Chapter 310 Dog, You Are Floating

[Xiaoyao Xian: Niang Niang, Xiao Xian is stupid, if you have any instructions, please indicate clearly.

Maybe, mother, you want me to penetrate into the enemy’s interior, inquire about the news, and cause sabotage? 】

Lin Chuan racked his brains and thought and thought before he thought of such a possibility.

Based on the relationship between Tian Ting and Xi Tian, ​​it is reasonable to send a traitor to make the Yin scumbag a stumbling block.

The Queen Mother and the Jade Emperor looked at him, but they couldn’t laugh or cry.

[The Queen Mother: Where did you learn these conspiracies?

Heavenly Court and Xitian are a bit unpleasant, so everything is on the bright side, do these things need to be done?

I asked you to help Xitian, that is, I asked you to help. You must do your best to make this event as exciting as possible! 】

The Queen Mother emphasized her intention again.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Xiao Xian understands, she will definitely go all out! 】

Seeing that the Queen Mother really wanted him to help Xitian with activities, Lin Chuan could only respond in confusion.

He really didn’t understand why the Queen Mother wanted him to do such a behavior that was obviously an enemy.

Could it be that Tianting and Xitian suddenly reconciled, it’s impossible!

[Xiaoyao Xian: Holy monk, do you know that your majesty has agreed to participate in the event.

And your Majesty asked me to do my best to help you, and I must do this activity well. 】

He felt very strange, so he could only find Xuanzang to listen to the situation.

[Xuan Zang: Amitabha, your majesty deserves to be your majesty, he is truly extraordinary.

Donor, you have worked hard too, so persuading your Majesty so quickly, there must be quite a lot of difficulties. 】

Lin Chuan was dumbfounded again when he saw Xuanzang’s response.

Looking at Xuanzang’s tone, he didn’t even know the change in the attitude of the Jade Emperor.

So the question is, what are they thinking?

Lin Chuan, who really couldn’t figure it out, was not in the mood to ask Xuanzang for credit. He stayed in his room and meditated on the details of the football game at night.

Before, it was only Xitian who was pressing him on one side, but now it’s alright, the Jade Emperor also asked him to do this activity well.

What else can Lin Chuan do? Of course, bite the bullet and do it!

He shut himself in the room, checked the rules of various football matches day and night, and watched various football videos.

During the period, I kept contacting the gods, asking for some details, and repeatedly scrutinizing the overall plan, trying to be foolproof.

He didn’t retreat from that state of excitement until there was a knock at the door.

“Chuan’er, you rarely practice in retreat, I shouldn’t have bothered you.”

“But you don’t even want to skip meals. Your sister made a table of delicious food for you. Come out and eat.”

Lin Chuan couldn’t help laughing as he heard Gao Ping’s voice outside the door.

Gao Ping thought he was practicing in retreat, but he had never practiced before, let alone retreating.

However, Lin Chuan would still be concerned about the progress of his cultivation. At this time, a large lake had formed in his dantian, which showed that Xuan Tian Zhen understood the speed of self-cultivation.

It’s just that in the past few days, the lake in the dantian doesn’t seem to expand anymore, and it feels a little bloated.

This made Lin Chuan scratch his head a bit, not knowing what was going on.

Could it be that Xuantian Zhenjie was lazy?

This can’t work!

Lin Chuan didn’t care much about cultivation level before, but now he still cares a lot.

This was all because of the last time he went to Annan, he saw the terrifying power of the immortal cultivator in the Nascent Soul Stage.

It is true that Lin Chuan has come up with various magical pills in an endless stream, but after all, it is an external force, and cultivation is the foundation!

Of course, thoughts belong to thoughts. It is really impossible for him to sit there and practice honestly.

Let Xuantian really understand him!

“Come on, mom.” Lin Chuan retracted his thoughts, got up and opened the door, and went to the restaurant with Gao Ping.

“By the way, what day is today, my sister actually cooks by herself, this is too rare.”

On the way, Lin Chuan asked with interest.

Lin Juan knows how to cook, but when Gao Ping is there, she doesn’t bother to cook.

Naturally, Lin Chuan was a little surprised to cook by himself this time.

“You’ll know when you arrive.” Gao Ping replied with a somewhat unnatural expression.

Lin Chuan became more curious when he saw this.

When he walked into the restaurant, he immediately understood.

In the restaurant, Fatty Yao and Lin Juan are sitting together, feeding each other food, the state is called intimate.

This is too obvious, Lin Chuan can’t even figure it out!

“I said how my elder sister cooks by herself, it turns out that something good happened.”

“Under what circumstances, did you progress so fast?”

Lin Chuan walked over and said.

He obviously just stayed in retreat for a little while, how did he feel like the world turned upside down.

Lin Chuan knew that Fatty Yao liked Lin Juan, but Lin Juan was too quick to agree!

“There is no progress, it’s all just going with the flow.”

“At that time, I plucked up the courage to confess to Sister Juan, but Sister Juan actually had a good impression of me.”

“As soon as I confessed, she agreed. We won’t be together so naturally.”

“Chuan’er, as your brother-in-law, I have to talk about you.”

“Don’t stay in the room all day for cultivating, take a look at the colorful world outside, maybe you can also find your destined partner.”

Fatty Yao smiled and talked about his experience of confession, and then patted Lin Chuan on the shoulder in the voice of someone who came by.

Lin Chuan couldn’t help but glared at Fatty Yao, wanting to complain about him, looked at Lin Juan, who was staring at him, and swallowed the words back.

“Gouzi, are you floating?”

“Master, I came here, and I didn’t even look at me. I was not in my eyes.”

“You are so fat, and you have no ability at all, why chase the little demon?”

Depressed Lin Chuan noticed the bald hair lying in the corner gnawing on his bones, and immediately had an idea, pointing to him and said.

“Wow?” Bald Mao looked up at Lin Chuan, dumbfounded.

It didn’t provoke Lin Chuan, so why did Lin Chuanjing sprinkle salt on his wound?

The dog is very wronged!

“Enough, you, point Sang Shuhuai, this is, I can’t do it if I was wrong…”

“For Sister Juan, I will definitely work hard!”

Fatty Yao understood, who he was talking about, he said very depressed.

He thought that he would become Lin Chuan’s brother-in-law and could shake, but he was still trained.

How about it is Brother Chuan, or he has a profound way of doing things!

“Just know, don’t think that if my sister promises to be nice to you, you will drift off.”

“You have to look like a head of the family, and you can think of a way to be good to my sister and to Xinxin.”

Lin Chuan, who had regained the upper hand, put on an air of education.

“Yes Yes Yes……”

“No, I am your brother-in-law now, how do you talk?”

Fatty Yao chick nodded his head and suddenly reacted.

“You all give me a break and eat!” Lin Chuan wanted to say more, Lin Juan patted the table heavily, and the two of them stopped talking.

What is this called, one thing drops one thing!

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