Chapter 287 A World Where Only Single Dogs Injured

A world where only single dogs are injured

Lin Chuan chose Yue Qin’er as the person who brought the dog food.

There were not many women he could take to scatter dog food, except for Yue Qin’er and Ling Xiaoxiao, there were only a few foxes.

The foxes must first be ruled out. They are beautiful but they are beautiful, so it is easier to be exposed when so many immortal cultivators gather together.

Ling Xiaoxiao also had to rule out. After she came back, although she was no longer so proactive, Lin Chuan always felt that she still had plans for herself.

In this case, take dog food again. What if you falsify yourself and fold it in?

The only choice left is Yue Qin’er.

In addition to having no choice, there is actually another important reason, that is, Yue Qin’er is a member of the repair team.

This time, after all, it was an internal task of the repair management team, and it was difficult to explain it with someone who was not the repair management team.

If you bring Yue Qin’er, then it makes sense.

Lin Chuan still didn’t believe that the granddaughter of the repair management team leader wanted to take part in an operation, and some people dared to stop it.

After making up his mind, Lin Chuan knocked on Yue Qin’er’s door.

“Say something quickly.” After a while, Yue Qin’er opened the door and said hurriedly.

Seeing her like this, it seemed that she was afraid that Lin Chuan would delay her cultivation time for one second.

“Would you like to give you a chance to do a mission?” Lin Chuan asked directly without delay.

“If I have a task, can I also have a task?” Yue Qin’er, who was impatient just now, suddenly became interested.

As a member of the repair management team, she has heard about all kinds of mission experience since she was a child, and it is impossible to say that she is not interested.

It’s a pity that she can’t practice, and an ordinary person is not qualified to do the task, even if she is Yue Qingyang’s granddaughter.

But now, a chance for a task is in front of her!

“Of course you can, aren’t you also a cultivator now?”

“I’m telling you, you can’t practice behind closed doors, you have to go out and practice.”

“This time I just have a task. Would you like to go with me?”

Seeing that she was interested, Lin Chuan followed his advice.

“Okay, I’ll go with you!” Yue Qin’er nodded desperately.

“You can go, but you have to promise me one condition.” Lin Chuan said with a smile.

“Didn’t you invite me to go on a mission? Why did you make a request again?” Yue Qin’er was a little stunned, feeling as if he was being routine.

“Just now, now is now.”

“Just say if you want to go, you have to agree to my terms if you want to go.”

Lin Chuan blinked before he would not admit that he was a routine Yue Qin’er.

“You talk about the conditions first.” Yue Qin’er frowned lightly, a little depressed.

Even though she knew she was being tricked, she really wanted to go, and she could only recognize it.

“It’s actually very simple. You just need to pretend to be my girlfriend and sprinkle dog food in front of the teammates on the mission.”

Lin Chuan said with a light smile.

“Let me pretend to be your girlfriend and sprinkle dog food?”

“No way, no way, absolutely no way!”

Yue Qin’er refused subconsciously.

“If you think about it, don’t you really want to go out on the mission?” Lin Chuan said in his spare time when he saw this.

Yue Qin’er had been eaten to death by him, he was not afraid that Yue Qin’er would not agree.

“…Why are you doing this?” Yue Qin’er hesitated for a while, compromised in his heart, but wanted to struggle again.

“Of course it’s because of Jumei and Kyuubi. You don’t know what the virtues of them are. Those who scatter dog food are called a frenzy.”

“The people who are on this mission include them. I don’t want to be fed dog food anymore. I only have to hurt each other, from a person who eats dog food to a person who scatters dog food.”

Lin Chuan thought of the two unsympathetic guys, and couldn’t help but complain.

“It turned out to be because of this, well, I agreed.”

“But let me make it clear first, you don’t want to deliberately take advantage of me!”

When Yue Qin’er learned the reason, she couldn’t help covering her mouth and chuckling, and agreed.

She also has a deep memory of the scene of Jumei and Nine Tails sprinkling dog food wildly.

“Well, let’s hurry up.”

“You pack things first, I’ll call Bald Hair.”

Seeing her promise, Lin Chuan immediately urged her to pack her things.

“Why bring bald hair? The tasks in the group are all dangerous, not traveling.” Yue Qin’er said strangely.

In her eyes, Bald is just a lazy silly dog, and it doesn’t matter if you take it out to play, but also take it on missions, that is, an extra oil bottle.

“I bring it with me for my reasons, and it can definitely play a big role when performing tasks.”

Lin Chuan smiled mysteriously without explaining too much.

If it had been before, he would have been too lazy to be bald.

Now it’s different. Bald Mao has the magical powers and has become a useful dog.

If you don’t bring it when you leave the mission, can you let it listen to the little demon’s movements all day like a thief?

This guy Balma has the magical powers of Shunfeng ears. If he doesn’t know how to practice it, he knows to eavesdrop on what the little demon is doing, and then smirk there.

If it is allowed to go on like this, he will lose his face as a master.

Lin Chuan and Yue Qin’er rushed to the meeting point with their bald hairs full of reluctance.

At this time, many people have gathered there, and the aura fluctuations are stronger than one, and they are obviously masters in the repair management team.

“Hello, I’m Pai Yao, I would like to meet you for the first time, please take care of me.” Lin Chuan greeted him and said.

“Pixiu, you came very fast, why is the little princess Qin’er also here? Is there any special relationship between you?” Su Yu urged narrowly.

“Juoya, don’t embarrass them. If it’s related, you won’t tell us.” Nine Tails said, leaning on Suoya’s shoulder.

“Yes, unlike us, who are willing to put all the relationship in front of them. Jumei smiled and hugged Kyuubi tightly.

“Well, I hate it, people are also shy.” Jiuwei smiled.

When the people around saw it, there was a chill, and a wave of dog food was sprinkled fiercely.

“There is nothing I dare to say, Yue Qin’er is my girlfriend. I was reluctant to be separated from her for a second, so I brought her over.”

Lin Chuan also hugged Yue Qin’er with his arms, and her eyes were tender.

“If I separate from you, I will die.” Yue Qin’er also said affectionately.

“…” The people around who had just been fed a wave of dog food ate another wave of dog food.

The two couples who sprinkled dog food were in a very good mood.

The world where only single dogs are injured is so happily achieved.

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