, how come it runs out so quickly? 】

Taishang Laojun is still a little unwilling.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Didn’t you ask me to use merit points to repair the sun and moon Baoding, I naturally took it all to repair, this is a business, I don’t dare to neglect it! 】

Lin Chuan’s response was justified.

Taishang Laojun looked at it and choked again.

Lin Chuan has something to say. It’s a business for him to use all the merit points on the sun and moon treasure ding. Then he will be shameless if he wants to benefit?

We finally pulled down our face to get some good points, why is it so difficult?

[Tao Shang Lao Jun: Don’t want me to create any new features for you next time! 】

Lao Jun, who was about to be depressed by Lin Chuan, dropped a word and disappeared.

“Small, now you know how good I am?”

“Want to take advantage of me, no way!”

Lin Chuan saw the depression of Taishang Laojun from the lines of the words, and he was proud of it in his heart.

There are probably not many immortals that can let Taishang Laojun eat deflated, not to mention that he is just a mortal.

Without being hit by someone following the network cable, he can be a little stray.

Lin Chuan, who is in a good mood, has a good dream.

Just when he dreamed that all the six saints of the fairy world were pinching his feet and beating his back, he was awakened by others.

Those who can do this kind of thing are naturally the only two “cuties” in the family.

“You two little guys, if you can’t give a reasonable reason to wake me up this time, just wait for me to take care of you!”

Lin Chuan, who got up in anger, stared at the two little guys and said.

As the saying goes, if you don’t fight for three days, you will go to the house.

Counting it all up, they really haven’t beaten them for three days.

“Oh, uncle, don’t hit me, Xinxin won’t dare again next time.” Xinxin heard this and quickly covered her eyes.

Lin Chuan was stunned by her behavior.

If you really want to be beaten, what kind of operation is blindfolding?

“Don’t be afraid, Xinxin, have you forgotten? We have a reason to come here this time!” Cici said confidently without counseling.

“What reason?” Lin Chuan said with great interest.

After waking up, his breath of getting up has mostly disappeared.

“Sister Liang Xi can already see her, she is no longer a blind person.” Cici said with some excitement.

“Liang Xi’s eyesight has recovered?” Lin Chuan’s eyes lit up instantly.

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