Chapter 253 The Green Bull Demon King

Lin Chuan couldn’t imagine that Princess Iron Fan would say such things to him just now.

He wanted to ask, is this message of you really sent to the wrong person?

We just met and we are called Xiao Tiantian, and this progress is too fast.

No, I don’t want to call you Xiao Tiantian at all, the relationship between us can’t reach that point.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Princess, you seem to have sent the wrong message. 】

It took a long time for Lin Chuan to relax, and said somewhat euphemistically.

What else can he do if he is not tactful? He is not familiar with the Bull Devil, and I heard that he has a bad temper.

Even if the Bull Demon knew the method of transformation, he would not necessarily give it to him.

Lin Chuan asked Honghaier for Princess Iron Fan’s WeChat, just to make a good relationship with Princess Iron Fan, let her blow the pillow breeze, and maybe everything will be done.

How could he imagine that Princess Iron Fan was so fierce.

[Princess Iron Fan: There is no wrong message, and that paragraph was sent to you.

Why is she still called a princess, so many points, come and listen to her cry. 】

Unexpectedly, Princess Tiefan ignored his euphemistic reminder at all. It was a brazen gesture, and she just started teasing her.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Ahem, Hong Haier and I are friends. It’s not appropriate to call the princess, Xiao Tiantian, you should call the princess. 】

Where did Lin Chuan dare to accept the move?

If the Bull Demon gets the news to anger him, then he will have to draw a basket of water no matter what plan he has.

[Princess Iron Fan: The princess is a princess. I didn’t expect you to be very shy, Fairy friend. Are you still single? 】

Lin Chuan looked at Princess Tiefan’s teasing and couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

What’s wrong with being single? Has a single dog eaten your rice?

[Xiaoyao Xian: Princess, I am looking for you because of something I want to ask you for help! 】

He didn’t want to go on talking with Princess Tiefan anymore, otherwise he didn’t know when he was going to talk.

[Princess Iron Fan: Oh, so you came to me because you wanted to ask me for help.

I want to ask for my help, the price to pay is not small.

I saw the photos you took of other little fairies, you have to paint me the most beautiful makeup, take the most beautiful set of photos, I will help you. 】

When Princess Tiefan learned of Lin Chuan’s intention, she didn’t ask what she wanted to help, and immediately began to ask for it.

Lin Chuan suddenly realized what she said, and his mentality was much more relaxed.

Princess Iron Fan came up and teased him, making him a little confused, and now he understood.

She is the same as Chang’e, and it seems that other fairies are more prettier than her, so she is thinking of comparison.

He deliberately teased him, probably to get Lin Chuan to take a set of beautiful photos of her.

Knowing what Princess Iron Fan wants, then everything is easy.

[Xiaoyao Xian: No problem, no one in the fairy world knows more about taking pictures than me. I can definitely take a set of beautiful photos for the princess. 】

Lin Chuan directly made a ticket to Princess Iron Fan.

[Princess Iron Fan: What I want is the best picture, not the same as the little fairies you have taken before. 】

Princess Iron Fan emphasized her request again.

[Xiaoyao Xian: It’s definitely different. I can guarantee that the photos taken for you are unique. 】

Lin Chuan was still worried about seeing her, and added.

Be special, be good-looking, I will give you a set of private photos directly, it depends on whether you dare to take it!

[Princess Iron Fan: Is it unique? Well, I want to be unique.

Tell me, what do you want me to do, I will definitely do my best to help you. 】

Princess Iron Fan was finally satisfied and took the initiative to express her attitude.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Actually, it’s not a big deal. I want to find a spell that transforms monsters into shape. I want to ask if the Bull Demon King has it, and would you give it to me? 】

[Princess Iron Fan: Transformation spells, of course there are, my dead cow, I don’t know how many sisters have been deceived with transformation spells…

In short, if you just want this, I will go to my dead cow and he will definitely give it to you. 】

Seeing that Lin Chuan had only such a request, Princess Iron Fan immediately agreed.

Lin Chuan was completely relieved when he saw this.

It seems that the transformation spells have fallen.

There seems to be some gossip about the transformation spell, but Princess Iron Fan did not say it.

[Princess Iron Fan: Well, I told my dead cow, he will give you the transformation spell.

But he was very interested in you, and said he would have a chat with you, and then give you the transformation spell.

Let’s talk, I’m going to chat with Yousheng Zhenjun. 】

After a while, Princess Iron Fan responded.

Lin Chuan couldn’t help but gossip looking at her words.

Princess Iron Fan talked to True Monarch Yousheng, shouldn’t she go and tease True Monarch Yousheng like she did to him.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Thank you princess, I will go to the Bull Demon King. 】

[Princess Iron Fan: Wait, I have one more thing to ask you.

Look at my beauty, if you are in If You Are the One, will it be popular? 】

When Lin Chuan was about to find the Bull Demon King, Princess Iron Fan sent another message.

He looked at the news, his jaw was about to fall.

Princess Tiefan, a married woman, wants to go to If You Are the One. Is this really appropriate?

This is too much fun!

[Xiaoyaoxian: Of course it will be popular, princess, if you play, you will definitely be selected by a group of male guests. 】

Lin Chuan wanted to complain, but in order to transform the spell, he could only praise Princess Iron Fan without his conscience.

Hey, we really paid too much for those little foxes.

Sorry Bull Demon King!

[Princess Iron Fan: Hey, you still can talk. In fact, they are not as good as you said, that is, they just want to show off the group casually.

Wait for me to watch a few more episodes, if the time is right, I will play again, I always have to give the other little fairies a chance. 】

Princess Tiefan listened to his praise, it was a joy, and Lin Chuan made up for the scene of her trembling with laughter.

Lin Chuan understood her thoughts, but didn’t quite understand, but was shocked.

Good guy, Princess Iron Fan really wants to go to If You Are the One.

If she did go, she would definitely make a sensation in the fairy world.

Everyone knows that a green grassland grows on the head of the Bull Demon King.

“No, you have to find the Bull Demon King to get the transformation spell, or if Princess Iron Fan gets into If You Are the One, the Bull Demon doesn’t know how to blame me.”

Lin Chuan thought of the scene of Princess Iron Fan on the show, and just wanted to go to the Bull Demon as soon as possible.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Big Brother Bull Demon King, you should know my intention, can you give me the transformation spell? 】

Lin Chuan said hurriedly.

[Cow Demon King: Don’t worry, let’s talk about it first. I just made a hairstyle, you can see if it looks good. 】

The Bull Demon was not in a hurry, but sent a selfie with a leisurely attitude.

Lin Chuan fell into silence looking at the glowing green top of the bull devil in the photo.

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