Chapter 343-I’m Sorry

“Enough, I just want to travel, I take everything I want to go!”

Lin Chuan shouted, finally stopping the group of Yingying and Yanyan from making strange behaviors.

The foxes didn’t care about the angry Lin Chuan. After Lin Chuan promised to take them out to play, they started to give high fives to celebrate.

“Boss, I heard…” At this moment, Xia Bin rushed over excitedly.

“Whenever you say a word’嘤’ in your mouth, I will hit you crooked!”

Lin Chuan was depressed, and Xia Bin hit the muzzle, and he pointed at Xia Bin viciously and said.

Upon hearing this, Xia Bin shrank his neck and looked at Lin Chuan blankly, wondering why he was angry.

“Do you want to travel with you too?” Lin Chuan’s tone suddenly eased a lot when he saw this.

“What kind of travel, I just joined the company, how could I think about traveling?” Xia Bin shook his head and said decisively.

“Then what are you talking about?” Lin Chuan knew that he had misunderstood him.

“I heard that a new sect is about to be established among the 100,000 mountains.”

“There are many immortal cultivators in the building, who want to join in the fun, but are afraid that the room will be taken back, so I ask you to ask.”

Xia Bin immediately told what he was going to say.

“Is the news spread so fast, there are some people here who are going to the Shiwan Dashan Mountain to join in the fun?” Lin Chuan asked in surprise.

He didn’t expect that the fact that Pu Liqi was going to establish a sect would be so widely spread that the cultivators of Deling Building knew about it, and wanted to join in the fun.

“Of course there will be. Don’t look at these immortal cultivators in our Deling Building, whose cultivation bases are generally low.”

“But they come from a wide range of sects, all the major sects, the immortal family, and the casual cultivator, all gathered here, and the speed of news spread is quite fast.”

“Furthermore, there are sects who want to establish sects. This is big news. It is normal for everyone to join in the fun. Boss, what do you think?”

Xia Bin was originally selected from among the immortal cultivators in the Deling Building, and he was very clear about the situation inside, and said with some pride.

“It seems that I underestimated the value of these cultivators before.”

“Since they want to join in the fun, let them go. The room can be reserved for them, but the rent must be paid as usual.”

When Lin Chuan heard this, he suddenly realized that he had a new understanding of these immortal cultivators in Deling Building.

As for leaving rooms for them, it was just a matter of convenience, and he naturally had no reason not to agree.

“That’s great, I thank the boss on behalf of those immortal cultivators.”

Seeing Lin Chuan’s promise, Xia Bin expressed his gratitude with joy, and went to tell the immortal cultivators the good news.

“How did Xia Bin perform after entering the company?” Lin Chuan thought thoughtfully as he watched him disappear into the elevator.

“The performance is very good. He can get along with all the immortal cultivators. If there is any contradiction, it is okay to send him to mediate.”

“Moreover, his position is very firm, and we won’t suffer a loss. After I travel with you, he will temporarily manage the company. There is no problem at all.”

Ling Xiaoxiao knew what he wanted to ask, and immediately responded.

“Well, Secretary Ling, now you have learned to make decisions for my boss.” Lin Chuan joked.

“Then what can someone do? You throw the company at someone else and you become a handyman.”

“If people don’t have more ideas, how can they manage this company?”

When Ling Xiaoxiao heard the words, she looked at him with a grimace and said.

“Ahem, speak well, I’m not going to take you on a trip, then I can relax.”

Lin Chuan was a little embarrassed, and quickly asked for help.

He threw the company to Ling Xiaoxiao, and became a hand-handling shopkeeper himself, which was indeed a bit unnatural.

But it’s really cool to be a shopkeeper, and it’s always cool!

After arranging the company’s affairs, Lin Chuan took Ling Xiaoxiao and a few foxes and went home together.

When the family saw Lin Chuan taking them back, they were not surprised, but they didn’t have any special feelings.

But bald hair can be very happy.

Because Yao Mengxue, the “mother-in-law” was staring, she didn’t dare to look for the little demon these days.

If it hadn’t had a downwind ear, and could hear the voice of the little demon from time to time, I’m afraid it would be crazy about the little demon.

Well, the foxes are going to travel with Linchuan, then it and the little demon can naturally appear in the same team.

Even if Yao Mengxue was in the way, he was satisfied if he could look at the little demon a few more times.

As an infatuated dog, bald hair can be said to be very competent.

After everyone had packed their things, the car sent by the Qian family arrived. They hurried to the airport by car and boarded the private plane of the Qian family.

This private jet of the Qian family has been basically used by Lin Chuan recently, but Qian Shichang himself hasn’t used it many times, which makes Lin Chuan a little embarrassed.

Qian Shichang felt that it was nothing, and even felt ashamed that it was not enough for Lin Chuan.

After the plane landed, they drove a long way before reaching the location of Pu Liqi and Lin Chuanfa.

Although all the cars were picked up and sent off by car, the boats and cars were tired, and everyone was a little tired.

After meeting with Pu Liqi, they didn’t say much to each other, so Lin Chuan asked Pu Liqi to take them to where they lived.

Pu Li Qi Na knew that the Linchuan area had brought so many people, and there was not enough space to prepare.

Fortunately, he was going to build a sect, he was already doing a lot of construction work, and the building materials were all ready-made.

After more than a dozen of his apprentices rushed to work, several more rooms were quickly created.

That’s right, Pu Liqi recruited a few more apprentices during this time.

Speaking of the source of these apprentices, there is still a story.

Among the hundreds of thousands of mountains, a sect elder chose to travel around the world when his life span was approaching. When passing by a place, he found several good seedlings.

So he stayed, taught them carefully, helped them embark on the path of cultivating immortals, and pointed them to the 100,000 mountains to find sects and apprentices.

As a result, when several teenagers came to apprehend their teachers, they ran right in front of Pu Liqi.

How could Pu Liqi be polite, he naturally smiled and put them all under his sect.

“Sect Master Pu, you will pick a place.”

“The mountains and rivers are beautiful, the aura is abundant, and it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is really an excellent Zongmen residence.”

After Lin Chuan entered the Zongmen address selected by Pu Liqi, he looked carefully and couldn’t help sighing.

The Zongmen address chosen by Pu Liqi is a very large cave.

Outside the cave is a river, and inside the cave is a thick mountain wall. If the guardian formation is well arranged and the terrain is fully utilized, it is definitely a treasure.

“It’s really good. After I came here, I caught it at a glance.”

“Speaking of which, I have to thank your cousin.”

Pu Liqi was also very satisfied with this place, and his face was full of smiles.

“My cousin, where is he now?” Lin Chuan thought of that cousin, his eyes narrowed slightly.

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