Chapter 237 Invitation from the City God Temple

The lease of Deling Building went very smoothly, and soon all the space was rented out.

Later, the immortal cultivators didn’t grab a place, so naturally they were not reconciled, and they began to spend a high price to let the ordinary company inside give them a place.

Those ordinary companies are naturally very willing to take a lot of money and happily find other office buildings.

After the ordinary company left, Deling Building became more lively.

Each company played up its signs, and a bunch of immortal cultivators came to visit each other, so it was so lively.

People who don’t know think they are talking about business.

It is true that many businesses have been negotiated in the building, because there are many companies that are businesses of the spiritual sect and are engaged in the trading of spiritual resources.

After a bunch of such companies gather together, shopping is much easier.

This makes many wealthy cultivators very happy, taking the elevator up and down every day, just like going to a shopping mall.

As for those who have no money, there are also ways to play without money.

Some immortal cultivators who rented a place directly turned the office into a small hotel, and at a cheaper price, they recruited immortal cultivators to stay in.

For such behavior, Lin Chuan opened one eye and closed one eye.

As long as it doesn’t cause him trouble, he will let these immortals do it.

Lin Chuan himself was very happy to attract so many immortal cultivators to settle in. If you just sit in a bar in the Deling Building, you can hear a lot of interesting anecdotes from the spiritual world.

Lin Chuan, who was full of freshness in the world of spiritual practice, had a great time soaking in the bar opened by that cultivator almost every day.

As for the management of Deling Building, he directly handed it over to Ling Xiaoxiao, as well as several senior executives who had just been promoted.

He said before that he should observe the performance of employees and elect a general manager. Of course, he did what he said and directly promoted a best-performing employee to be the general manager.

Together with Ling Xiaoxiao, it is enough to manage Deling Building in an orderly manner.

On this day, when Lin Chuan was in a bar, when he heard a cultivator comment on the top ten beauties in the spiritual world, Wang Xi came over.

“Big brother, come here, I’m looking for something to do with you.” Wang Xi walked over, pulling Lin Chuan to leave.

“What are you doing so anxiously, I heard the fourth place Zishuangjian Su Furong.” Lin Chuan, who was listening, said with some dissatisfaction.

“Don’t listen to Su Furong, I have really important things to ask you.” Wang Xi said anxiously.

“Well then, you wait for me to give this fellow Taoist personal advice.”

“Goodbye, fellow Hanjin Railway, let’s talk again next time.”

Seeing that he was so eager, Lin Chuan said goodbye to the man without the thought of listening to the story.

“Goodbye, fellow Qinghuang lay priest, next time we have a more interesting conversation, it’s very exciting.”

“This one who just came here should be the city god, fellow Taoist, you really have a lot of friends.”

That Han Jintie was also a funny person, winked at Lin Chuan, and then said Wang Xi’s identity again.

“It’s indeed Chenghuang, just a small person, there’s nothing to say, I’m leaving first.” Lin Chuan waved his hand and left with Wang Xi.

“Chenghuang are all small people, so you must be a big one?” Han Jintie recalled Lin Chuan’s words, thinking he was more interesting.

“Big brother, how did that person call you Lay Qinghuang, when did you have this name?” Wang Xi curiously asked on the way.

“Walking around the rivers and lakes, it is not normal to have more vests, you should learn more!” Lin Chuan took it for granted.

There is no need to say his real name when you meet someone in plain water.

“I shouldn’t have to learn it. I am a city god, and I am from the underground palace. I know each other and have nothing to do with the spiritual world.”

Wang Xi didn’t feel that he had any need to learn this kind of thing.

“It seems that you are doing well in Chenghuang Temple.” Lin Chuan said with a smile as he watched him raise Chenghuang’s proud look.

“Of course, everyone treats me as a brother. The atmosphere of the Chenghuang Temple is very good.”

“I have participated in two missions, and the Chenghuang who took me said that I will be alone soon.”

Wang Xi said excitedly when Lin Chuan brought up this topic.

His current life is really completely different from the rich son of the past.

“Seeing that you are doing well, I’m relieved.” Lin Chuan said with satisfaction.

He recommended Wang Xi to be a Chenghuang in the past. If Wang Xi had a poor life, he would be somewhat responsible.

“I can become like this now, but I have to thank you, the boss.”

“By the way, on behalf of our Chenghuang Temple, I am here to invite you to visit the Chenghuang Temple.”

Wang Xi talked with Lin Chuan for a long time before remembering the business.

“Why didn’t I say it earlier, I’ve long wanted to go to the Chenghuang Temple to take a look.” Lin Chuan complained when he saw that he only mentioned this at this time.

After speaking, he happily left with Wang Xi.

Lin Chuan had long been curious about the Chenghuang Temple, but he had not been free before.

When I was free, I stayed at the Deling Building every day and almost forgot the Chenghuang Temple.

Now that I have a chance, I naturally want to check it out.

Lin Chuan didn’t drive his own car, but instead got on the heavy locomotive that Wang Xi drove over.

That’s right, when they met Chenghuang in the mountain village before, they opened the same money.

Now Wang Xi has the same look as those of Chenghuang, driving a similar car, as if it has become a style.

After Lin Chuan got on the car, Wang Xi drove the heavy locomotive and drove away, and soon arrived at a place.

“Boss, we’re at the place.” Wang Xi said when he stopped the car.

Lin Chuan took a casual glance and found that this is a famous entertainment street in Changzhou.

When he was in college, he came here often.

Don’t get me wrong, he was very poor at the time and couldn’t afford to spend at all. He came here to work.

The bars here make a lot of money, and the salaries for students who come to work part-time are relatively generous, so it doesn’t delay study during the day.

Of course, the coolest thing is that some beautiful female students can enter the bar for free and get hundreds of dollars after sitting for a few hours.

When Lin Chuan came here again, he felt a little nostalgic.

In just a few years, he became a cultivator of immortals, sitting on billions of assets, and his identity changed so quickly.

When Lin Chuan recovered from the wonderful feelings, he noticed something was wrong.

“Couldn’t the Chenghuang Temple be in this clubhouse, or would this clubhouse be the Chenghuang Temple?”

Lin Chuan looked at the clubhouse in front of him, somewhat in disbelief.

None of the surrounding buildings look like Chenghuang Temple.

And Wang Xi parked the car in front of a club, which can already explain a lot of things.

“Yes, this nightclub is the old nest of our Changzhou City God, and it’s also called the Chenghuang Temple.”

“Are you surprised or surprised?”

Wang Xi said with flying brows.

He had been hiding it before, just wanting to see Lin Chuan’s current look.

Sure enough, even a big man like Lin Chuan was shocked to see the Chenghuang Temple like this.

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