Chapter 342

“Red Boy is still young, so he realized the dangers of society earlier, and it was a gift to him.”

Lin Chuan was a little embarrassed thinking about the old eight’s secret small hamburger, so he could only comfort himself in this way.

“Brother, what are you muttering?” Lin Juan muttered curiously when he saw him.

“Nothing. Since it’s the broken tripod, let’s take a look.”

Naturally, Lin Chuan wouldn’t talk about his embarrassment, and turned around and walked to the courtyard where the broken tripod was placed.

After entering the yard, he understood why Lin Juan had such a guess.

The flowers and plants in the entire yard are like hormones. They haven’t seen them in just a few days, and they have grown a lot longer than before.

The flowers and plants planted in the broken tripod are the most obvious. It was originally just a small tree planted in the Great Lake of Lin Dahu, but now it has become extremely luxuriant.

The wild flowers inside are even more beautiful and beautiful.

“There seems to be something in this broken tripod, Brother Chuan, your three uncles and three aunts are still quite discerning.”

Fatty Yao hasn’t been to this yard for a few days. After discovering the changes in the yard, he couldn’t help but ridicule.

“If you are in a panic, eat more and don’t wander around here!”

When Lin Chuan heard this, his teeth were itchy and he didn’t have a good airway.

Yuan Cuihua is a strange flower, he feels sick when he thinks about it. Fatty Yao really doesn’t open the pot or pick it up.

If this broken tripod was really taken away by Yuan Cuihua, then she would have picked up a big deal.

After speaking, he ignored Fatty Yao and carefully observed the broken tripod in front of him.

After turning into a pot for growing flowers and plants, Po Ding looked even more dilapidated.

Lin Chuan used his divine sense to check back and forth several times, but he still didn’t find any abnormalities. It seemed to be an ordinary tripod.

But the more this happened, the more Lin Chuan felt that this broken tripod was extraordinary.

If this broken tripod is really ordinary, how to explain this yard full of flowers and plants?

“I still haven’t found any doorway, just let it go, maybe it will change by itself sometime.”

“Since it likes to promote the growth of flowers and plants so much, then move it over. If it grows well, it will turn into exotic flowers and weeds, it will be worth a lot of money.”

Lin Chuan, who hadn’t seen the reputation, simply gave up, just thinking about the use of waste, and using the broken tripod to cultivate more exotic flowers and weeds.

Although he has no shortage of money for selling exotic flowers and weeds, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, and it can’t be wasted.

When Lin Chuan and the others were moving flowers and plants to the yard, they received a call from Pu Liqi.

“Isn’t there a few days before you started the school, why did you start urging? Sect Master Pu, you don’t seem to be calm.”

Lin Chuan joked after answering the phone.

“You can tell the master, I am really not calm now, I can even say that I am very anxious.”

“I can’t sleep when I think of so many sects and work together to prevent me from starting a sect.”

“Master, if you are not too busy, please come here as soon as possible.”

“There are a lot of famous mountains and rivers here. It’s a worthwhile trip to come and travel in advance.”

In front of Lin Chuan, Pu Liqi had nothing to pretend, and directly admitted his anxiety at this time, and he urgently needed Lin Chuan to go to the scene.

“Traveling in the past?”

“That’s a good idea. It just happens that I haven’t been out shopping for a long time, so I’ll just pack up and go.”

Lin Chuan heard this and felt that the idea of ​​letting him travel in the past was more appetizing for him, and he readily agreed.

“Great, the old servant is here, waiting for the master to come!” Pu Li Qi saw Lin Chuan agree, and the stone in his heart immediately fell to the ground, and he was very pleased.

Lin Chuan hung up the phone and saw that he was surrounded by others.

“What’s the matter, have you finished moving the flowers and plants?” Lin Chuan was puzzled by the scene.

“Brother, I just heard you say, are you going to travel?” Lin Juan stared at him and asked.

“I heard it too. He just wants to travel, and he won’t take us.” Fatty Yao said in help.

“Uncle eats alone, so ashamed!” Xinxin also followed up.

“No, I have business to do in the past, travel and other things are just incidental!” Lin Chuan was full of black lines.

Isn’t it just a few days in advance and take a trip by the way? As for accusing him like that?

“Take a trip by the way, it’s also a trip!”

“If you don’t take us on a trip, it’s not righteous.”

“It’s in vain that I do laundry and cook for you every day, and I don’t want to take me when I travel. It’s too unconscionable.”

Lin Juan didn’t accept his explanation, her face was full of grievances, and she almost cried out.

“It’s alright, sister, your acting skills are too fake, so please stop acting.”

“I really have business going there. I may not have the time to take care of you. If I want to travel, I’ll talk about it next time.”

Naturally, Lin Chuan would not be confused by her clumsy acting skills, but he still couldn’t laugh or cry, very helpless.

“Hey, hey, just take me with you. I’m such a big person, and I don’t need you to take care of it.”

Lin Juan didn’t let go when he saw him, she even pulled his arm to coquettishly.

“Hey, brother Chuan, I want to go, too.” Fatty Yao also followed suit and acted like a coquettish.

“Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, uncle, I want to go too.”

“Hey, hey, it’s been a long time since I went out to play.”

Xinxin and Cici, the two little guys who like to join in the fun, are naturally unwilling to be left behind, and started to act like a baby by holding his legs.

Lin Chuan felt his whole body numb when he heard a “buzz buzz”.

Where did these people learn from? Why did one or two of them become strange?

“Well, well, if you are willing to go, then follow along.”

“But say it in advance, I may really not have time to take care of you then, you can only entertain yourself.”

He didn’t want to hear the groaning voice anymore, so he directly agreed.

Anyway, it was just a few more people, and Pu Liqi should still be able to receive him.

“Okay!” Lin Juan and the others cheered when Lin Chuan agreed.

Lin Chuan shook his head, ignored them, and drove to the Deling Building.

He still doesn’t know when he will be back, so naturally he has to come over and explain.

After Lin Chuan entered the Deling Building, he found that the atmosphere in the Deling Building seemed to have improved a lot.

I don’t know if it was the immortal cultivators he recruited that had the effect, or was stimulated by his incarnation of the tribulation and promotion period.

“Ling Xiaoxiao, I have something to tell you…”

“Boss, I know, you are going to travel, right?”

“Pity me, the little secretary, who is so busy and has no chance to rest.”

“Boss, you can also bring your cute little secretary, eh.”

Just as Lin Chuan was about to say something, Ling Xiaoxiao interrupted him and acted like a coquettish at him.

“Hey hey, I want to go out to play too.”

“Human cities have stayed for a long time. It’s really meaningless. Take us with you too, eh.”



The vixens also ran over, wanting him to take the tour.

All the members turned into a grotesque, making Lin Chuan tremble all over.

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