Chapter 311 Deling Building is Recruiting Workers

After the family had a meal with Hemeidi, Lin Chuan and Fatty Yao didn’t fix any more moths.

After eating, Lin Juan packed up the dishes and washed them. Fatty Yao eagerly asked to help him, but he was driven away by Lin Chuan, and he moved in by himself.

“Sister, do you really want to be nice to Fatty Yao?” Lin Chuan couldn’t help but ask after washing the bowl for a while.

Lin Juan and Fatty Yao’s progress was so fast that he still couldn’t accept it.

“Of course, you don’t know what it means to eat this meal today?” Lin Juan nodded naturally.

Of course Lin Chuan knows that Lin Juan cooks in person, just to officially tell her family that she and Fatty Yao are together.

“I know what it means, but I think it’s too fast, you don’t have to agree so easily.” Lin Chuan was still a little puzzled.

“Are you watching too many idol dramas, do you have to toss about it several times before being together?”

“Fatty Yao likes me, and I think he’s good, so it’s okay.”

“Speaking of it, I didn’t spend a short time with him, it’s not a flash love.”

Lin Juan couldn’t help but give him a blank look.

Seeing that Lin Juan was so serious, Lin Chuan finally accepted this fact in his heart.

There is nothing wrong with what Lin Juan said. Two people looked at each other and it was natural to be together.

Based on Lin Juan’s experience, if there is really a vigorous love, she will look down on it instead.

simple is the best!

Lin Chuan didn’t say anything, wishing them happiness silently in his heart, and then went straight away.

“Hey, brat, the bowl hasn’t been washed yet!” Lin Juan was a little dumbfounded, chasing behind him and wanted to stop him.

As a result, Lin Chuan ran faster and faster, hiding directly under the vines to enjoy the cool.

I’ve finished asking all the questions I want to ask, and I want him to work, it’s impossible.

If all the work is left to him, what does Lin Juan want her boyfriend to do?

After resting under the vines for a while, Lin Chuan saw Ling Xiaoxiao walking over with a document.

“You really came.” Lin Chuan said.

“Do you know everything?” Ling Xiaoxiao asked in surprise.

“Of course, I don’t know anything about it.” Lin Chuan raised his head proudly, assuming everything is under control.

“That’s great, sign it quickly.” Ling Xiaoxiao handed over the document.

“What to sign?” Lin Chuan was a little dumbfounded.

“Of course it’s recruitment. How can I post the recruitment notice if you don’t sign it?” Ling Xiaoxiao tilted her head cutely and looked confused.

Lin Chuan clearly said before that he knew all about it, but why did it suddenly change?

“Recruitment notice?”

“I thought you came here because you knew Fatty Yao was with my sister, and you want to join in the fun.”

Lin Chuan came to understand that both of them had misunderstood each other. The conversation just now was obviously that the lips of the donkey were not right and the lips were not right.

“What, Fatty Yao and Sister Juanjuan are together?”

“When did it happen? Why don’t I know?”

Upon hearing this, Ling Xiaoxiao instantly turned on the melon-eating mode, and asked excitedly.

“Just a few days ago…” Lin Chuan just had something to say, so he explained all the causes and consequences of the matter.

“In this way, Fatty Yao and Sister Juanjuan are really in love.”

“There are so many stories in the middle. I’ve been so busy lately that I have missed too many!”

Ling Xiaoxiao ate a whole melon, and was contented and depressed.

“Is the Deling Building so busy?”

“By the way, what’s the matter with recruitment?”

As the owner of the Deling Building, Lin Chuan finally cared about the situation on the Deling Building.

“The Deling Building is not that busy. The cultivators are busy cultivating, but there are no moths. I can handle some minor problems.”

“It’s mainly to manage the company. Someone directly poached an entire team away!”

“I didn’t even notice it, until everyone didn’t come to work and read the news and found that they were in another office building.”

“Sorry boss, this is all my negligence.”

When Ling Xiaoxiao talked about the Deling Building, his expression dimmed suddenly, and his face was full of apologies.

“It changed me, I couldn’t think of it.”

“What do the people who dig them think, how can they dig the entire team?”

Lin Chuan found it incredible after hearing what Ling Xiaoxiao said. Is anyone else doing this?

“Later I learned about it, mainly because the boss thought that the current state of the Deling Building was all made by the people who manage the company.”

“The employees of our company, because they take turns to work, are very anxious. They are afraid that we will fire them, so they want to find their next home in advance.”

“As a result, after contacting the two sides, it hit it off and the whole team went there.”

Ling Xiaoxiao was a little bit dumbfounded when she talked about this.

“This is just right, we don’t need to think about how to arrange their problems properly.”

“The recruitment plan you mentioned should have been mentioned before. It is about hiring immortal cultivators as employees.”

Lin Chuan couldn’t help but laughed, feeling that the impermanence of the world made sense.

In fact, the ordinary people who manage the company, he is worried about how to deal with it, because ordinary people obviously can’t meet the needs of the Deling Building at this time.

It turned out not to be bad. These people have already been targeted, and they have all been poached away, which will save them trouble directly.

Lin Chuan wanted to send a pennant to thank the man who came to dig people.

In this way, the recruitment of immortal cultivators as employees should also be on the agenda.

“Yes, this time I just want to recruit immortals and reorganize the management team.”

“It’s just how to recruit. I’m really unsure. I can only come to the boss for you.”

Ling Xiaoxiao nodded immediately, thinking that Lin Chuan’s thoughts were so consistent with her, she couldn’t help feeling a little sweet.

Just thinking about recruitment, she started to have a headache again.

The problem of recruiting immortal cultivators is still the same as she and Lin Chuan discussed before, whether immortal cultivators obey management is a big problem.

If a cultivator starts something, his destructive power can be many times greater than ordinary people don’t know.

Moreover, it is not certain whether immortal cultivators can be recruited.

The immortal cultivators are all arrogant and arrogant, maybe they are affectionate.

“I’ve thought about this, but it’s actually easy to solve.”

“Well, let me write the recruitment notice. You can print out a few more copies and paste the whole building.”

Lin Chuan thought for a while, and got an idea in his mind.

Then he wrote a recruitment notice directly on the document that Ling Xiaoxiao handed over.

“Is this really possible?” Ling Xiaoxiao hesitated looking at the recruitment notice that Lin Chuan had finished.

“Try to see if you don’t see it, you can change it if it doesn’t work.” Lin Chuan said coolly.

“Okay.” Ling Xiaoxiao nodded, feeling that Lin Chuan’s statement was fine.

Her action efficiency was very fast, and she quickly printed out a bunch of recruitment notices, which covered every floor of the Deling Building.

It didn’t take long for all the cultivators in the Deling Building to see a very eye-catching line, Deling Building is hiring!

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