Chapter 411 Nine Heavens Dangling Demon Patriarch Possessed!

“Come back, everyone, come back soon!”

“Stop going forward, shrink the formation to prevent being broken by the enemy!”

Lin Chuan shouted while rushing towards the place where the sound was made.

The surrounding immortals reacted and immediately began to shrink their formation.

The group of immortal cultivators farther away was obviously too late to evacuate, and was being wildly hunted by monsters of unusually large bodies.

Ordinary ghosts are similar to those trapped in small mountain villages before. They only have some peculiar abilities. In fact, their combat effectiveness is not too strong.

But these huge ghosts are completely different.

They are all weird in shape, some with countless eyes distributed on their bodies, some with several skulls on their heads, and some simply with three heads and six arms.

No matter what they grow up, their unified characteristic is that they are big, very big, as if they were formed by the fusion of countless ghosts.

It is not only their bodies that are swollen, but also their strength.

Lin Chuan saw with his own eyes that a group of cultivators was about to launch an attack when it was interrupted by the howl of a giant ghost.

Then the giant ghost stretched out its slap and swept it, and then all the immortal cultivators in that group were photographed into fleshy flesh!

Such strength is not something that ordinary immortal cultivator groups can resist.

Let these giant ghosts continue to slaughter, I am afraid that their team will lose more than half of them when they just play.

“The previous ones were all ghosts and ghosts. The giant ghosts that appear now have reached the level of ghosts, and they are equivalent to masters of the Jin Dan stage!”

“Using ghost soldiers as bait to break us apart, and then dispatching ghost soldiers to destroy one by one, it’s really a good calculation!”

Lin Chuan fully understood the wishful thinking of the ghosts and gritted his teeth.

Although he had a ghost-killing prescription passed to him by Emperor Zhenwu, the time he received was too short to digest.

In addition, he had very little contact with ghosts and had no idea at all. As a result, he suffered such a big loss as soon as he came into contact.

“Don’t think that you can succeed in this way, but if you can’t calculate it, then I will just lift the table!”

Lin Chuan’s eyes bloomed with a glimmer of cold light, and he directly took out a jade pendant, which was the soul jade pendant given to him by Emperor Zhenwu.

He didn’t directly use it for himself, but called the Jin Danqi incarnation and used the Divine Soul Jade Pendant on his body.

Lin Chuan feels pretty good about Emperor Zhenwu, but after all he just met, using this kind of spirit-related things, you still have to be careful.

Moreover, the strength of the Jin Danqi incarnation is stronger, and the use of the soul jade pendant can exert the best effect.

The avatar smashed the soul jade pendant, and a golden light burst immediately, and the avatar’s eyes suddenly lit up.

“Demons and ghosts, come quickly!”

The avatar uttered a loud shout that was completely different from Lin Chuan’s voice, and then rushed directly to the giant ghosts.

At this time, Lu Yanliang and other elders had discovered something was wrong, and each took action and stopped some giant ghosts.

Even though their strength is good, they have a relationship with those ghosts at the level of ghosts.

But they are not many, there are only dozens of them.

The number of ghost generals who have participated in the war has reached hundreds!

These ghost generals are also very smart, and did not choose to chew on Lu Yanliang’s hard bones of the Golden Core period.

Instead, some ghosts will keep them in check, and other ghosts will look for the immortal cultivator group and crush them one by one into mud!

Lu Yanliang and the others saw this situation in their eyes, and they were anxious, but there was no good way.

“I was wrong this time. I should have realized that something was wrong. I was the one who harmed everyone!”

Lu Yanliang watched as a group of immortal cultivators were wiped out, and his heart was as painful as a knife cut.

Feeling powerless about this, he rushed viciously towards the ghost commander in front of him with full of grief and anger, and directly performed his tricks, tearing it into two pieces.

But he had just killed a ghost general, and two ghost generals immediately rushed towards him, not giving him any chance to rescue the immortal cultivator group.

“Could it be that we are all done like this?” Lu Yanliang turned left and right, already a little overwhelmed, and his heart became more and more desperate.

At this moment, he heard a loud shout, and a figure dressed in black and a hat on his head appeared in his line of sight and rushed directly at a ghost general.

The ghost general who was slaughtering the immortal cultivator group was about to fight back when his head was cut off by the golden sword held by that person.

The movements of his owl’s head are crisp and neat, just right, and full of artistic sense.

When Lu Yanliang saw this, he was not only stunned, but when he came back to his senses, the mysterious man was no longer where he was and ran away.

Along the way, several giant ghosts fell on the ground, their bodies turned into black smoke, and they were about to disappear.

“This…Who is he? He clearly feels that he is just a golden core immortal cultivator, but his strength is so terrifying!”

Lu Yanliang took a breath as he watched the mysterious man’s terrifying record.

The strength displayed by the mysterious man has completely exceeded his understanding.

It’s the same Golden Elixir period, why is the difference so big?

Lu Yanliang wanted to find out with the past, but unfortunately the two ghosts next to him were not decorations.

Although they were also shocked by the strength of the mysterious person who appeared suddenly, it did not mean that they would be afraid of Lu Yanliang!

Not only were they not afraid, but under the stimulation of the mysterious people, their attacks became even more brutal.

Because there was only the foundation building period, and Lin Chuan, who was not deliberately targeted by the ghost generals, was very leisurely, chasing the incarnation all the way.

After the Patriarch of the Nine Heavens Swamp Demon possessed the incarnation, he no longer knew his incarnation.

The strength displayed by the avatar now is completely incomparable with the time when he controls it.

When he controlled the avatar, he would only use a palm thunder, at most six divine fires, plus throwing talisman or something.

After being possessed by the Grandmaster of the Nine Heavens Swamp, the incarnation instantly reborn, holding a lightsaber, the gods block and kill the gods, and the Buddha blocks and kill the Buddha, the attack power is not known how many times it has been increased.

Lin Chuan chased the avatar, and after watching his several battles, a glimmer of enlightenment appeared in his heart.

This is actually like playing a game. It is obviously the same hero. Let him play as a dog, but if he is controlled by a king, he will be able to take off immediately.

And the gods in the sky, relative to him, are undoubtedly all kings.

The value of this kind of soul jade pendant is simply inestimable!

“I finally know how to find greater value in those gods.”

When Lin Chuan wanted to understand this, he immediately became excited, and had already hit other gods with his idea.

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