Chapter 453 Buy it! Buy it! Buy it!

The immortals feel very novel about this kind of activity.

In addition, the reward given by Lin Chuan is really attractive, and their enthusiasm is quite high.

As soon as they were posted on their Moments, and then forwarded to the group, it was a intensive wave of information bombardment, not afraid that other gods would not be able to see it.

And the gods who see this will not only know that Cowherd is going to sell cosmetics live, but also because of the rewards of Huazi, they will also follow the circle of friends.

In this way, a fission effect will occur, and it is easy for most of the gods who use WeChat to know what Lin Chuan wants to convey in the shortest time.

As for the gods who don’t use WeChat, they don’t use WeChat. Naturally, they can’t watch the live broadcast and can’t buy goods. Such gods are of no value to him. If you don’t know, you don’t know.

And what Lin Chuan has to pay is just some Huazi.

Even if you send out tens of thousands of Huazi, how much will it cost?

Don’t forget, Linchuan has a whole building for rent collection and a mine.

As long as you can earn more merit points, everything is worth it!

As expected by Lin Chuan, the effect of this posting to Moments was really good.

After a while, when Lin Chuan clicked into the circle of friends, he already saw a whole row of the same copy, and it took a long time to finish it.

Nezha also quickly found him complaining, saying that the gods who sent him screenshots were too many, and he couldn’t count them.

Lin Chuan didn’t care how busy Nezha was. He knew that his method worked well, and he was already happy.

Lin Chuan, who had done all the preparatory work, began to rest happily, waiting for the live broadcast to start.

When Lin Chuan was asleep, the behavior of the gods in posting their circle of friends did not stop, but intensified.

Some immortals who are very fierce to draw huazi, in order to get more huazi, they are pulling people to build a group, and also let the gods they know help to like in the circle of friends.

Even some immortals who are not interested in Huazi are begging for the hunger and thirst for Huazi, and begin to post to the circle of friends and forward group chats.

Ever since, overnight, any fairy who plays WeChat knows that Cowherd is going to open a live broadcast to sell cosmetics.

After Lin Chuan woke up, he also discovered this and was very satisfied with the effect.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Niu Lang, how are you, are you ready?

I have already publicized the fact that you are going to live broadcast the goods. If you lose the chain here, you know the consequences. 】

Lin Chuan found that everything was ready and immediately contacted Cowherd.

[Cowboy: Don’t scare me, big brother, I’m timid.

I have watched all the videos you sent me, and I have some thoughts.

Would you like me to open a video chat for you now to demonstrate? 】

Niulang first complained a few words, and then confidently asked Lin Chuan to show his learning results.

[Xiaoyaoxian: Video chat is not necessary, I believe in your ability.

Get ready, we’ll get started right away. 】

When Lin Chuan heard that Cowherd wanted to chat with him on video, he naturally refused.

Just kidding, he is still in a dark house in the Heavenly Court, what if he reveals his appearance and is called by the gods to settle accounts?

No matter how important it is to earn merit points, it is not as important as his safety.

Anyway, this time I just tried the water. If the live broadcast of Cowboy is not good, I will change another person.

In fact, Cowboy is not as important as he thought.

The only problem right now is actually on the side of Taishang Laojun, because the live broadcast function of selling goods has not been done well until now.

Lin Chuan waited for a while, but found that there was still no movement, and couldn’t help looking for the old man too.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Lao Jun, can you do it? It’s still a long time to have a live streaming function.

If it doesn’t work, quickly abdicate and let the virtuous, don’t occupy the pit and don’t shit! 】

Lin Chuan, in an anxious mood, had a bad attitude.

[Tai Shang Lao Jun: What did you say? When am I going to die?

If you have the ability to come to the Palace of Dousiz, I will let you see if I can do it! 】

Where did the Taishang Laojun have seen someone send him such a message? I don’t know how much Jiazi’s accumulated cultivation has been forgotten, and let Lin Chuan go find him.

[Xiaoyao Xian: What kind of ability to bully the small, you can’t do it, this is not obvious.

If you have the ability, you should quickly complete the live streaming function, otherwise you just can’t! 】

Naturally, Lin Chuan would not be fooled, so he held on to the fact that Mr. Taishang did not make good use of the live streaming function.

Taishang Laojun was so angry, but Lin Chuan couldn’t help it.

[Tai Shang Lao Jun: Isn’t it just a broken function, I’ll get it right away! 】

In order to prove himself, Taishang Laojun got this function in an instant when he moved his mind.

In fact, a small function is not troublesome for the Supreme Master.

It’s just that Lin Chuan had spoken badly before, and Taishang Laojun wanted to take this opportunity to beat Lin Chuan.

Who knows, Lin Chuan doesn’t eat his style at all, and his attitude is even worse.

[Xiaoyao Xian: That’s right, work a little more quickly next time, don’t keep languishing. 】

Lin Chuan found that the live streaming function had come out and was very satisfied, so he strayed straight away.

[Tao Shang Lao Jun: This Xiaoyao Immortal is becoming more and more presumptuous.

Wait, am I fooled? 】

Taishang Laojun thinks about it carefully, and feels like he has fallen into Lin Chuan’s ghost.

Lin Chuan was the most anxious now. He got the function so fast, but he helped Lin Chuan.

He didn’t raise his eyebrows, but let Lin Chuan’s idea succeed. It was a blood loss!

Regardless of what Mr. Taisang thought, Lin Chuan found the Cowherd immediately after seeing that the live streaming function had been activated.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Now that everything is ready, your chance to express yourself has arrived! 】

[Ciu Lang: Brother, I am under a lot of pressure now, can you ease it? 】

[Xiaoyao Xian: Are you a big man, can you do it? 】

[Cowboy: Yes, of course I can! 】

How could a man say no, the Cowherd gritted his teeth, and his will suddenly became much stronger.

He wants to prove to the gods in the fairy world that he is a real man, not a soft rice man who only depends on his wife!

[Xiaoyao Xian: Okay, countdown to live broadcast, nineteen…]

Lin Chuan had no problem seeing Cowherd here, and immediately let Cowherd start the live broadcast.

When he called one, he directly opened the live broadcast to Niu Lang.

[Cowboy: Hello, good morning sisters, your devil is here.

What I want to recommend to you today is a complete set of cosmetics.

What are the specific effects of these cosmetics? I will give you a try now.

Everyone pay attention to my current face. After a while, this face may be completely different.

…… Have you seen it? Isn’t it totally different for me now? This is a magical cosmetic. If you want it, sisters, hurry up and buy it.

Buy it! Buy it! Buy it! 】

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