Chapter 252 Princess Iron Fan: Please call me Xiao Tiantian

Lin Chuan took a few breaths in the room before he was relieved.

These foxes, even if they don’t deliberately use charm skills, they are actually full of charm.

Lin Chuan was surrounded by them, and it was impossible to say that there was no feeling at all.

That’s why he found an excuse to avoid them and calm his mood.

After his heart returned to normal, Lin Chuan began to think about how to help the Qingqiu Fox Clan integrate into the world.

It is very exciting to think about bringing these foxes into the world to make waves.

If it can be done, it must be particularly interesting.

Providing protection to Lin Chuan feels okay. In the big deal, let them live in Qinghuang Xiaozhu.

If it really doesn’t work, find the gods in the heavens, ask for some scraps of copper and iron that no one wants, and equip these foxes, and the level of safety will naturally increase.

After all, the broken copper and rotten iron of the fairy world is also a good treasure when brought to the world.

It’s the fact that these foxes are transformed, which makes Lin Chuan scratch his head.

He didn’t know much about monsters in the first place. He just knew that after the monsters cultivated to the transformation stage, they could transform into human form.

And Yao Mengxue and the others, obviously hadn’t cultivated to the transformation stage, don’t look at them as human beings, the fox ears and the fox tail are still there.

Although they can be covered in various ways, they are not completely human figures after all, if they are exposed, it can be dangerous.

“It seems we have to go to the gods in the heaven to ask about the situation again.” When he was undecided to find the gods, Lin Chuan took out his mobile phone without thinking too much.

But looking at the full screen of contacts, Lin Chuan was a little confused again.

With so many gods in the address book, who to find is a big question.

If the god you are looking for doesn’t know how to transform, wouldn’t it be enough to ask.

“It seems that you have to ask those gods who have grown from monsters to become immortals. It seems that only Zhu Bajie is in my address book.”

After thinking about it, Lin Chuan came up with an idea. After flipping through the address book, he only found two qualified candidates, Zhu Bajie and Monkey King.

This is a bit embarrassing…

Although Zhu Bajie meets the conditions, he doesn’t need to ask, he certainly doesn’t understand how to transform.

If he could transform himself, he would have replaced his pig’s head with a human head, how could he wander around with a pig’s head.

The Monkey King didn’t even need to ask, he was a monkey from beginning to end, and he hadn’t thought about this at all.

If it is not in the address book, it can only be found from the people close to the gods in the address book.

“Why don’t you ask the Bull Demon King, he is a ten-thousand-year-old monster from the same age as Monkey King, and he has a vast friendship.”

“If there is any form of transformation, he must know it.”

Lin Chuan thought for a while and had a goal.

Of course, he wanted to find the Bull Demon, not because of the Bull Demon himself, but for his son Honghaier.

That broken tripod has become a thorn in his heart, and it hurts to think about it.

Hong Haier pitted him, and of course he wanted to find a chance to pit him back.

Lin Chuan thought about it, and he had an idea in his mind.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Hong Haier, have you had fun lately? 】

[Hong Haier: Don’t mention it, the gods in the heavenly court are busy working recently, and no one plays with me.

The rules of karting, when will you change it? I can’t wait to play. 】

Lin Chuan couldn’t help laughing as he looked at the gloom revealed between the lines in the red boy.

The more depressed the red boy, the happier he is!

[Xiaoyao Xian: Change it again and change it again, give me some time, it will be better soon. 】

[Red Boy: Then you have to hurry up, don’t let me take such a big risk to steal the Baoding for you.

By the way, did you understand that Baoding, is it a very powerful treasure? 】

Hong Haier thought of the treasure tripod that made the immortal world shake, and said triumphantly.

In his opinion, he has given Lin Chuan great benefits.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Baoding… is indeed a very powerful baby, I really like it! 】

Lin Chuan gritted his teeth and replied when he saw which pot he was opening and not lifting.

The red boy gave him a broken tripod, and he still had a face to mention it, as if he had made a lot of money.

It won’t work if you don’t clean up this bear kid!

[Xiaoyao Xian: Honghaier, please send me your parents’ WeChat, I will give you a good thing. 】

Lin Chuan didn’t chat anymore and went directly to the topic.

[Hong Haier: OK, OK, I’ll push it to you, but you have to tell me what a good thing is. 】

This guy is clever, first ask Lin Chuan what he can give him.

[Xiaoyao Xian: It is a very precious little hamburger made by the eight secrets. It tastes very good and will definitely not let you down. 】

[Red Boy: Old Eight’s secret burger, it sounds delicious, I will tweet you on WeChat now! 】

“Puff……” Lin Chuan couldn’t help laughing when he saw Hong Haier’s response.

I didn’t expect Hong Haier to be so deceitful that he would be fooled without saying anything.

The taste of the old eight secret small burgers will definitely make you unforgettable forever, see if you dare to use a broken tripod to cheat me!

Soon, Hong Haier pushed the WeChat of the Bull Demon King and Princess Iron Fan, and Lin Chuan immediately sent a friend request to the two.

[Red Boy: Wechat pushed it to you, you quickly give me the old eight secret hamburger, don’t be shameless. 】

Seeing that he hadn’t moved, Hong Haier said in a hurry.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Don’t worry, the old eight secret small hamburger has a raw material that is difficult to find, you have to find it first.

Don’t think that I am like you, like to shame, and I will give you what I promise you. 】

Seeing Red Boy’s impatient appearance, Lin Chuan wanted to make a small hamburger made by the eighth secret to him immediately.

But thinking about the production process, Lin Chuan still failed to restrain the nausea that came out of his heart.

Forget it, let’s make a high price online and let someone else deliver it.

Don’t pit the red boy yet, but make yourself disgusting.

[Princess Iron Fan approved your friend application. 】

Seeing that Princess Iron Fan had passed the friend application, Lin Chuan ignored Hong Haier, the little kid.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Hello, Princess Iron Fan, I am Xiaoyao Xian. 】

[Princess Iron Fan: So you are the famous Xiaoyao Immortal, but I have heard about it for a long time. 】

[Xiaoyao Xian: Princess Iron Fan is polite, I have heard of you a long time ago, so don’t you just ask Honghaier for your WeChat. 】

After all, Lin Chuan was asking for help, and his tone was very polite, and he even gave Princess Iron Fan a little.

There is nothing wrong with what he said. With the husband of Bull Demon King and the son of Honghaier, Princess Tiefan has long been famous.

[Princess Iron Fan: Well, what is your name Princess Iron Fan? This is so much. You should be called Xiao Tiantian. 】

“Hiss…” Lin Chuan couldn’t help taking a breath after seeing Princess Tiefan’s words.

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