Chapter 256

Not all the passers-by on the commercial street have never seen the world.

However, few people have seen the collective appearance of a group of stunning beauties with different styles.

Therefore, it is understandable that such a weird scene appeared after the foxes got out of the car.

“What are they doing? Why are they all staring at us?”

“Could it be that our illusion art was seen through, it’s impossible.”

“Don’t think too much, there is no immortal cultivator here, how could it be possible to see through our illusion art.”

“Humans are really weird, do we really want to deal with such a guy?”

The foxes noticed the sluggish expressions of the surrounding people, and couldn’t help whispering.

“What are you still talking about, leave quickly!” Lin Chuan saw this scene, knowing that it was a bit of fun, and pulled the foxes and left in the eyes of the surrounding crowd.

In fact, he didn’t want to be so high-profile at all, but there was no way, the vixens had just come out of Qingqiu, so they had to buy some beautiful clothes, cosmetics, toiletries and so on.

That’s why Lin Chuan brought them to the commercial street. He didn’t expect that there would be so many people here.

After Lin Chuan pulled the foxes into a store, the eyes around him became much less.

“Hurry up and pick out the clothes, and leave as soon as you’re done.”

“This commercial street can’t stay longer, otherwise the ghost knows what’s going to happen.”

Lin Chuan, who had already sensed that the atmosphere was not right, urged the vixens to hurry up and pick clothes.

“I know, we will hurry up.”

“The clothes made by humans are really good-looking. I really like this one.”

“Look at this one. It’s just a piece of cloth. It can’t cover everything except the important parts. Who wants to wear it?”

“This little skirt is so good-looking, it really is the most correct choice when it comes out!”

The foxes perfunct Lin Chuan and started picking clothes with bright eyes.

They kept saying that they would be selected very quickly, and they just went in and out of the fitting room for half an hour, only to pick out a few satisfactory sets by themselves.

Sure enough, a woman’s mouth is a deceitful ghost, and the vixen is no exception!

After picking the clothes, they went to pick shoes and bags and waited for a bunch of things.

Every time they enter a store, they are greeted by the stunned and dull eyes of the clerk and customers.

It wasn’t until the sky was completely dark that the foxes, under Lin Chuan’s urging, bought the things they needed, and walked out of the store unsuccessfully.

At this time, they have already put on the newly bought clothes.

With their proud stature, they are perfect models one by one, bringing out the characteristics of the clothes vividly and vividly.

When they entered the pedestrian street, they naturally became the most dazzling existence.

Regardless of men, women and children, all eyes were focused on them.

“Wow, this is a goddess descended from the world, how come there are so many beautiful young ladies!”

“Is this something going on? The commercial street is so big that I can invite so many beautiful young ladies.”

“Mum, look, there are so many beautiful sisters, can I be so beautiful too?”

“What’s the matter with the man next to him, he seems to be very close to the pretty sister, I’m sour.”

“Is this a hug from the left and the right? Eight big beauties accompany him to go shopping. It’s a scene I dream of!”

After a brief period of consternation, passers-by became excited and talked a lot.

After paying attention to the appearance of the foxes, they also noticed Lin Chuan surrounded by the foxes.

The boys around suddenly felt that they had eaten a big lemon, which made their heads sore to the soles of their feet.

Lin Chuan naturally noticed the sour eyes of those boys, and felt strange in his heart.

Originally he was surrounded by the vixen, and he didn’t feel any special.

But when these boys looked at it with such a look, they felt very refreshed inexplicably.

Let’s go our own way, let you envy you!

Lin Chuan walked more vigorously.

“Bang…” After not taking a few steps, a bang caught their attention.

Lin Chuan turned his head and saw that it was a boy who had hit a telephone pole.

He suddenly understood what happened just now.

Obviously this guy was walking and watching the vixens, and accidentally hit the telephone pole.

Lin Chuan originally thought that such a scene was an exaggerated usage, but he didn’t expect it to happen.

“Hey, this human being is very strange, he can actually hit it.” The vixen also noticed the boy and couldn’t help but laugh.

The boy saw the flamboyant smiles of the foxes, and he was stunned. After he recovered, he immediately felt embarrassed and hurriedly walked forward.

With another “bang”, the boy ran into the telephone pole again.

“Puff……” The vixen laughed happily upon seeing this.

“Okay, don’t laugh. You didn’t get this out. Hurry up.” Lin Chuan greeted the foxes to leave seriously, and then couldn’t help but laugh.

To be able to hit a telephone pole twice in a row, that boy is really amazing.

Lin Chuan took the foxes and continued to move forward, and the sound of “bang bang” continued to be heard around.

Obviously, many boys were patronizing the vixen and bumped into the telephone pole.

One of the utility poles was directly bent under frequent impacts.

The poor telephone pole, just because these big beauties went out on the street, took the impact it shouldn’t have.

Out of consideration for the safety of passersby and telephone poles, Lin Chuan urged the foxes to leave for fear that something might happen again.

After they got in the car, they galloped all the way to the bottom of the Deling Building.

“What a rich aura, it’s really full of immortal cultivators.” The foxes looked at the Deling Building in front of them, their eyes full of wonder.

The Deling Building, where the Spirit Gathering Array was set up, had an amazing concentration of aura inside.

The breath of immortal cultivators is also very obvious.

It is no exaggeration to say that all of them added up, they have never encountered so many immortal cultivators in their entire lives.

The cultivator of a whole building!

“Don’t look, hurry in.”

“Anyway, you will live here in the future, you can see it for as long as you want.”

Lin Chuan looked at them one by one in amazement, feeling somewhat proud, but he didn’t pay too much attention to it and urged them to enter.

People come and go at the door of Deling Building, and it is not safe to stand outside all the time.

After entering the Deling Building, Lin Chuan took the elevator and took the vulpes straight to the top floor.

No way, the Deling Building is too hot, except for the top floor, there is no place to house these foxes at all.

Lin Chuan arrived at the top floor. As soon as the elevator door opened, he saw Lin Dashan sitting on a chair cultivating.

“Chuan’er, you finally came back, why did you bring a group of girls back?” Lin Dashan opened his eyes and saw a few foxes, he couldn’t help being startled.

He hadn’t seen such a stunning beauty, but it was quite shocking to see so many at once.

“I brought a group of vixen back, what do you think, dad?” Lin Chuan said with a light smile.

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