Chapter 309 The correct operation of flattering the Jade Emperor

Reaping the benefits Lin Chuan must have reaped the benefits, otherwise he would not persuade the Queen Mother to agree to participate in the football match.

But how could this kind of thing be known to the Queen Mother.

You can’t say if you can do things like jumping horizontally repeatedly.

Once exposed, you can no longer play happily.

[Xiaoyaoxian: Niangniang, why Xiaoxian can’t understand what I said, I’m trying to solve your problems for Niangniang, what does it have to do with Xitian? 】

Lin Chuan can only choose to play stupidly.

[Wang Mother Empress: Really, you don’t know the relationship between Tian Ting and Xi Tian.

Are you sure this is to solve problems, not to continue to make trouble? 】

The Jade Emperor would not easily believe it, hitting the nail on the head.

“Why do you feel like the Queen Mother has changed her person, why is she so aggressive?”

Lin Chuan finally realized this when he saw this. There seemed to be something wrong with the Queen Mother.

When he chatted with the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother was very gentle, and she didn’t say anything hard at all.

As a result, her speaking style seems to have completely changed.

“Fuck, isn’t it the Jade Emperor who is giving me news back?” Lin Chuan thought about it carefully, and suddenly got a shock in his heart and understood.

The only person who can use the Queen Mother’s mobile phone is the Jade Emperor.

The Jade Emperor must be by the side of the Queen Mother, who could see clearly what he said.

And obviously, he was not satisfied with Lin Chuan’s words.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Xiao Xian has been wronged, Xiao Xian only knows the relationship between Tian Ting and Xi Tian, ​​so he told Niang Niang.

If you make this suggestion to your majesty, your majesty will definitely agree.

If your Majesty agrees, it means that Heavenly Court agrees.

Niangniang, you are different, you can only represent yourself, even if Xitian is in the limelight, it doesn’t matter.

On the contrary, if he did not participate in the event of Xitian, he would appear to be afraid of the heavens, which would damage his majesty.

Even if Xiaoxian was overwhelmed, he couldn’t let the majesty of his majesty be damaged a little bit.

But I didn’t expect that Xiaoxian could not see her sincere heart at all. 】

Lin Chuan learned that it was the Jade Emperor who was talking to him, and there was a flash of inspiration in his mind, and he thought of a way to excuse himself, that is, showing loyalty to the Jade Emperor and flattering him.

The Queen Mother might not feel anything after seeing these words.

The Jade Emperor looked at it and felt different.

People always have an illusion that what others say behind their backs is more true.

Lin Chuan could see that it was the Jade Emperor who was talking to him. The Jade Emperor didn’t know.

The Jade Emperor only knew that Lin Chuan was now sending a message to the Queen Mother, and his heart for his fist was beyond words, seeing him as Long Yan Dayue.

The doubts about Lin Chuan naturally dissipated a lot.

If Lin Chuan said these things to him face to face, it would have no effect.

“This Xiaoyao Immortal is a bit interesting.” The Jade Emperor smiled openly.

The gods in the fairy world are more reserved.

Chi Guoguo’s flattering behavior like Lin Chuan is currently the only one.

“Be happy now, and return the phone as soon as possible, otherwise people will doubt me, you have to talk to him.”

Upon seeing this, the Queen Mother smiled and took the phone back.

[The Queen Mother: It seems that I misunderstood you. I understand your intentions, but what does this have to do with solving the problems of those gods? 】

Lin Chuan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the Queen Mother regained his familiar tone.

It seems that the flattery just now worked pretty well.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Of course there is a relationship, and the relationship is very deep.

To solve the problem of indulging in creating people, the best way is to divert their attention.

And this activity of Xitian happened to be an opportunity to divert attention. 】

Lin Chuan continued to work hard, trying to persuade these two immortal elders in one fell swoop.

[Wang Mother Empress: It’s really good to divert attention, but how can you guarantee that they won’t be absent from work after they divert their attention? 】

The Queen Mother was so smart that she suddenly thought of the key issues.

She and the Jade Emperor, the root of their worries was not the problem of the gods indulging in human creation, but the problem of the gods’ absenteeism.

If the gods are still unwilling to work after their attention is transferred, then the problem is equivalent to not being solved.

Lin Chuan scratched his head when he saw this.

Football matches are very attractive, and if the gods are addicted to it, they must be unwilling to work.

“These immortals are human spirits, not easy to deceive.” Lin Chuan started to have a headache.

[Xiaoyao Xian: I asked the Buddha in Xitian to find out that the activity they are going to engage in seems to be a team-to-team rivalry, which is very fierce.

If the gods are addicted to it, it is necessary to form a team to train, find ways to improve their personal strength, and the degree of cooperation with the team.

As the so-called two evils, whichever is less, like sports, it is better than indulging in creating people anyway. 】

After thinking for a while, he thought of a point that might convince the Queen Mother.

“Improve personal strength and cooperation with the team?!” The Jade Emperor saw his words, and his eyes instantly burst into light.

“Isn’t this exactly what you need for the Jade Emperor?” The Queen Mother also saw this, and said with some surprise.

“Yes, since the separation of the immortals and the common world, the gods have become more and more lazy, a little bit like the mortal court’s gentleman and martial arts.”

“If this continues, how do we respond?”

“We must participate in this event of Xitian!”

“Now I hope that Xitian’s event can be held successfully, and it will be attractive enough to achieve the kind of effect Xiaoyaoxian said.”

The Jade Emperor nodded with deep approval, and looked into the distance without knowing what he was looking at.

“That’s right, if you can correct the atmosphere of the heavens, even if you let Xitian show off, it’s worth it.” The Queen Mother nodded in agreement.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Well, mother, what do you think of my thoughts? 】

Lin Chuan didn’t know the reaction of the two at this time, and when he saw that they hadn’t responded for a long time, he became frightened.

If this fails to convince them, Lin Chuan really can’t help it.

[The Queen Mother: Have you participated in the planning of this event? 】

The Queen Mother did not respond, but instead threw a question.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Of course not! 】

Lin Chuan thought that the Queen Mother was beginning to doubt him again, so naturally she tried her best to separate herself from this activity.

[Wang Mu Niang Niang Niang Niang Niang Niang Niang Niang Niang Niang Niang Niang Niang: Then, you must participate in it, to make this activity better, and it must achieve the effect you said! 】

Lin Chuan looked at the request of the Queen Mother and her stunned expression.

Didn’t you still doubt him just now? Why are you now asking him to participate?

The contradiction between Tian Ting and Xi Tian is so deep, let him go to help, doesn’t it mean that he is an enemy?

What are these two fairy elders going to make?

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