Chapter 238

“So, what did the Chenghuang Temple go through before it became a clubhouse?”

Lin Chuan, who was confirmed, wanted to know why the good Chenghuang Temple became like this.

Even if you want to adapt to the new era, there is no need to be so outrageous!

“In fact, it is not complicated. Our original Chenghuang Temple is in this position.”

“Later, I don’t know how it became an entertainment street. There were always people who wanted to attack our Chenghuang Temple.”

“We simply renovated the Chenghuang Temple and turned it into a clubhouse, integrated into the entertainment street, and all kinds of troubles were reduced.”

At this time, a person walked out of the clubhouse and explained to Lin Chuan.

“Are you?” Lin Chuan asked.

“My fellow Zhao Youke is the captain of the city god here.” Zhao Youke politely introduced himself.

“Captain Zhao, right? Your transformation is really bold and unique.”

“It’s just that if the clubhouse is really going to be opened, there will be many people and eyesight, won’t it interfere with your mission?”

Lin Chuan was polite when learning about Zhao Youke’s identity, and couldn’t help asking.

Don’t look at it now, it’s deserted, it’s busy and bustling at night.

When Chenghuang opened a club here, Lin Chuan really couldn’t figure out the benefits.

“There must be a bit of trouble, but more of a benefit.”

“Because of the complicated situation here, there will be a little special person, it will not appear abrupt.”

“Because of the heavy task, those ghosts are very difficult to deal with. When they are escorted to the gate of the City God Temple, they will often struggle desperately and make some noise.”

“It is very difficult to deal with the aftermath if there is a movement in other places.”

“But the people who come here, it’s one night after a hi, there are not a few sane people who come out and bump into something, they will only think that they have misunderstood.”

“Because the results of our practice here are good, I also share experience with the city gods in other places, and they are planning to do the same.”

Zhao Youke answered Lin Chuan’s doubts slowly, not only didn’t think there were any problems in the meeting, but also felt very proud.

After listening to his explanation, Lin Chuan understood why the Chenghuang Temple had to be built into a clubhouse.

To put it bluntly, it is the meeting place here that can minimize the impact of incidents.

“When I was working nearby, I heard a lot of ghost legends, but I never believed it.”

“After all, no one would believe what a drunk or an extremely sleepy, delirious person said.”

“You city gods, you really pinch people’s psychology to death.”

Lin Chuan remembered his previous experience, and was convinced of Zhao Youke’s arrangement.

“Hey, brother, you are wrong, and we can’t do it. In this era, if we don’t make progress faster, there will be more troubles.”

After listening to Lin Chuan’s praise, Zhao Youke spoke very modestly, but it was actually very useful, his mouth was grinning.

“Captain, let’s stop chatting here, go ahead and talk.” Wang Xi couldn’t help but remind when they saw the two of them staying at the door and talking.

“Yes, I almost forgot, Mr. Lin quickly come in and visit our Chenghuang Temple.”

Zhao Youke reacted and greeted Lin Chuan to enter the clubhouse.

Lin Chuan walked all the way and looked at it, and found that it was a normal clubhouse with everything that should be there, and he couldn’t see anything different.

It wasn’t until Zhao Youke took them to a storage room, pressed a mechanism, and walked straight down a secret road, that the surroundings completely changed their appearance.

A number of different styles of artifacts were hung on several walls.

Skulls, corpses and the like can be seen everywhere.

Each of the city gods meditated in the translucent compartment, vomiting black air, making the entire space look gloomy.

“Now it’s a relatively free time period, so most people are meditating and resting, so let’s not disturb them.”

“If Mr. Lin is interested, should we go to the ghost prison for a while?”

Zhao Youke did not wake up the meditating Chenghuang, and said to Lin Chuan with a smile.

“There are ghost prisons here? That’s really worth seeing” Lin Chuan curiously asked.

“Originally, we didn’t have any ghost prisons here. No matter what ghosts we catch, we just need to send them directly to the underworld.”

“But it’s different now. The way the underworld receives ordinary ghosts and evil spirits has changed. Ordinary ghosts can be sent in, but evil spirits have to be scheduled.”

“We struggled to catch the evil spirit but had no place to put it, so we got out of the ghost prison.”

Zhao Youke explained helplessly while guiding Lin Chuan.

As for why the underground palace created such a famous hall, it is not his position that the city god can know.

The ghost prison is not far away, and will soon arrive.

The temperature here has suddenly dropped by several degrees, and there is a gust of wind, and ordinary people may be tempted to shiver when they come over.

I don’t know what tactics the Chenghuang uses. The ghosts and monsters held in the ghost prison are relatively quiet, as if they were asleep.

Lin Chuan turned around like a horse, which was an eye-opener.

What water ghosts, starving ghosts, greedy ghosts, long-tongued ghosts, big-headed ghosts, everything.

Some of them are very ugly and hideous, and the timid people will be dizzy at the first glance.

Some are quite normal, and even look good, and they are pleasing to the eye, and you can’t tell that this is an evil spirit at all.

“Look at this, the ghost prison is almost full.”

“If you catch a few more, will the ghost prison have to be expanded?”

Lin Chuan looked at the few empty cells, and felt that the cell resources here seemed a bit nervous.

Wouldn’t it be embarrassing if a ghost came and had no place to live?

“Why don’t we have any energy to expand, we can’t be too busy with busy tasks.”

“Mr. Lin what you are talking about is also a headache for me now.”

“Seeing that the ghost prison is going to be full, we don’t have the energy to expand, and the speed of collecting evil ghosts in the underworld is slow, and we are really out of it.”

When Zhao Youke heard Lin Chuan point out the key question, he couldn’t help but smile.

“If you invite me over, isn’t it related to this matter?” Lin Chuan understood Chenghuang’s current difficulties, and looked at Zhao Youke with some suspicion.

He was still wondering why he was invited to visit the good-looking Chenghuang Temple because it turned out to be an attempt.

“Mr. Lin, there is nothing we can do, just thinking about looking for you.”

“Couldn’t you be able to get in touch with the underworld? Can you let the underworld be accommodating? It’s really difficult for us now.”

“I don’t know what’s wrong now, the task is very heavy, but the underworld doesn’t let us recruit new people.”

“If you hadn’t gotten a brand of Chenghuang for Wang Xi, we would have been even more tired.”

“We are pretty good here. There are no newcomers in the city god temples in other places, which is much worse than ours.”

“It’s hard to be a man, and it’s also hard to be a city god!”

Zhao Youke was a little embarrassed when he was guessed, so he broke the jar and asked repeatedly.

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