Chapter 281: Auction Once A Hundred Years

“Ling Dawang, you have watched enough of the drama, should I give the old lady an explanation?”

The old lady’s voice seemed to contain frost, so cold that Ling Dawang’s body trembled.

“Old… old lady, I’m not to blame. I really didn’t know that my daughter had a boyfriend, and she was such a great boyfriend.”

Ling Dawang was crying and stammered.

He actually regrets his intestines now.

If he knew Lin Chuan’s identity, he wouldn’t care about anything else, and he would just wrap Lin Chuan like a mangy dog!

Lin Chuan can make a group of young and old brothers and younger brothers, the energy can be imagined.

Hugging his thigh, I don’t know how many times it is stronger than Wan Shang Wanjia.

“Why did I eat lard at the time, so I was so heartbroken that I wanted to bring Xiaoxiao to Wanjia.”

“Lin Chuan is so good, he needs to look good, he needs to be capable and capable, so he fits my daughter too well.”

“These two people are also, since they are hiding and tucked, they are some kind of country boy.”

“If you just show your identity, can you still have so much trouble? My father is very enlightened, OK?”

Thinking of this, Ling Dawang regretted it, and secretly complained about Lin Chuan.

You are a good boss, but you have to pretend to be a poor boy, so that I lost the opportunity to hold my thighs and be a cheap father-in-law. This is too unnatural!

Ling Dawang completely forgot. He was obviously preconceived and treated Lin Chuan as a poor boy in the country, all kinds of ridicule and derogation…

“Hehe, my old woman has never lost such a big person in her life!”

“Do you think you can fool it by saying something you don’t know?”

“Does he still owe a lot of gambling debts? You bring the IOUs to get back the money for those casinos.”

“Of course I have to pay back the money I borrowed. This is a matter of course!”

The old lady was full of anger, she had nowhere to vent, how could she easily let Ling Dawang go and made a decision directly.

“Old lady, you can’t do this.”

“I really don’t have money right now. Those debt collectors will kill me alive!”

“Old lady, living Bodhisattva, you can spare me for a while…”

When Ling Dawang heard this, his eyes were full of horror.

He has personally experienced how ruthless the debt collector is.

He had been forced by debt collection before. When the old lady said that he wanted to marry Ling Xiaoxiao to Wanjia, he only agreed.

It’s all right now. Wanjia’s previous promise was completely invalidated, and Ling Xiaoxiao watched as he wanted to sever ties with him.

Without any source of income, he has to peel off his skin without dying in the face of those vicious debt collectors!

Desperate in his heart, he subconsciously wanted to hold the old lady’s leg to beg for mercy.

It’s a pity that the old lady is not Ling Xiaoxiao, and she would not be polite to him. She gestured to the guy next to her, and immediately two guys stepped forward and dragged him away.

“My son, the wife I chose for you flew away.” The old lady stroked her silly son who was still picking his nails with a trembling hand, tears streaming in tears.

Lin Chuan’s car was in the front, and a group of brothers’ cars followed in a row, heading straight for Changzhou.

Such a scene surprised countless drivers passing by, and they took out their phones and wanted to take small videos or something.

It is very rare to see all kinds of rare luxury cars collectively appearing on the road.

Lin Chuan and the others rushed all the way back to Changzhou with this kind of attention.

The son-in-law who failed to join in the excitement felt uncomfortable, so he begged Lin Chuan to play with them.

Lin Chuan thought for a while and felt that in Ling Xiaoxiao’s current state, although there was nothing on the surface, in fact, he still needed to relax, and he agreed.

He nodded, and the brothers cheered immediately, and directly took a place, tuned up good wine and food from various places, and planned to have a good time.

After everything was in place, the brothers were bold enough to let Lin Chuan give an opening remark.

“The acquaintance between us was quite dramatic, and it has not been easy until now.”

“I have all your thoughts on me in mind.”

“You must have heard about the things in the Deling Building. I decided to take out a practice technique for you. What you can cultivate depends on your good fortune.”

Lin Chuan glanced at the son-in-law present and announced a decision.

Although these elder brothers were against him at the beginning, they were willing to be the younger brothers and did a lot of things after he saddled for him.

It’s no big deal to give them a practice book.

“Gong law?”

“The big guy wants to practice the exercises for us!”

“Great, we can also cultivate immortals.”

“Long live the boss!”

“Long live the boss!”

The son-in-law brothers did not expect that Lin Chuan came up with such a big handwriting, and couldn’t help cheering. It was a happy one.

Many of them are shareholders of Deling Building, so they naturally know what happened to Deling Building.

They thought about things like Xiu Xian, but they didn’t dare to mention it, so they could only hide it in their hearts.

Because they know that it is really not easy to become a cultivator.

Who knows, Lin Chuan directly gave them such a chance!

Wang Xi was a little envious, but he didn’t have any special feelings. He is now a city god, and he is not inferior to the immortal cultivator.

Zou Ren was very excited, even though he was a member of the Xiuxian family, he was actually very thin.

Those who practice sects have limited resources and only accept people with extremely high talents as disciples.

People with average talent want to embark on the path of spiritual practice. It is already much harder. No one is willing to accept it yet, so naturally it is even more difficult.

Originally, Zou Ren didn’t expect him to have the opportunity to become a cultivator in this life, but now he has rekindled hope.

Following Lin Chuan, there really is a future!

“Big brother, I have something for you.” After getting excited, Zou Ren suddenly thought of something and hurriedly got to Lin Chuan.

“What is it?” Lin Chuan was a little curious.

For him at present, ordinary things are not rare at all, and Zou Ren would certainly not give it.

“This is an invitation for an auction. My third grandfather asked me to forward it to you.”

“Two months later, the Floating Cloud Immortal Sect will join the other sects of the Cultivation Realm to open the largest auction in the Cultivation Realm.”

“This auction will only be held once every 100 years. It is a grand scale and a large number of participants. It can be regarded as a rare event in the spiritual world.”

“At that time, immortal cultivators from all walks of life will gather together, and all kinds of rare treasures will also emerge one after another. The opportunity is very rare.”

Zou Ren carefully took out a box wrapped in yellow silk from his heart.

After opening the box, a faint aura poured out from it.

I saw an invitation card with carved dragons and phoenixes lying in the box, and the clouds and mists dotted inside were floating slowly, which seemed very charming.

This is the sign of Floating Cloud Fairy Sect!

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