Chapter 312

The immortal cultivators who can see this recruitment notice basically just finished their cultivation and want to relax.

So when they see the eye-catching recruitment notice, whether they have ideas or not, they are still willing to take a look and pass the time.

They leaned over and took a look, and they felt that the whole person was not good.

I saw that it was filled with recruitment requirements, such as good facial features, a calm personality, a cultivation base no less than eighth level of Qi training, and the need to accept long hours of overtime work.

As for wages, there are only two words-face-to-face interviews.

These immortals have never seen such a wayward recruitment notice.

“What do you think, what exactly does Ling Xiaoxiao want to do?” a cultivator pointed to the recruitment notice posted on the wall and said.

“I guess she is either crazy or floating.”

“Recruiting immortals as employees, and even so many requirements, without mentioning the treatment, certainly no one will go.”

“I think we were too polite to her, making her think that we are all very talkative, and she will go to work for her as an employee.”

The immortal cultivators beside each expressed their opinions, and basically sneered at this recruitment notice.

These days, they have not had much contact with Ling Xiaoxiao, but they have never seen Lin Chuan at all.

So they all thought that this recruitment notice was written by Ling Xiaoxiao.

“You didn’t even want to try it. Maybe the treatment is good. Even if you don’t help, you can be colleagues with beautiful women.”

The immortal cultivator who spoke first said again.

“If you don’t go, you won’t go no matter how good the treatment is!”

“If you apply for a job in that company, you won’t become a part-time worker. At any rate, we are immortal cultivators. It is impossible to work part-time. It is impossible to work part-time in this life!”

A cultivator immediately responded.

The other cultivators nodded one after another, all thinking with him.

Even though the world of cultivation is now a little lonelier than before, people who can become immortal cultivators have a very high spirit.

It is one thing to obey the arrangement of the sect, but it is another thing to really work for others.

Even if some aristocratic families recruited a few immortal cultivators, they were also worshipped and held up by others.

Those who are serious cultivators, who would be willing to apply for employment as wage earners in the company.

“Chen Luoyu, don’t you have a good impression of Ling Xiaoxiao, why don’t you try to apply for it?”

A cultivator teased the cultivator who spoke first.

“Try it, try it, anyway, just break through the realm, you can go and see if you have nothing to do.”

The man named Chen Luoyu was really moved.

“Hahaha, your kid is really a lover.”

“Just go and have fun, don’t really join the job, it will be a joke if it spreads out.”

“Don’t worry, Luo Yu is not a fool, so how could he really go in to work.”

When other immortal cultivators heard the words, they laughed and teased him, but they didn’t take it seriously.

Chen Luoyu smiled, then took the elevator straight to the top floor.

At this time, Lin Chuan was waiting on the top floor. He came here to interview those immortal cultivators who came to apply for the job.

As a result, he waited left and right, but didn’t wait for someone to come, but was entangled by those fox spirits.

“Auntie, just let me go, okay?”

“If you want to go shopping in the mall, then go chant, why do you have to bring me?”

Lin Chuan looked at the group of Yingying and Yanyan in front of him, their heads big.

These foxes, one by one, are really pleasing to the eye, but they chatted a lot around him.

This made Lin Chuan feel surrounded by thousands of ducks, all kinds of squawking, and people almost collapsed.

“It’s not that we haven’t been there. Every time we go there is a sensation. How can we shop.”

“You don’t know, the feeling of being surrounded by three floors inside and outside three floors, there is no shopping experience at all.”

“The charm is too big, we really can’t help it.”

Lin Chuan said a word, and the fox spirits immediately replied more than ten sentences.

“Aren’t you good at phantom art, make yourself a little ugly, don’t you just say that everything is gone?” Lin Chuan felt that this was not a problem.

“How can you make yourself ugly?”

“If it really becomes ugly, I dare not go out.”

“People rely on this face to eat now, you actually make people ugly, so annoying.”

The vixen became even more unhappy when they heard this idea.

Lin Chuan was speechless when he heard this.

I don’t want to be ugly to reduce my attractiveness to others, go out beautifully dressed, and I suspect that people pay attention to them.

Are women so contradictory?

“Then I will accompany you, and I can’t solve the problem.” Lin Chuan said helplessly.

“They actually know that the store manager knows you very well, and they want to take you over to brush your face after the store closes, so they don’t have to spend money.”

Standing next to Ling Xiaoxiao, seeing that Lin Chuan was about to collapse, smiled and exposed the thoughts of the foxes.

“Xiaoxiao, you betray us!” The foxes were immediately anxious, and rushed forward to scratch Ling Xiaoxiao, causing her to tremble.

“You guys are really enough. You have made so much money on live broadcast, and you want to squeeze my wool!” Lin Chuan said speechlessly, who knew the real thoughts of the vixen.

“What we earn is all hard money, okay? Of course, if we can save it, we will save it.” Yao Mengxue said confidently.

At this time, the elevator door opened, and everyone looked over.

Chen Luoyu walked out and saw the battle, his eyes were a little dizzy.

He heard that there are many beauties on the top floor, and now he sees it and realizes that the rumors are true. It is simply a paradise for men!

When he noticed Lin Chuan surrounded by a group of foxes, his eyes protruded.

Who is this person and how can He De be surrounded by so many little fairies?

“Who are you?” Yao Mengxue frowned when she saw Chen Luoyu standing still.

Among the immortal cultivators, there are also old-fashioned critics.

These days, Yao Mengxue has encountered many immortal cultivators who are looking for excuses to come to see beautiful women. Chen Luoyu seems to be a person with this purpose.

“That…I saw the recruitment notice and came to apply.” Chen Luoyu was stared at by so many beauties, and his mood was so nervous that he couldn’t speak well.

“Applicant?” Everyone was taken aback at first, and then some surprises.

After waiting so long, I finally came to an applicant, but it was not easy.

“Then you come and sit down quickly, don’t stand.”

“What do you want to drink, sister go and pour it for you.”

“You’re still a handsome guy, I don’t think you can interview anymore, just enter the job.”

The fox spirits all gathered around at once, and dragged Chen Luoyu to sit down opposite Lin Chuan. That was a diligent one.

They wouldn’t have been so diligent in the first place.

It’s just that they still want to go shopping for free in the mall, and they know that Lin Chuan attaches great importance to this recruitment, of course, they must show their enthusiasm.

“That… can I go now?” Their enthusiasm frightened Chen Luoyu, their eyes kept glancing in the direction of the elevator.

“No!” the foxes said in unison.

“Papa…” Chen Luoyu collapsed in position, looking desperate.

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