Chapter 286

“Shunfenger, what do you mean?”

“Wait, master, you mean I was useless before?!”

The bald hair was a little confused, and he didn’t know what Lin Chuan was talking about.

But in the second half of the sentence, it still understood.

It turns out that in Lin Chuan’s eyes, it has always been a waste!

“Don’t you have any points in your heart, you force me to say it?” Lin Chuan gave it a look directly and let it experience it for itself.

“…” Bald Mao and Lin Chuan glanced at each other, and they were suddenly depressed and slumped on the ground in a grievance.

“Have you played enough? Didn’t I say that it was the past? You are not the same as before. You are not the old dog.”

Seeing that the bald hair is like an actress, Lin Chuan just started acting as soon as she talked about it, a little speechless.

If he hadn’t discovered the new skill of bald hair, he wouldn’t bother to pay attention to it again!

“Yes, Ben Wang is no longer a waste dog, what exactly is Shunfeng Er?” Bald Mao suddenly regained his spirit.

“There is a fairy named Shunfenger, he can hear voices thousands of miles away.”

“You may be a lot worse, but that’s what it means. Maybe if you exercise it, you can do it like a wind ear.”

Lin Chuan explained briefly.

“Is Ben Wang so powerful now?” Bald Mao’s enthusiasm suddenly grew, his ears moved, wanting to hear farther.

As a result, the more it listened carefully, the more noisy it heard, almost making it faint.

“It won’t work, it won’t work. It doesn’t work like this.” Bald Mao shook his head, not daring to listen.

When carefully looking for the figure of Fatty Yao, he could hear far away at once.

But if there is no target to receive all sounds, it will not be able to hear far.

“It seems that it takes a lot of time to practice this supernatural power.”

“Don’t worry about this, you can practice slowly, Master, I am optimistic about you.”

Upon seeing this, Lin Chuan knew that Shunfeng Er was not so easy to practice, and he did not force it.

He didn’t expect it anyway, and the bald hair suddenly became a real tailwind.

“Okay, that Ben Wang is leaving first!” Bald Mao didn’t mean to worry at all, and hurriedly left.

“Where are you going, don’t you want to practice Shunfeng Ear?” Lin Chuan frowned.

“The little demon is already on the way back, if it comes back to its mother, Benwang will have no chance. How important is the little demon in the ears of the wind!”

Bald Mao responded and left in a hurry.

Lin Chuan looked at its back, his face was dark.

This guy, in order to meet the little demon, he can forget such supernatural powers as Shun Feng Er, it is really hopeless!

“It seems that I have misunderstood the Buddha again. This pill is not something harmful, but it can give people magical powers. It is definitely a good treasure.”

“However, the Tathagata Buddha and I are not relatives, why are they so good to me? Is he trying to win me over?”

Seeing that the bald hair was gone, Lin Chuan took out the bottle of medicine and thought about it.

If this pill was just an ordinary pill, Lin Chuan wouldn’t have any special feelings.

The blame is that the effect of this pill is so powerful, even in the immortal world, it must be regarded as a treasure.

As a result, such a precious pill was given to him by the Buddha directly, which is strange to prevent Lin Chuan from doubting it.

However, he didn’t think too much, only thinking that the Buddha was trying to win him, and he couldn’t help but feel refreshed.

We are the people who are vying to win the battle between the Heavenly Court and the Western Heavens. There is no need to mention the human world and the underworld. In the entire fairy world, how many people can be more prestigious than him?

After a while, Lin Chuan felt sleepy and fell into a deep sleep.

This sleep slept until noon.

Fortunately, this time Ling Xiaoxiao was with him and cooked lunch for him.

Otherwise, after Lin Chuan woke up, he was hungry and had to cook for himself, which would be too uncomfortable.

The rest of the family are still doing the practice of forgetting to sleep and eat, and they should not be able to come out in a short time.

Lu Maocai was still experimenting with drawing symbols on the wall. He heard that the house had collapsed more than a dozen times, and he was still persevering. Lin Chuan admired his perseverance a little.

At the Deling Building, the immortal cultivators still don’t stop.

But with Ling Xiaoxiao and a few foxes, those cultivators couldn’t make any moths.

The live broadcast business of the vixen is also thriving, and there is a trend of getting more and more popular.

Not to mention anything else, the name of the Yao sisters’ flowers is considered to have been beaten in the live broadcast community of Douyin.

No way, Yao Mengxue is pretty enough alone, and there are so many pretty sisters.

This alone is already full of gimmicks, attracting countless wolf friends onlookers.

Anyway, the vixen will no longer be short of money, and there is still spare money to go to the mall to buy and buy, experience the thrill of wild consumption.

After getting the practice technique, all of them suddenly disappeared, and obviously they also went into hiding to practice.

Fatty Yao is a weird guy. Lin Chuan asked him about the car accident. He hesitated and said he was going to travel, and he would be back in a few days.

With Yao Fatty’s deadly fat house character, he would actually go out for travel, which is unprecedented.

But Lin Chuan didn’t care about that much. Fatty Yao was willing to go out more, which is also a good thing.

Lin Chuan, who found everything stable, entered the leisure mode again, and lived a happy little life in Qinghuang Xiaozhu.

Being idle and boring, he even deliberately reopened the farmhouse.

“Pixiu, Pixiu, I’m Xuanbi, please answer when you receive it.”

Just when Lin Chuan had the idea of ​​reopening the farmhouse, there was a sound from the communicator.

“Pixiu received it, you and Nine Tails, you and me, why don’t you still have time to find me?” Lin Chuan teased.

“Ahem, don’t make trouble, there is still the leader.”

“The curse has been investigated, and the group has already locked the target, and is about to set out to catch the cursed head-down master.”

“I explained the situation to Bai Ze, and Bai Ze agreed to take you. There is nothing wrong with you, I’m over.”

As soon as Lin Chuan heard that the cursed head-down master had been found, he immediately became energized.

He has been thinking about that person all the time, and finally he has a chance to settle the account with him.

“No problem, I can go to meet you at any time, and Pai Yao is over.” Lin Chuan immediately responded.

Jumei told him the time and place of the meeting again, and the two people ended the dialogue.

“I have to take someone over, and I can no longer be fed dog food by the two guys Jumei and Kyuubi.”

Lin Chuan wanted to rush over directly, recalling the scene of the last mission, and felt that he could not go there by himself.

When they were on the mission last time, Jumei and Nine Tails were so frantic with dog food and food, they were almost overwhelmed by them.

They will certainly not converge on this mission.

Naturally, Lin Chuan must learn a lesson and not give them a chance to scatter dog food.

As for the method of cracking, it is to spread dog food to each other, and everyone spreads it together to see who spreads it.

The big deal, just hurt each other, anyway, it’s not him who hurts.

As for who to take to spread dog food, Lin Chuan has also decided.

That is Yue Qin’er!

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