Chapter 255 Lipstick Marks Full of Clothes

Lin Chuan was caught off guard, and was directly knocked onto the bed by the group of foxes.

Then all the foxes jumped onto the bed, reached out to grab the phantom technique, and rubbed Lin Chuan.

“Mom, aunt…what are you doing?” The little demon walked into the room and saw this scene, a little suspicious of the fox.

In her impression, her mother and several aunts were extremely cold, and now they are actually doing this kind of thing around her master.

There are children here!

No, even if you don’t have children, you can’t do this kind of thing.

“Ah… we didn’t do anything.”

“Nun, you quickly forget what happened just now!”

“It’s not what you think, we are just communicating normally.”

Hearing the sound, the vixen finally reacted, and quickly got up from the bed, blushing, and resolutely refused to admit what they had just done.

They felt extremely ashamed to think of their gaffe just now.

“You can be regarded as getting up, isn’t it just an illusion, I will just give it to you, as to grab it like this?”

Lin Chuan sorted out the messy clothes and stood up too, and couldn’t help but vomit.

After he finished speaking, he noticed that the little demon looked at him a little weird.

Lin Chuan followed the little demon’s gaze and looked down, and suddenly he couldn’t hold it any longer.

Good guy, his white T-shirt is full of lipstick marks of different colors at this time.

If this is to go out, others don’t know who they will regard him as.

I am obviously innocent!

“I’m going to change clothes, you watch it slowly.” Depressed Lin Chuan, squeezing Yingying Yanyan away in front of him, hurriedly went to the car to change clothes.

Fortunately, I brought a few more sets of clothes when I went out, otherwise it would be embarrassing to wear them all the time.

“Chuck…” Seeing Lin Chuan’s a little embarrassed look, the fox spirits who were ashamed before couldn’t help but laugh, it was a happy one.

After they laughed, they immediately looked at Illusion Technique, and then there were bursts of surprise sounds in the room.

When Lin Chuan came back, the fox spirits gathered around again, looking at him with scorching eyes.

“What do you want to do again, I don’t have much clean clothes.” Lin Chuan put his hand in front of him, and said vigilantly.

No matter how many clothes there are, they can’t stand the tossing of these foxes.

“What are you afraid of, we can still eat you.”

“You have a look, how are we different from before.”

Upon seeing this, Yao Mengxue rolled her eyes, then turned around and asked expectantly.

“Your fox ears have become human ears, and your tail has disappeared. Is this the effect of illusion?”

Lin Chuan took a closer look and said with great interest.

Yao Mengxue originally wore long hair and covered her fox ears.

Now she pulled her hair behind her ears, revealing a pair of exquisite human ears, which are really beautiful.

“Yes, we did a simple practice just now, but we didn’t expect it to be successful all at once. This illusion technique is so easy to use.”

Yao Mengxue smiled and said happily.

“Is it so fast?” Lin Chuan became more curious when he heard the words, and couldn’t help reaching out and touching Yao Mengxue’s ear.

With this touch, it was immediately revealed.

The original delicate human ears feel hairy to the touch.

In other words, this illusion technique only deceives the eyes of the cultivator, and it hasn’t reached the point where it actually turns fox ears into human ears.

“Why are you touching someone’s ear suddenly…” Yao Mengxue, whose ear was touched, her pretty face became hot and her voice became softer.

“Ahem, I just want to see the effect of the change.”

“The effect is already very good. It doesn’t seem to be a problem. As long as you don’t touch it, you won’t be exposed.”

“There is one more thing to remind you that you can only use this phantom art in front of immortal cultivators whose cultivation base is similar to yours.”

“If you come across someone whose cultivation base is higher than yours, don’t use it. People can see through your illusion art at a glance.”

Lin Chuan quickly retracted his hand and said embarrassingly.

“You don’t need to remind you about this, we already knew it.” A vixen responded.

“It’s good to know, Little Demon, have you learned the illusion art, do you want to try to illusion a human form too?”

Lin Chuan was still a little embarrassed when he saw the scene, and immediately raised another topic.

“My cultivation is too bad, I can’t use the illusion technique.” The little demon, who had been lying on the ground, buried his little head directly.

Lin Chuan felt even more embarrassed when he saw that he seemed to have hit the sore spot of the little demon.

“Okay, let’s talk about business.”

“Illusion has solved our physical problems. Do you have any thoughts on safety?”

Yao Mengxue had returned to normal, and asked seriously.

“Don’t worry about safety, you can live in my house, it’s definitely safe.”

“In fact, I want you to go to my Deling Building, where there are a lot of immortal cultivators.”

“Isn’t dealing with immortal cultivators exactly what you want?”

Lin Chuan had already thought about safety.

“I heard from the little demon in Deling Building, is there really a gathering of spirit formations and a whole building of cultivators?”

Yao Mengxue is obviously more interested in the second plan. Just thinking about the gathering of so many immortal cultivators makes it extremely interesting.

“Of course, you’ll know wherever you look.” Lin Chuan nodded and confirmed.

“Well, let’s discuss it with our ancestors, and we’ll be back soon. You can take your master around Qingqiu, 囡囡.”

Yao Mengxue touched her eyes with the sisters beside her, gave the little demon a word, and left directly.

Lin Chuan didn’t care, and followed the little demon around Qingqiu.

The green hills are very large and the scenery is beautiful. A group of little foxes live here, but they are also leisurely and contented.

However, behind the leisure, there must be some hidden dangers that are not known.

Otherwise, Yao Mengxue and the others would not be so eager to go to the world and deal with immortal cultivators.

It didn’t take long before Yao Mengxue and the others came back with a package on their backs.

And the little demon and her little friend were jumping up and down in the car around Lin Chuan, having a great time.

“The ancestor agreed that we should go outside first, and let’s go now.”

Yao Mengxue didn’t know what he was talking about, her expression was a bit low, but her eyes were full of determination.

“Okay.” Lin Chuan didn’t say anything, nodded, got into the car and started the engine.

As for the eight vixen, it is obviously impossible for a car to take it away.

Yao Mengxue and the others could only become real bodies, and then huddled together before they could barely get into the car.

Lin Chuan took them out of Qingqiu, randomly found a small county town and bought a car, so that the vixies didn’t have to huddle together and became human again.

By the time they arrived at the commercial street near the Deling Building, it was already evening, and it was the busiest time of the commercial street.

The foxes got out of the car one by one, and there seemed to be some static magic around them, and everyone was stunned.

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