Chapter 254 Love is a ray of light, so green that you panic

Lin Chuan couldn’t figure out what kind of things a man had to go through before he could dye his hair so green.

Not only the hair, but the bull devil even dyed his horns green, and his head was really green all over.

Perhaps, the experience of the Bull Demon King is just like the lyrics said, love is a ray of light, so green that you panic.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Big Brother Bull Demon King, I understand you, you really have worked hard!

Come on, everything will get better. 】

Lin Chuan, who was very impressed, didn’t know what to say, so he could only reply with a word of encouragement.

[Cow Devil: What are you talking about, my brother, I just want you to comment on your hairstyle, what do you say about these nonsense words? 】

However, the Bull Demon didn’t appreciate it, but felt that Lin Chuan was inexplicable.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Comment on the hairstyle… This hairstyle is of course very good, unique and very discerning.

If you go out, you will definitely be the focus of the crowd! 】

Lin Chuan couldn’t laugh or cry, so he could only praise him against his will.

[Cow Devil: The hero sees the same thing, I also think this hairstyle is very good.

My wife has vision, and this hairstyle is chosen too right.

Green is healthier, so you can feel a lot more energetic when you look at it. 】

This time the Bull Demon King was finally satisfied, and praised the green grassland on his head again.

[Xiaoyao Xian: You mean, this hairstyle was chosen by Princess Iron Fan? 】

Lin Chuan was shocked again after seeing what he said.

Princess Iron Fan chose a green haircut for the Cow Devil, and the Cow Devil did it, and she felt very happy.

What is this called!

[Bull Demon King: Yes, it was chosen by my wife, Princess Iron Fan. 】

[Xiaoyao Xian: Have vision, really have vision.

Big Brother Bull Demon King, you are so happy to have such a wife. 】

Lin Chuan couldn’t laugh or cry, and responded in a perfunctory manner.

He originally thought that only Princess Iron Fan was not a normal person. It turned out that everyone in this family was not normal.

[Bull Demon King: Hey, brother, you can speak, no wonder my wife will help you like this.

This time I talked to you, mainly because I wanted to ask you how you pleased my wife.

My brother, I’m worried recently, and my wife doesn’t want to take care of me. It’s too hard to be a man. 】

Seeing that Lin Chuan was so good at talking, the Bull Demon couldn’t help asking him to learn from him.

[Xiaoyao Xian: I didn’t say anything, I just promised to take a set of beautiful photos for Princess Iron Fan. 】

Lin Chuan naturally did not dare to talk about the dialogue between him and Princess Tiefan, only the request made by Princess Tiefan.

[Cow Devil: Take a photo, is that a photo of a group of little fairies?

The princess did say that she liked this before, but I didn’t expect it, it shouldn’t be.

Brother, when you take photos, can you take me with you? I will also learn. 】

When the Bull Demon learned about the photo shoot, he immediately got excited.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Well, the camera is in Nezha’s hands. This treasure is the only one in the fairy world. Even if you learn it, it’s useless. 】

How could Lin Chuan teach the Bull Demon to take pictures? He already understood through Princess Iron Fan that taking pictures is a weapon for dealing with fairies.

How can such an easy-to-use method be taught by the Bull Demon King to do a unique business!

[Cow Devil: That’s it, then forget it, you can take a better picture of my wife.

I’ll give you the transformation spell, but I can only give you a superficial blind eye, and it should barely be enough for you. 】

Seeing that Lin Chuan refused to teach, the bull devil suddenly lost his interest, and he was only willing to give Lin Chuan a simple way to blind his eyes.

Where did he know that this actually fits Lin Chuan’s intentions.

If things are too advanced, Lin Chuan is afraid that those vixen will not learn it.

The Bull Demon was also refreshed, and soon sent the things over.

[Phantom Shape Surgery: You can transform the shape of body parts at will without changing its original appearance.

Note: This spell requires continuous supply of spiritual power, and the effect depends on the cultivation base. 】

Lin Chuan looked at the effect of the phantom technique and was very satisfied.

This illusion technique completely meets the needs of those fox spirits.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Thank you, Big Brother Bull Demon King, this spell is enough. 】

Lin Chuan replied at random and prepared to show the illusion art to the fox spirits.

[Bull Demon King: Brother, can I ask, what do you want this illusion technique for? 】

The Bull Demon didn’t know if it was boring or something, he just wanted to talk to Lin Chuan.

[Xiaoyao Xian: It’s nothing, but there are a few little foxes who want to transform their human form. If they come to me, I will help. 】

Lin Chuan responded half-truth.

[Bull Devil: Little Fox! ! !

Brother, where are you, brother, I am actually very helpful, and I can personally teach them. 】

As soon as he said this, the Bull Demon became excited immediately.

Lin Chuan saw this, his eyes became a little weird.

Only then did he realize that the Bull Demon King was actually not an ordinary person.

After the bull devil married Princess Iron Fan, he also married a princess with a fox fairy jade face as his concubine.

Seeing his reaction, he is also a master who can play.

Good guy, the couple are green with each other, and don’t know who is green.

The gods in the sky seem to be more unrestrained than most ordinary people.

Lin Chuan also thinks of the identity in the legend of Red Boy…

If you don’t want to think about it anymore, this melon can’t be eaten, let them play, Lord will not accompany you!

[Xiaoyao Xian: Inconvenience and inconvenience, I have to leave beforehand. 】

Lin Chuan replied and ignored him.

“This guy actually eats alone, as if my old cow rarely has a few little foxes, let’s find someone else!”

Seeing Lin Chuan rejected him, the Bull Demon murmured depressedly, stroked his green hair, and walked out confidently.

Lin Chuan put the phone back in his pocket and opened the door.

Seeing that he hadn’t come out for such a long time, the vixen were waiting anxiously, and they were gathered around the door of the room.

As soon as he opened the door, two foxes couldn’t stand still and pounced inside.

“Are you eavesdropping just now?” Lin Chuan said while holding the two vixens who had almost fallen over, looking at them with playful eyes.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Lin, you have been silent inside, so we can’t help it… Anyway, we are indeed wrong.”

Yao Mengxue, who was caught, was very embarrassed, but she did not shirk, and directly admitted her mistake.

“You are afraid that I will run away, don’t worry, I promised you, naturally I will find a way for you.”

“I thought about it in the room and found that I still have an illusion technique here. After learning it, I can arbitrarily morph shape. Isn’t it something you need?”

Lin Chuan took out the phantom technique and shook, and said with a slight smile.

“Ah, is there really such a spell, show me it!”

The foxes heard the words, all of them were so excited that they rushed towards Lin Chuan.

All of them drove the ball to hit people, and didn’t talk about martial arts at all!

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