Chapter 410: The Sinister Trap of Ghosts

“You compare me to a dog?”

Lu Yanliang heard Lin Chuan’s words and was directly furious.

Don’t bring such insults. Is a dog comparable to him?

“You really don’t look down on my bald hair. When it comes to killing ghosts, it is professional!” Lin Chuan raised his brows and said.

He really didn’t insult Lu Yanliang, he was quite confident in the ability of bald hair to kill ghosts.

But if Lu Yanliang doesn’t believe it, he has nothing to do.

“Elder, compare with that dog.”

“Yeah, don’t be afraid, we all support you.”

“Let’s kill a good one!”

The immortal cultivators who followed them had already burst into laughter at this time, urging Lu Yanliang to compete with bald hair.

If in peacetime, they wouldn’t dare to tease a master Jin Dan.

However, they are no longer afraid of going to the battlefield.

Laughing at Lu Yanliang has become a way for them to relax.

And this is exactly what Lin Chuan wants to see.

“Compare, isn’t the result obvious?”

“You little rascals, all swelled up, right?”

“Since you want to compare, let’s compare together and see who killed more ghosts today!”

At this moment, Lu Yanliang indeed blamed these cultivators for this offense. He scolded them with a smile and launched a challenge.

“Well, it depends on who kills more ghosts.”

“I may not be better than spells, but better than killing ghosts, I am a professional.”

“Everyone has to cheer, it would be too embarrassing to lose to a dog.”

“How is it possible that a dog can really be better than us?”

The immortal cultivators readily accepted this challenge, all with high morale.

“The challenge belongs to the challenge. We can’t fight on our own. The end result can only be defeated by each.”

“Everyone uses the team as a unit to attack according to the previously reorganized team, and each team cooperates with each other.”

“Enough people have died before, and I don’t want anyone to sacrifice!”

Seeing their blood boiled over, Lu Yanliang immediately poured cold water on them.

“Understand!” The cultivators responded in unison.

After Lin Chuan’s repeated tossing, they have regained their sanity and will not rush because of a momentary impulse.

“Okay, let’s go, fuck Te Niang to death!”

Lu Yanliang saw that the army’s heart was available, so he couldn’t compare with it. With a big wave, he took the lead and rushed into the ghost realm.

Just when he wanted to show off his power, he found that he couldn’t even find a ghost in front of him, and he felt quite at a loss.

What about ghosts, so many ghosts?

Lu Yanliang, who did not believe in evil, continued to rush forward, and finally saw the crowds of ghosts.

But when the ghosts saw him, they didn’t frantically surround him, but fled in the opposite direction in a swarm.

At first, Lu Yanliang thought that these ghosts had some IQ, and knew that he was good, so he wanted to avoid him.

But he rushed to kill a wave and found that something was wrong.

These ghosts are avoiding him, they are clearly running for their lives, as if there is something terrible behind them.

Things that can make all these ghosts feel terrible, but Lu Yanliang became interested.

He didn’t kill ghosts anymore, spinning around, trying to find the root of the ghosts’ escape.

Soon, Lu Yanliang locked the target, which was Lin Chuan’s dog, bald!

Bald hair happily chased behind the ghosts. As soon as the unvoiced bell rang, the ghost became sluggish. It rushed up and sucked, and the ghost was sucked in by its nose.

This efficiency is comparable to a high-horsepower vacuum cleaner!

If this kind of existence can’t make the ghost panic, Lu Yanliang doesn’t know what makes the ghost so panic.

“Why is this? What kind of monster is this dog?” Lu Yanliang looked at the bald hair of the cheerful vampire, feeling that his whole person was about to split apart.

Before, he really thought that Lin Chuan said that he was entertaining him by comparing him to bald hair.

Now it seems that Lin Chuan’s self-confidence is for a reason. The efficiency of bald hair killing ghosts is really abnormal.

“Fuck, this is too abnormal!”

“Is it really just a dog? Isn’t it disguised by a beast?”

“Where is Lin Chuan sacred and how it is related to him? They are all so perverted!”

“Don’t say it, kill ghosts quickly, otherwise we don’t kill as many ghosts as a dog, and the shame will be thrown at the grandma’s house.”

Not only Lu Yanliang saw this scene, but other immortal cultivators also saw it, and they were all shocked.

Under the irritation of the bald hair, they speeded up their progress one after another, wanting to kill more ghosts as soon as possible.

By the way, those ghosts, under the threat of bald hair, all panicked, only knowing to escape, but didn’t want to fight back at all.

So the immortal cultivators who are ready to fight a tough battle can just follow behind those ghosts. Killing ghosts is as easy as cutting melons and vegetables.

Seeing this, the cultivators completely let go, unscrupulously advancing in the ghost group, destroying a large number of ghosts, and advancing at an astonishing speed.

Lin Chuan, who followed behind, had originally wanted to do something about it. Seeing that the cultivators were so efficient, he didn’t want to join in the excitement.

He followed in his spare time, observing the surroundings, and he was at ease.

But it didn’t take long for Lin Chuan to feel that something was wrong.

There are fewer and fewer immortal cultivator groups in his sight, and the front line is getting longer and longer, which is in serious conflict with the steady and steady strategy set before.

Lin Chuan immediately took out the jade slip, looked up the information, and found an important piece of information that he had missed before.

When ghosts attack on a large scale, there is a tactic that puts the weakest ghosts at the outermost periphery to contain and consume the enemy.

Once the enemy is successfully paralyzed and the enemy’s formation is broken up, the more powerful ghosts will wait for the opportunity to rush out and kill the enemy in one fell swoop.

Now in this scene, it seems like ghosts are using this tactic.

“It’s broken, we got it!” Lin Chuan saw that in a short time, the group of immortal cultivators in his sight decreased again, his face was slightly cold, and he noticed that something was wrong.

“How did you get caught? Isn’t the current situation great?” Fatty Yao who stayed beside Lin Chuan scratched his head, feeling that Lin Chuan was inexplicable.

“Do you really think ghosts are smashed, and you can kill us casually?”

“The better the situation now, the more proof that we have stepped into the trap of ghosts!”

“Listen to me, everyone took the PA notes, split up and called back the group of immortal cultivators who had dispersed!”

Lin Chuan directly pointed out how dangerous the current situation is, and then immediately assigned the task.

Fatty Yao discovered the seriousness of the matter, nodded to accept the task, and quickly ran in all directions.

“Jie Jie Jie…”

Suddenly, there was a scream in the distance, making Lin Chuan feel that his soul was about to fly out, and his face changed drastically.

Those ghosts have already begun to do it!

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