Chapter 454

After starting the live broadcast, Niu Lang immediately entered the live broadcast state, as if he was possessed by Li Jiaqi, and began to carry the goods passionately.

Of course, after all, it is the first time that he is doing live broadcast, and there are still some shortcomings.

Cowboy didn’t know if it was nervous or what the situation was. He kept talking to himself in front of the camera, and didn’t even look at the barrages sent by the gods who came in to watch the live broadcast.

Without interaction with the audience, the live broadcast effect will definitely be worse.

Because many gods were very curious about the cosmetics introduced by Cowherd and asked various questions, but Cowherd did not answer their questions.

In this way, some potential customers may be lost.

But I have to say that Cowherd’s current state is still very good.

Come to see the number of live broadcast of immortals continues to rise, and there has been no downward trend.

After discovering that Cowherd was not watching the barrage, the gods simply stopped asking, chatting about the sky in the barrage.

[Hong Haier: This is the live broadcast of the goods, it feels very interesting. 】

[Taobaijinxing: I haven’t seen Cowherd for a long time, but I didn’t expect him to be so talkative now. 】

[Fu Xing: It is estimated that a person stayed in the Milky Way for too long, holding back almost crazy. 】

[He Xiangu: This cosmetic seems to work really well. The blemishes on Cowherd’s face are really covered. 】

[Dianmu: It’s completely a change of person, and the effect of cosmetics is amazing. 】

[Chang’e: Sisters, I have already moved my heart, how about you? 】

[Seven Fairies: Say what so much to do, the link to purchase, hurry up, and my merit points are ready! 】

At the beginning, a group of male gods were still commenting on Cowherd.

When the effect of the cosmetics began to show later, the barrage was completely occupied by the female fairies.

The magical effect of cosmetics is like changing people to life, which makes them very excited.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Don’t say so much, prepare to link, you have to make clear the preferential information, and interact with the barrage later! 】

Seeing that the appetites of the female fairies were almost overwhelmed, Lin Chuan immediately sent a message to Cowherd.

Niu Lang glanced at the message sent by Lin Chuan, and got stuck for a while before reacting.

[Niu Lang: Sisters, you have all seen the effects of cosmetics.

Now, I would like to tell everyone a shocking good news.

Since this cosmetics product is on sale for the first time, Xiaoyao is so happy to see that everyone is so enthusiastic, so he is ready to give everyone a big wave of benefits.

Buy a set of cosmetics and get a lipstick.

Buy three sets of cosmetics and get one set directly.

Buy more than ten sets and get a 50% discount!

The most important thing is that our cosmetics are limited in quantity and will be shipped from the sister who buys the most.

In other words, the sisters in the back may not be able to be photographed.

Have you heard clearly, you must remember to buy it! Buy it! Buy it!

Three twenty one, follow the link! 】

Niulang was another explanation, which attracted the attention of all the gods.

[He Xiangu: Ah, is there any discount, Xiaoyao Xian is quite conscientious. 】

[Dianmu: I only planned to buy one set for a try. Since there is such a discount, I’d better buy three sets. 】

[Chang’e: What kind of three sets to buy? If you want to buy, you can buy more than ten sets. I didn’t hear Cowherd’s words. If you buy it, you may not ship it. 】

[Seven Fairies: We have many sisters and we can buy them together. This time it must be the most sold and the first to be shipped. 】

When the female fairies learned that there was a discount, they became more determined to buy, and they were already ready to move.

When the link appeared, they immediately clicked in at a fast speed.

After seeing the selling price, many female fairies were taken aback.

I saw the price column, the numbers “699” were very eye-catching.

[Giant Spirit God: Is there anything wrong, just a little gadget, why are it so expensive? 】

[Erlangshen: Such an expensive thing, no one will buy it, no, no, no. 】

[Marshal Tianpeng: Let me say, everyone should not be taken advantage of. 】

[The Monkey King: Hey, this Xiaoyao Immortal is much more greedy than I am, and I will definitely not be able to sell it. 】

A group of male fairies who clicked into the link began to gloat after seeing the price, and felt that no female fairies would buy it.

But the situation on the female fairy’s side was completely beyond their imagination.

[He Xiangu: It looks really expensive, but there are discounts. It’s not expensive if you discount. 】

[Electronic mother: I have worked so hard for so long, it’s time to reward myself, and buy with Lei Gong’s merit points. 】

[Chang’e: Such a useful thing should be at this price. 】

[Seven Fairies: Sisters, buying more than ten sets is almost a profit, everyone! 】

Fairies invested in the panic buying of cosmetics with extraordinary enthusiasm.

Lin Chuan, who always pays attention to the dynamics, actually squeezed a sweat when the male gods began to ridicule.

If it is really because of the pricing that makes the fairies hesitate to buy, then all the preparations he made before will be in vain.

Fortunately, the state shown by the female fairies gave him some confidence again.

Fairies are also women. It is normal to pay frantically for what he has planted, and it doesn’t matter if it is expensive.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Fairy, quickly count the current order quantity, and then send it to me every minute.

I can determine the subsequent promotion plan based on the number of orders. 】

After observing for a while, Lin Chuan went to Baihua Fairy and asked about the order.

He just watched the fairies who said they wanted to snap up, but he didn’t know how much they had sold now.

[Baihua Fairy: No need to count. 】

[Xiaoyao Xian: Why, do you still want to strike at this time?

Don’t make trouble, now is the critical time, you can’t drop the chain. 】

Lin Chuan didn’t know, so I was afraid that Fairy Baihua would lose the chain at this time.

[Baihua Fairy: I mean, all orders have been sold out, and there are no stocks, so there is no need for statistics.

Xiaoyao Xian, we made a lot of money this time! 】

[Xiaoyao Xian: It’s short-sold, so soon 100,000 sets of cosmetics are sold short? ! 】

Lin Chuan watched the words sent by Fairy Baihua for a long time before reacting, ecstatic in his heart.

For this live broadcast, he prepared 100,000 sets of cosmetics.

The number of female fairies in the fairy world is actually hundreds of thousands.

Lin Chuan’s original goal was to sell half of the goods for a whole day today, and that would be considered a success.

Unexpectedly, the result far exceeded his expectations.

If all the payment is received and the dividends paid to Fairy Baihua are deducted, I am afraid that Lin Chuan will be able to get the merit points, at least 50 million!

In other words, in just such a while, he had already completed half of his goal.

Repairing the sun and moon Baoding is just around the corner!

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