Chapter 455: The First Lipstick in Autumn

Lin Chuan himself never thought that the gods of the fairy world would be so powerful.

Before, he was still worried, thinking about how long it would take for 100,000 sets of cosmetics to be sold out, and even thought of a plan for discounts and promotions.

As a result, 100,000 sets were sold out directly, and all the plans he made were useless.

I don’t know if it is Cowherd who brought the goods well, whether the cosmetics are really attractive, or whether his promotion is good.

No matter what the situation is, Lin Chuan is making a lot of money this time!

[Fairy Baihua: Fairy friend, please tell me, what are we going to do next?

Many fairies in the live broadcast room complained that they were out of stock before they grabbed them.

The goods are all sold out. Do you have to replenish the goods and earn merit points? Don’t miss it. 】

Fairy Baihua also felt that he was making a lot of money, and rushed to urge Lin Chuan to replenish the goods.

Lin Chuan immediately ran to the live broadcast room to take a look.

[Seven Fairies: Have all the sisters snatched them? I have snatched a hundred sets. 】

[Chang’e: It turns out that you have robbed the goods, but fortunately, my eyesight is quick, and I also grabbed ten sets. 】

[Dianmu: Damn it, I just went to ask Lei Gong for merit. It was a little late, but it was gone. 】

[He Xiangu: A full one hundred thousand sets, how to say it is gone if you don’t have it, Cowherd, please continue to stock up! 】

[Weaver Girl: That’s right, get the goods as soon as possible, otherwise I won’t take my children to see you during the Qixi Festival. 】

Sure enough, as Fairy Baihua said, many fairies said that they hadn’t grabbed it, and they urged Cowherd to load the goods.

But Niu Lang is just Lin Chuan’s tool for arranging live broadcasts, so he can only comfort him with so much control.

As a result, even Cowherd’s wife, Weaver Girl, came over to join in the fun, and Cowherd was even more unstoppable.

Lin Chuan couldn’t help but follow the excitement before leaving the live broadcast room.

[Xiaoyao Xian: The replenishment must be replenished, and it must be replenished immediately, but not so much at a time.

Only a small amount of replenishment at a time, creating a feeling that the supply is very scarce, can stimulate the fairies to buy.

You tell Cowherd what I said, let him talk more about creating atmosphere, and I will prepare more goods. 】

Naturally, Lin Chuan would not give this opportunity to earn merit points. He immediately thought of a set of plans and explained it to Fairy Baihua.

This wave of sales strategy of releasing small quantities of goods is naturally the famous hunger marketing.

One hundred thousand sets of cosmetics were sold out, and the fairies must have bought most of them, not to mention a manpower set.

If there are a lot of goods on the market, the fairies will definitely think that the supply is sufficient, so they won’t be in a hurry to buy them.

But if only a little bit at a time, the kind that disappears in the blink of an eye, the fairies will have a sense of urgency.

If you didn’t plan to buy it right away, you would rush to buy it.

In this way, you can sell more than a large pile of goods at once.

This kind of sales method can be said to be a squeeze of human nature.

Lin Chuan himself is rather annoying. Hunger marketing is a way of selling monkeys, but it does not prevent him from using the fairy world to let the gods experience such troubles.

As long as you can earn the 100 million merit points in a short period of time, you can try any method.

[Fairy Baihua: Okay, I’m going to explain to Cowherd now. 】

Fairy Baihua didn’t know the doorway inside, but Lin Chuan had already proved his ability with facts, Fairy Baihua would naturally follow him.

After Niu Lang received the news, he was finally relieved, and immediately notified the gods in the live broadcast room of the good news, constantly emphasizing the scarcity of goods.

The situation is just like what Niu Lang said, there are only one thousand sets of goods on the live broadcast room each time.

Seeing that the supply of goods was so small, the fairies were enthusiastic about buying them instantly. After several waves of goods were on the market, they were all sold out.

The male gods who came to the live broadcast room to watch the excitement were all stunned by the hot scene.

[Erlangshen: I only know now that these fairies have such a thick family background, they are willing to spend so many merit points to buy gadgets that are not worth mentioning. 】

[Taobaijinxing: It’s crazy. I’ve never seen those fairies so crazy. So what kind of Ecstasy did Cowherd give them? 】

[Niu Demon King: Xiaoyao brother is really capable, so if he does this, he has all the merit points of the fairies? 】

[Tota Heavenly King: Just be content with you. Anyway, people only make money from fairies, but don’t make merit points from male fairies. 】

[Antarctic Xianweng: Heavenly king, you have a story, let us have a good time telling it. 】

[Monkey King: Yes, yes, yes, let us have a good time. 】

[Marshal Canopy: It’s okay if you can’t get it. I’ve got several sets. I will give them to the fairies who haven’t got it. He will definitely please them, hehe. 】

The atmosphere on the male fairy side is completely different from that on the fairy side.

After all, they don’t have much demand for cosmetics, nor are they interested in them. They don’t pay any merit points, so naturally they don’t care whether the cosmetics are in stock or not, and they have no sense of participation.

“The King Tota reminded me, how can you patronize and earn the merit points of the fairy and not earn it from the male fairy.”

Lin Chuan was diving in the group, and when he saw King Tota, his mind flashed.

The effect of hunger marketing is indeed good, but the merit points of fairies are limited.

No matter how you play the sales routine, it is impossible for the fairies to change their merits out of thin air.

In this case, developing the potential market is the best way out.

Fairies may indeed have no merit points, but the male fairy still has a lot of merit points.

If they didn’t take out all their merit points, Lin Chuan felt sorry for the fairies who had taken out all the merit points in their pockets in order to buy cosmetics.

“How can we stimulate the purchasing power of these male fairies?”

“Originally, Huazi was OK, but now Huazi has begun to sell, and it lacks freshness. The male fairies definitely don’t have a strong willingness to buy.”

“If you want to hollow out the merit points of the male immortal in a short time, you must find a way from other aspects.”

Lin Chuan pondered for a long time without any good ideas, and then began to look through the chat records in the group for inspiration.

When he turned to Zhu Bajie’s words, Lin Chuan paused with his hand, and a weird smile appeared on his face.

Male fairies, it’s time for you to perform in front of fairies.

Lin Chuan, who had an idea, immediately contacted Cowboy and gave him a face-to-face instruction.

[Ciu Lang: Is this really okay? Niulang has no confidence in Lin Chuan’s idea.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Listen to me, it must be no problem to do this! ] Lin Chuan is confident.

Seeing that Lin Chuan was so confident, Cowboy could only bite the bullet and give it a try.

[Sisters, your devil is back again!

Next, we have a new product that will be on the shelves, which is the lipstick I have applied before.

Sisters may be curious, lipstick is originally included in the cosmetic set, why should it be launched separately? 】

[I will tell you now, because I have heard a story about lipstick, called the first lipstick of autumn! 】

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