Chapter 280

“Zou Ren, why are you here to join in the fun? This is not your style.” Lin Chuan was a little surprised when he saw Zou Ren appear.

Zou Ren likes to read books, and his brothers rarely participate in activities, and it is rare for Lin Chuan to see him once.

This time Zou Ren came all the way to join in the fun, which is quite strange.

“Hey, Assistant Ling is going to have a blind date, and I know her as well. How can I miss this kind of thing.”

“Isn’t it a blind date? Where is the blind date?”

Zou Ren looked around curiously.

“Hey, it’s that person, what do you think?” Lin Chuan said, pointing to the middle-aged man who was still picking his fingers.

“Boss, you are not mistaken, Assistant Ling’s blind date is him?”

“This person seems to be not young anymore, he seems to have some problems in his mind, Assistant Ling, are you serious?”

“There must be something tricky in it, boss, tell us about it.”

The son-in-law brothers learned that the middle-aged man was Ling Xiaoxiao’s blind date, and his jaw dropped in surprise.

Who is Ling Xiaoxiao? Those people around Lin Chuan are closer to Lin Chuan than they are.

For this kind of task, the young masters of them all have to fawn and try their best to please.

Even if you really want to go on a blind date, you have to be rich and handsome.

Not to mention the same status as Lin Chuan, at least half of him must be, otherwise there is no such qualification.

It is precisely because of this that the son-in-law is curious about who the blind date is with Ling Xiaoxiao.

As a result, it was a middle-aged fool who stunned them.

The old lady can’t hear people say that her son has a problem with his brain.

But the people who said this were a group of elder brothers, who seemed to be on the same level as Wang Xi and Zou Ren, and she could only hold back her dissatisfaction and did not dare to show the slightest bit of dissatisfaction.

“It’s actually very simple. I was coaxed by my dad Ling Dawang to go on a blind date with this fool.”

“This old lady from Wanjia has fallen in love with me and wants me to marry that fool and give him a big fat boy.”

Faced with the curiosity of the sons and buddies, Lin Chuan was thinking about how to respond. Ling Xiaoxiao had directly told the truth and had no reservations about it.

When Lin Chuan heard the words, his eyes lit up, and he was full of appreciation for Ling Xiaoxiao.

Ling Xiaoxiao was able to say this frankly, and it seemed that her mentality was already a lot stronger, and she dared to face this little flaw in her life.

To Ling Dawang, her tone became extremely indifferent, as if she was talking about a stranger.

Ling Xiaoxiao can be so decisive in the face of family affection, so Lin Chuan was impressed.

“After a long time, it turns out that this blind date was forced out.”

“What kind of dad, let Assistant Ling go on a blind date with a fool, isn’t this pushing her daughter into the fire pit?”

“Assistant Ling has such a family, it can be so strong, I really admire you more and more.”

“For the sake of Assistant Ling’s ease and ease, we must not have a party to celebrate, I’ll treat you!”

After the brothers learned the truth, not only did they not look down on Ling Xiaoxiao because of this, they gave her a thumbs up instead.

In such a family, who can become so strong, who can’t admire?

Those who would chew their tongues behind their backs were nothing more than those who were jealous of Ling Xiaoxiao and didn’t need to care at all.

“This old lady can be considered capable, and she can tell Assistant Dongling’s father to sell her daughter.”

Zou Ren, who had nothing to do with the old lady before, became disgusted with her after he knew the truth.

“It’s fine for others to say that to her. You can’t say that to her.” Lin Chuan said with interest.

“Why?” Zou Ren was puzzled.

“Because the old lady said that they are family friends with your Zou family, so close, is it appropriate to say that they are?” Lin Chuan responded with a light smile.

“Wan’s family… is that Wan’s family that has a coal mine at home.”

“They have a coal mine at home, and some coal will be produced in it. My third grandfather needs this.”

“So our family has been dealing with Wanjia again. This is true, but at most it is a business relationship. It is a bit outrageous to say that it is a family relationship.”

Zou Ren quickly remembered what was going on with Wanjia, and felt a little sick when thinking of the word “friendship”.

“Oh, it turns out that’s the case.” The other brothers understood, and the look in the old lady’s eyes was very interesting.

These days, if you really have a little relationship, you dare to say that you are a family friend, but you need to show your face…

The old lady said that she was in-laws with the Wang family, and she also said she was a family friend with the Zou family.

In fact, it was just a paper tiger, and it broke after a casual poke.

Of course, it depends on who is poking.

If ordinary people poke them, they will be swallowed by the rioting paper tiger…

“Dear and young, old lady, I was wrong.”

“It’s because I have dim eyes and no beads, but I didn’t recognize it. This young man has an extraordinary background. Even you elders are his little brothers.”

No, the old lady saw her son-in-law looking at her with weird eyes. She was so frightened that her hairs stood upright, and she quickly accepted her mistakes, her arrogance was gone at all.

No way, she is really scared.

Wang Xi is his younger brother, and Zou Ren is also his younger brother.

Their Wanjia just caught up with the small coal boss who was on the edge of Black and White, and Lin Chuan was equivalent to stepping on Changzhou Black and White.

This gap is the difference between cloud and mud, how dare the old lady stab her.

“Hey, how do you talk, who told you that we are the brothers of the boss?”

Unexpectedly, her remarks dissatisfied the brothers.

“Ah, aren’t you?” The old lady was dumbfounded.

Obviously these elder brothers called Lin Chuan one by one, so why didn’t they admit it now.

“Of course not, just like us, we don’t deserve to be the brother of a big brother at all!”

“We are the younger brother of Brother Yao, and the big brother is the big brother of our big brother!”

The brothers and sisters explained their relationship with Lin Chuan very seriously to the old lady.

The old lady was stunned, Ling Dawang was stunned, and the few people who were protecting the old lady were also stunned.

Well, that fool middle-aged man is still picking his nails…

None of them could have imagined that these elder brothers who were unable to drag in Changzhou were not even younger brothers in front of Lin Chuan, but younger brothers.

How amazing is Lin Chuan’s identity!

“Stop talking about it, what’s the point.”

“When you come, this kiss can’t go on anymore, let’s leave.”

“Old lady, you won’t stop us this time, will you?”

Lin Chuan didn’t catch a cold at all of these, but felt very meaningless, so he could only leave quickly.

In front of an old country lady, there really isn’t much to say.

“No, no, of course I won’t stop.” The old lady waved her hand quickly.

Just kidding, even if she gave her eighty courage, she didn’t dare to have the slightest thoughts about Lin Chuan.

Lin Chuan smiled faintly, and took Ling Xiaoxiao and a group of elder brothers away.

After watching them leave, the old lady stared at Ling Dawang who was still shrinking in the corner with extremely dangerous eyes.

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