Chapter 344 My cousin tears down

“He should be cultivating in his cave mansion now.”

“After being taken care of by me last time, he was probably irritated. Master, do you need me to call him for you?”

When Pu Liqi heard Lin Chuan ask about Lin Jun, a playful smile appeared on his face.

Lin Jun was full of rhetoric, and after a little lesson, he cried and robbed the ground. The lesson was actually quite interesting.

Moreover, Lin Jun happened to be someone Lin Chuan hated, so he could be regarded as a meritorious service in front of Lin Chuan.

“He is so obedient, can he be there on call?” Lin Chuan raised his brows and asked.

“That’s natural. I have his handle in my hand now. If he doesn’t want to lose his reputation, then he has to be obedient.”

Pu Liqi was full of confidence.

These days, if Lin Jun asked him to do it, he just didn’t want to be too obedient. Pu Liqi still used it very smoothly.

“Then call him over, I haven’t seen my dear cousin for a long time.” Lin Chuan smiled faintly and nodded.

One of his purposes here is to see Lin Jun.

Pu Li Qi heard this and contacted Lin Jun without saying a word.

Sure enough, as he said, as soon as he called, Lin Jun answered in seconds, his attitude was a sloppy attitude.

Knowing that Pu Liqi let him go, he immediately agreed.

It took a lot of time for Lin Jun to come, and Lin Chuan began to wander around again.

This one hundred thousand mountains is indeed a good place for tourism. There are many strange mountains and rocks, and you can enjoy the scenery of nature.

Lin Chuan couldn’t wait and wanted to go to the surrounding mountains.

As he wandered around, Pu Li Qi Yibu followed him.

Lin Chuan didn’t care at first, but later realized that Pu Liqi seemed to have something to say to him.

“If you have something to say, just say it, don’t hesitate.” Lin Chuan stopped, staring at Pu Liqi and said.

“The old servant wanted to ask, Master, when will the helper you mentioned come over?”

“The day to start a school is coming soon. If you miss the time, it will be terrible.”

Pu Li Qi heard this and said with some embarrassment.

In fact, he has always wanted to ask this question after arriving from Lin Chuan.

The success of the founding sect depends on whether there are enough masters on his side.

Before Puli Qi Neng was so stable, it was entirely because Lin Chuan said he could bring Jindanqi masters to help out.

As a result, Lin Chuan came over with a large group of people, but none of them were immortal cultivators of the Golden Core Stage. This made Pu Liqi’s heart suddenly start to panic.

Founding a school, but his biggest wish in this life is not tolerant of any mistakes.

But Lin Chuan is his master, he is not easy to say anything, he can only follow Lin Chuan like this, and wait for him to take the initiative to ask, then dare to ask about the situation euphemistically.

“Are you afraid that the master of the Golden Core Stage will not be able to make it?” Lin Chuan heard what he meant and looked at him playfully.

“The master laughed, the old servant does have this worry, please tell the master where the master is.”

Pu Liqi, who was seen through his mind, didn’t pretend, and asked directly.

“Don’t worry, I can assure you that before the start of the fight, the master will definitely arrive and will never miss the time.”

Lin Chuan said bluntly.

“Then thank you Master.” Pu Li Qi heard this, still a little flustered, but didn’t dare to ask any more.

He is actually very curious. Why can Lin Chuan be sure that the master will arrive on time, and there will be no accidents on the road?

Lin Chuan didn’t explain anything when he saw the hesitation on his face.

The master Pu Liqi wanted to see was in his dantian.

Where Lin Chuan is, where the master is, how could there be an accident.

However, the existence of the incarnation is a big secret to Lin Chuan, so it is naturally difficult to explain to Pu Liqi, so let him be nervous for a while.

“My lord, where are you, the villain has already come.” After Lin Chuan strolled for a while, he heard Lin Jun’s voice coming from a distance.

It seemed that Lin Jun was really taught by Pu Liqi, he was humble in his words.

“My dear cousin, it seems that he has already come, let’s go and take a look.” Lin Chuan smiled faintly, and walked to the direction of the sound source.

Soon, Lin Jun appeared in his line of sight, and there was a nice woman next to him.

Lin Chuan saw Lin Jun, and Lin Jun naturally saw him, his original flattering expression froze instantly.

He never expected that he would go to the Shiwan Dashan Mountain to apprentice and learn art, and he would still encounter Lin Chuan.

“Oops, didn’t he hear what I said just now?”

“What is the relationship between him and Pu Liqi, why are they walking together?”

Suddenly, several thoughts flashed through Lin Jun’s mind, and his expression changed, and his mood became very bad.

He had already initially figured out Pu Liqi’s temper, and even obtained a little benefit from Pu Liqi by selling the location of the treasure here.

This time he brought Senior Sister Yun over, in fact, he wanted to show off his personal connections.

It was normal to be flattering in front of a powerful boss, but when Lin Chuan saw it, he couldn’t accept it.

The last person Lin Jun wants to show weakness in his life is Lin Chuan.

Lin Jun felt uncomfortable when he thought that Lin Chuan might underestimate him because of his flattery just now.

“My dear cousin, don’t be unharmed.” Lin Chuan said with a smile as he watched Lin Jun’s face become more and more ugly.

“Tang…cousin, long time no see, did you come to see me? I’m so touched!”

Seeing that Lin Chuan’s attitude seemed to be pretty good, Lin Jun breathed a sigh of relief and immediately pretended to be deeply moved and said.

I have to say that Lin Jun’s acting skills are still good, and his eyes are red when he says red, which seems to be really touched.



The two got closer and closer, calling each other loudly.

Pu Liqi looked at the scene of his brother and friend in front of him, feeling very strange.

People who don’t know think how good the relationship between these two cousins ​​is.

On the face of it, they are the cousin who sees the cousin, and their eyes are streaming with tears.

In fact, in the hearts of these two people, they must both want to shoot each other in the back.

“Brother, is this your cousin?”

“I didn’t expect you to have such a good relationship with your cousin. I was touched when I looked at it. Junior Brother, you are really a person with rich feelings.”

The Senior Sister Yun who followed Lin Jun didn’t see the true situation of the two of them, and she praised Lin Jun with this.

“Yes, this is my cousin Lin Chuan.”

“Cousin, let me introduce to you, this is my senior sister, who will soon become my Taoist companion!”

Lin Jun heard Senior Sister Yun’s voice, his eyes lit up instantly, and he took her to Lin Chuan and said.

Lin Chuan looked at the red-faced Lin Jun, and he didn’t know what to do.

How can it be so good that you suddenly become proud of it?

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