Chapter 285: Downwind and ear baldness?

“Are you the master or I am the master, don’t ask so much, answer me quickly, do you have any special feelings?”

Lin Chuan didn’t feel anything wrong with what he was doing, and gave full play to his authority as a master.

“…” Seeing Lin Chuan’s ruthlessness, Bald Mao felt cold.

Knowing that Lin Chuan couldn’t rely on it, he quickly observed the reaction after taking the pills.

This is related to my own life, so I can’t be careful.

At first, Bald Hair didn’t feel any abnormalities in his body, and he was a little relieved.

It doesn’t ask for any good effects from this pill, as long as it doesn’t cause physical problems, it’s fine.

It’s just that this world often backfires. As soon as Bald had this idea, he felt a warm feeling in his ears.

“I feel it, my ears are itchy.” Bald Mao scratched his ears with his paws, already a little panicked.

“Ears are itchy?” Lin Chuan couldn’t figure it out as he watched the bald response.

Why this pill will act on the bald ears, the effect is too strange.

“It hurts… my ears hurt so much. There is energy in my ears. Master, help me.”

With a puff of strange energy injected, Bald Mao felt his ears start to swell and pain, and became more panicked.

Is it going to be ruined with such handsome dog ears?

“Don’t panic, feel it carefully, and try to channel that energy?” Lin Chuan saw that the bald hair didn’t react like a fake, and finally got serious and said hurriedly.

“Master, what are you talking about, I only see your mouth moving, I can’t hear you.”

“Master, please help me, save Ben Wang…”

Bald Mao realized that he could no longer hear the sound, and was even more panicked, and the sound was louder than once.

“I can’t hear it so soon. The effect of this pill is to cause deafness?” Lin Chuan frowned and couldn’t help taking a breath.

It turned out that the Buddha was waiting for him.

Pills that cause deafness will not completely abolish people, but they can be regarded as no small harm. The methods of the Buddha are really cruel!

Thinking of this, Lin Chuan couldn’t help but feel a little afraid.

Fortunately, he didn’t eat the unknown pill directly, otherwise he would be recruited, and the fun would be great.

“Don’t worry about bald hair, your master, I will definitely cure you!” Lin Chuan said solemnly.

He does dislike baldness a bit, but it is his own pet after all, and the current situation is also caused by him. Naturally, he has to find a way to restore the baldness to normal.

“Master, what are you talking about? Why is it so loud that my ears are deaf.” After hearing what he said, Bald Mao complained, covering his ears.

“Your ears are better again?” Lin Chuan said in amazement.

Didn’t you just say that your ears were deaf? How could it be all right?

And the voice he was talking just now was clearly lower than the normal volume, okay!

Not normal, very abnormal.

“Hey, I can hear my ears again, that’s great!” Bald Mao also reacted, jumping happily.

Upon seeing this, Lin Chuan smiled and shook his head.

It’s okay to be bald, naturally it couldn’t be better, but what was it just now?

“Master, it’s not good, Little Demon’s mother is here.”

“Ben Wang hides first, you remember to say that Ben Wang is not there.”

At this moment, the bald hair who was happily changed his face suddenly, and got under Lin Chuan’s bed as if he had escaped.

“What’s the situation?” Lin Chuan was puzzled, and opened the door in the past.

As a result, outside the door, let alone people, there was no shadow of ghosts.

“This guy Bald, isn’t he so happy that he is mad,” Lin Chuan muttered.

Obviously there is no one, but the bald hair says there is someone. It must be a brain problem.

Just as Lin Chuan was about to close the door, a figure suddenly appeared outside the courtyard.

It is Yao Mengxue!

“Yao Mengxue, why are you here?” Lin Chuan’s expression changed slightly, a little surprised.

“Why, isn’t it welcome?”

“The little demon said that your house is very beautiful, and the environment is not inferior to Qingqiu, so come and have a look.”

“I heard you come back, so I thought about coming over to say hello to you. I didn’t expect that you would not welcome me so much, then I’ll go.”

Yao Mengxue looked at Lin Chuan’s expression, raised her brows and turned away.

Lin Chuan didn’t mean to keep her, and hurriedly closed the door.

“Is it really unwelcome? I don’t care about you, huh!” Yao Mengxue stomped annoyedly when she saw it, and left angrily.

Lin Chuan certainly doesn’t welcome Yao Mengxue, but he doesn’t have time to talk to her, because he has more important things to ask Bald Mao.

“Yao Mengxue is gone, come out, bald.” Lin Chuan greeted.

“Oh.” Bald Mao reluctantly drilled a head from under the bed, his ears wiggled, as if monitoring the situation outside, ready to go back at any time.

“You really heard Yao Mengxue’s voice just now?”

Lin Chuan didn’t get angry when he saw it’s timid appearance, but now he didn’t want to teach him a lesson, so he asked seriously.

“Of course, otherwise how could I get under the bed.” Bald Mao nodded fiercely.

Lin Chuan looked at the bald hair confidently, and there was a bright light in his eyes.

Calculated based on the time when Yao Mengxue appeared just now, when the bald hair hid under the bed, Yao Mengxue was at least 20 meters away from here.

And there is a courtyard wall and a door in the middle!

What’s more, the bald hair heard directly that it was Yao Mengxue here.

It is true that the ears of dogs are more sensitive than humans, but they are not so sensitive.

Then there is only one answer. All this is the effect of the pill that Bald Mao just ate.

The pain caused by the pain just now was just a reaction when the pill took effect.

“Bald hair, listen again, where is Yao Mengxue now?” Lin Chuan asked.

“…She is at the door of Yue Qin’er’s room, and she is telling Yue Qin’er about you, Master.”

Bald’s ears moved and immediately responded.

“What about the little demon, where is the little demon?” Lin Chuan’s eyes were brighter and a little excited.

“Little demon… It’s catching fireflies in the back mountain, Ben Wang’s chance is here!”

Bald’s ears moved again, suddenly became excited, and he couldn’t wait to rush to the little demon’s side.

I haven’t seen the little demon for so long, it almost wants to die of the little demon.

And the little demon is alone in the back mountain now, it is a good time for him to have a tryst with the little demon.

“Don’t go, listen again, where is Fatty Yao now.” Lin Chuan grabbed it and didn’t give it a chance to run out.

“Fatty Yao hasn’t come back, how could Ben Wang know where he is.”

“Hey, Ben Wang really heard it. He seems to have been in a car accident and was entangled by a woman. He is to be held responsible.”

“That woman’s voice sounds so good.”

“No, how could Ben Wang hear this?”

After hearing Lin Chuan’s question, Bald Mao thought he was embarrassing him, but his ears really caught the voice of Fatty Yao.

No matter how dull the baldness is, he also notices that he is abnormal.

“Of course it’s because you have tailwind ears, you are finally a useful dog!”

Lin Chuan rubbed the hair on Bald Mao’s body and said excitedly.

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