Chapter 409: Even a Dog Is Better Than You

The cultivators looked at the picture coming from Lu Maocai’s side, and they were all silent.

Originally in their guess, Lu Maocai, who seemed to be relatively weak, would soon be unable to resist these ghosts and fled back hastily.

Who knows, people are playing krypton gold stream!

Pieces of precious talismans were thrown out by him like they didn’t need money, harvesting the lives of those ghosts.

There are more and more ghosts, and his output is getting stronger and stronger. On average, several talismans are thrown out every second!

Under the frenzied bombardment of his talisman, the ghost realm in front of Lu Maocai was completely blank, and all the nearby ghosts and monsters were killed by him!

In this case, f*ck is outrageous.

“Fuck, who the hell is this man, isn’t it too big?”

“Such a good talisman should be used at a critical time. It is too wasteful to use it like this.”

“No wonder he doesn’t panic at all. I don’t panic with so many talismans. Killing ghosts is like killing chickens.”

“There is a saying, although it is a bit wasteful to use talisman in this way, it looks really cool.”

“It’s so cool, you should treat ghosts like this, kill them fiercely, and spare no effort to drive them back to the underworld!”

The immortal cultivators talked a lot, one by one was very excited by Lu Maocai, and screamed to rush over to fight with Lu Maocai.

The situation of the others at this time was much more embarrassing than Lu Maocai.

No matter where they go in the ghost realm, they are faced with a swarm of ghosts.

Although their strength is good, there are too many ghosts that can’t stand.

If they weren’t alert enough and didn’t get too close to the ghost realm, they would withdraw when they saw danger, they would probably be taken down by those ghosts.

Regarding the record, Ma Lingtian who killed the most ghosts among them, with a flying sword, instantly wiped out more than 20 ghosts.

But compared with Lu Maocai, it pales in comparison.

He couldn’t even count how many ghosts he had killed, so he killed them directly.

Ma Lingtian, who was relatively close to Lu Maocai’s side, naturally saw the situation on Lu Maocai’s side clearly, and couldn’t help feeling embarrassed.

Fortunately, he looked down on others before and felt that he needed his help. As a result, they directly killed all the surrounding ghosts and monsters.

Even though this was a record based on a large number of talismans, Ma Lingtian was amazed by it.

After Lu Maocai killed the ghost in front of him, he still didn’t want to finish, and he walked directly into the ghost realm.

Upon seeing this, Ma Lingtian hesitated for a moment, and followed up, allowing the immortal cultivators who were looking at the mirror to see clearly the situation in the ghost realm.

In the ghost realm, the blue sky and white clouds have completely disappeared, and no matter where you look, it seems to be smeared with a shadow.

The house that was originally good, but has been shrouded in the ghost domain for a while, has become a bit dilapidated.

The vegetation and creatures are basically extinct, as if they have come directly into the underworld.

Everyone who saw this scene couldn’t help but feel a little bit chilly.

They had only heard of the ghost domain before, and did not have a clear concept of what the ghost domain is.

Now they know that the ghost domain is a replica of the underworld.

These ghosts want to create another underworld in the world!

“These ghosts simply don’t want to leave us alive, then you go to die!”

Lu Yanliang stared at the developing mirror in front of him, his aura burst out, and he issued a death declaration to the ghost.

Judging from the attempts of ghosts, immortal cultivators, mortals, and these ghosts, obviously have reached the point of life and death.

Either the immortal cultivator killed the ghosts and monsters back to the underworld to restore peace to the world.

Either the ghost realm continues to expand, turning the world into another underworld.

And the second situation is obviously not allowed by all cultivators.

Then, they have only one choice left!

“There is news from the command center, and the action can be started.”

“All of them, heading to the ghost domain!”

Just as Lu Yanliang received the news from the command center, he immediately gathered all the immortal cultivators and hurried to the ghost domain.

“Elder Lu, this gambling fight doesn’t have to go on, right? The result is already obvious. Are you convinced?”

On the way, Lin Chuan did not forget to tease Lu Yanliang loudly.

“I am convinced. If your apprentice is willing to divide the talisman a little, I will be completely convinced.”

It is rare that Lu Yanliang was not irritated by Lin Chuan, and he was also hit by Fu Lu’s idea.

It’s no wonder, so many powerful talisman, who is not greedy.

“Elder Lu, what you think is really beautiful, we are not relatives, why should we give you Fulu?” Lin Chuan continued to tease.

“As long as I can give Fulu, I can call your father.” Lu Yanliang said bachelorfully.

As soon as he said this, Lin Chuan couldn’t be beaten.

A dignified Floating Cloud Immortal Sect law enforcement elder, is it really good to be so shameless?

“Elder Lu, don’t you lack this talisman?” Lin Chuan wondered.

“Of course I am not lacking, but others are lacking.”

“One more talisman, one more guarantee.”

“I hope that as many people will follow me, as many people will follow me back.”

Lu Yanliang quietly glanced behind him, feeling a little emotional.

In a life-and-death war between ghosts and humans, sacrifice is doomed.

What Lu Yanliang could do was to try his best to make the immortal cultivators who came with him sacrifice less.

“My apprentice is a talisman. After he comes back, I will let him draw the talisman with all his strength and provide it to everyone.”

Lin Chuan was silent for a while when he heard the words, then said in a low voice.

He didn’t even think that the cultivators could go back alive.

“He is a Talisman?”

“Master Fu, you still send it out, let him come back quickly!”

When Lu Yanliang learned of Lu Maocai’s identity, he was so angry that he wanted to hit someone.

In today’s practice world, the mainstream is to practice the exercises step by step. There are only a few practitioners, and there are even fewer talisman masters. Everyone is just like a treasure.

As a result, Lin Chuan actually sent a talisman to the front line to face the ghosts.

If Lu Mao had made some mistakes, he would have blood dripping from his heart!

Lu Yanliang’s speed suddenly increased, and he rushed in the direction of Lu Maocai frantically, trying to pull him back.

The war should let the master of talisman go away, drawing talisman is their serious business!

“Elder Lu, don’t be so serious.”

“I sent my apprentice out for ulterior motives. He can only know which talisman is more suitable for dealing with ghosts if he goes to the battlefield to experiment.”

“And the number of talisman he carries is very large, you don’t need to worry about his safety at all.”

Seeing Lu Yanliang’s emotions, Lin Chuan followed up and explained.

“Even so, you can’t let a talisman take a risk.” Lu Yanliang was relieved when he heard the words, but still insisted.

“Yes, yes, I didn’t do a good job this time, or let’s have another match.” Lin Chuan said with a smile.

“Better than, do you want to kill more ghosts with me than anyone else?”

“It’s not me. Even if you bombard with talisman like your apprentice, you can’t surpass me.”

Lu Yanliang glanced at Lin Chuan disdainfully, confident of his own strength.

“Elder Lu, don’t talk too much, maybe you can’t even match my dog.” Lin Chuan still said with a smile.

“Ling Ling Ling…” Bald Mao rushed to the ghost realm very hungryly with the crisp ringing of the unvoiced bell.

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