Chapter 282

Lin Chuan admired the floating clouds on the invitation card before opening the invitation card.

As soon as the invitation was opened, a faint light flashed, and above the invitation, like a mirage, a scene of mountains and forests appeared.

“Oh, let me go, what is this?”

“I haven’t drunk much, so why do I have hallucinations?”

“This is not an illusion, it should be some virtual reality technology.”

“What are you thinking about? Haven’t you thought about it. Is this a spell? Fortunately, you are about to become immortal cultivators.”

“Yes, yes, yes, this thing is in the hands of a big man. It must be a spell. Ordinary people are used to it and haven’t turned a corner for a while.”

The young man who was playing around, noticed the movement of Lin Chuan, feeling very surprised, and it took a while to realize that this was the effect of the spell.

“Boss, what is this?” Ling Xiaoxiao ran to Lin Chuan, looking at the things in front of him, also very curious, and dare to reach out and touch it.

“This was given to me by Zou Ren, what kind of invitation it was for an auction in a hundred years.” Lin Chuan explained lightly.

“Auction invitation, it looks so advanced.”

“An auction held once in a hundred years, send invitations to the big guys, big guys line up!”

“This kind of auction must be very interesting, if only I had the opportunity to participate.”

The brothers were even more surprised when they learned that what was in front of them turned out to be an invitation.

These sons know very well that in an event, the invitation card represents the advanced level of the event.

The invitation card in front of me is very high-end at first glance. You can imagine how grand this auction will be.

“Where is this place? It’s pretty good.” Lin Chuan looked around for a moment, and asked aloud without seeing what the scene of the invitation was.

“It shows a scene of an overseas island, which is said to include several formations arranged by major cultivators.”

“A cultivator with an invitation card will be led to this island by showing the invitation card at the designated port. Once the invitation card communicates with the formation, he can enter the auction venue directly.”

“The immortal cultivator who has no invitations needs to rush to the island by himself, and then crack the formation step by step.”

Zou Ren obviously did his homework on this, Lin Chuan asked, he responded.

“These cultivating schools are quite good at playing. It seems that they are still too idle.” Lin Chuan took a closer look again, feeling quite interesting.

It seems that he is not the only one who can play.

Just take an island to play, this hand is much bigger than him.

“Big brother, you are wrong about this, and it’s not just for fun.”

“This auction is an unprecedented grand occasion. It can be said that most of the cultivators in the entire Celestial cultivator world want to join in the fun.”

“But it is obviously unrealistic to let everyone participate.”

“That’s why several major schools of practice came up with such a method for the sake of fairness.”

“Except for those who have invitations, only those who are capable can successfully land on the island and participate in auctions.”

Zou Ren seriously corrected Lin Chuan’s wrong statement.

“That said, those cultivating schools are still kind, then what’s the matter with this invitation?”

“I, a cultivator during the foundation building period, can receive invitations, indicating that there is a big problem here.”

Lin Chuan shook the invitation card in his hand and said.

If the invitations are very scarce, that’s fine, and it can be said to be fair.

But even he received the invitations, indicating that the invitations are already rotten. What’s the point of arranging those formations to screen the people who landed on the island.

It’s like taking off your pants and farting. It’s superfluous. It seems that those high-level cultivators like to make things like this seem to be fair.

“Boss, do you have any misunderstandings about yourself?” Zou Ren heard the words and looked at Lin Chuan’s eyes a little strange.

“How do you say?” Lin Chuan wondered.

“The invitations for the auction are not sent casually. There are no more than three hundred invitations in total.”

“Each invitation card can bring ten people to the auction.”

“One of the martial sects has one for each sect, and you can bring some disciples to meet the world.”

“Besides, the remaining invitations are sent to some unborn seniors, the stronger family of immortals, and very powerful casual cultivators.”

“Therefore, there are only a handful of immortal cultivators who can get to the island by invitation, and most of them have to go to the island by themselves.”

“Big brother, you got the invitation card, it is because you are qualified to get the invitation card, not because the invitation card is bad!”

Zou Ren clearly understood Lin Chuan’s meaning, and felt that he would have a deep misunderstanding about this auction, and his perception of himself was also very unclear.

“There are only three hundred invitations in total. Am I one percent?”

“Is there any qualification to send invitations, how is it judged?”

Lin Chuan was finally a little surprised when he learned that the number of invitations was so small.

He couldn’t figure out how he, a small foundation-building cultivator, would get this invitation.

Lin Chuan already had a lot of understanding of the world of cultivation, and he knew that his current cultivation level was at most a middle class, and there were too many big men.

Of course, this is only his superficial strength, and the fairy chat group on WeChat is his biggest trump card.

Relying on the chat group of gods, Lin Chuan is confident to be among the three hundred most powerful people in the spiritual world.

However, it is obviously impossible for these cultivating schools to know that he has a chat group with immortals, and it is very strange that he sent him this invitation.

“I don’t know this very well. Anyway, I know that this invitation will definitely not be sent randomly.”

“Perhaps, it’s because you have gathered a large number of immortal cultivators in your Deling Building.”

Lin Chuan asked such an in-depth question, which was beyond the scope of Zou Ren’s answer.

After all, he was just an ordinary person in the Cultivation Clan who had not been able to embark on the path of Cultivation, and it was not easy to know so much.

“Perhaps so.” Seeing Zou Ren’s embarrassment, Lin Chuan didn’t ask any more. He agreed, but he didn’t believe his guess.

If the cultivators in the Deling Building were all his people, then he did have a lot of power.

But these immortal cultivators are all coming for the spirit gathering formation, they are just tenants, how can the big men in the cultivation world fail to see it.

It seems that there is still a lot of tricks in it.

Lin Chuan, who lacked information, didn’t think too much, and played with those brothers presumptuously.

They played until the early hours of the morning before they stopped and prepared to go back to each house.

It wasn’t until this time that Lin Chuan took out his mobile phone and took a look, and suddenly saw the message Xuanzang had sent him.

[Xuan Zang: Amitabha, the poor monk has already mentioned the donor’s idea of ​​a football match and told the Buddha.

The Buddha is very interested and would like to have a chat with the donor in person.

why do not you talk?

Happy immortal donor? ? ? 】

Lin Chuan’s eyelids twitched, and he glanced at the time when the news was sent, which was more than three hours ago.

In other words, he let go of the Buddha’s pigeons and left the fairy world boss for three hours abruptly!

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