Chapter 239 The underworld will also have financial difficulties?

“You don’t need to be like this, I understand the situation, and if you can help me, I will definitely help.” Lin Chuan was almost crying when he saw Zhao Youke, and said quickly.

Before that, Lin Chuan really didn’t know that Chenghuang was in such a difficult situation now.

He thought that the city gods were all chic, and he had nothing to eat, drink and have fun, so he would go out when he had something to do, and he would catch a ghost in a circle.

Now I can see that there are just a few city gods in the Chenghuang Temple, and ghosts don’t know how many ghosts will pop up in a day. It’s a saturation of work.

Moreover, they caught the evil spirits, but the underworld actually refused to accept them, so they had to get a ghost prison to imprison them.

Now even the ghost prison is full, and if you catch a ghost, you don’t know where to go.

That’s terrible!

“I knew you would help, the boss.” Wang Xi said happily when he saw that he agreed.

“Tingling bell…” At this moment, a bell hung in a corner rang.

“Eighty kilometers to the northwest, go ahead.” Zhao Youke said to Wang Xi after hearing the ringtone.

“Yes.” Wang Xi’s expression was bitter, and he went to perform the task obediently.

Originally, he wanted to see how Lin Chuan helped the Chenghuang Temple solve the trouble, but he didn’t expect the time to be so unlucky.

“Is this going to catch ghosts?” Lin Chuan asked curiously when Wang Xi was gone.

“Yes, this bell is called the soul search bell. Anyone who dies in Changzhou and the ghost is out of the body will be searched by it, and it will report the location of the ghost to us through the bell.”

“Of course, this bell can also search for ordinary ghosts. If it has become an evil spirit, the bell is useless.”

“It’s pretty good now. Sometimes too many people die at the same time. We can’t be too busy. Some ghosts don’t know where they are going. They become evil spirits and come out to harm people.”

“The city gods in our city god temple are really not enough, and we need to add a batch urgently.”

Zhao Youke patiently explained it, and then began to complain in a roundabout way.

“I know what you want me to do, so I will contact the underworld.”

Lin Chuan couldn’t hear what he meant, so he smiled faintly, walked to the corner, took out his mobile phone and entered the underground chat group.

The city gods were too busy, but the gods from the underworld were so idle, they were still talking about unnutritious topics.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Don’t come here all right. 】

[Ma Mian: It was Daoist Xiaoyao bubbling, and Daoist Xiaoyao was caught alive in the front row. 】

[Niu Tau: Xiaoyao Xian, you are not righteous, so good activities don’t call me, let judge Cui embrace the beauty. 】

[Cui judge: I haven’t thanked Daoist Xiaoyao yet, I can reap this karma, thank you Daoist Xiaoyao. 】

[Hammer King: Has Dao Fellow Xiaoyao here? When will the show start next time? 】

[Qin Guangwang: The last show gave us a long face, and our underworld has never been so beautiful before. 】

As soon as he bubbled up, the underground gods extended a warm welcome as always, all thanking Lin Chuan for letting the underground gods appear in the last show.

Obviously, the last time If You Are the One, the appearance of the ghosts of the underground palace gave them a lot of excitement.

[Xiaoyao Xian: You don’t have to do this, I also want to thank you for your willingness to join in.

Actually, I have some questions this time, and I want to ask you all. 】

Lin Chuan saw them talking endlessly, and after a humble sentence, he quickly got into the topic.

[Chu Jiang Wang: If you have any questions, just ask, in our relationship, we must know all we can say. 】

The netherworld god responded very happily.

[Xiaoyao Xian: That’s it, didn’t I give a little friend a city god token last time.

After he became a city god, he complained to me that the task was too heavy, there had been no new people, and it was difficult for the evil spirits he caught to send to the underworld.

I would like to ask everyone, why not let Chenghuang recruit newcomers, and why not accept evil spirits? 】

Naturally, Lin Chuan was not polite, and directly threw the question out.

As soon as these two questions came up, the group became silent, and no one spoke for a long time.

[Tarzan King: Let me answer your question.

In fact, the answer to the question is very simple, but we have been hard to tell.

The finances of our underworld are very difficult now!

It is already very difficult to support the current ghosts and immortals, and there is really no financial means to add new city gods.

Also because of our financial difficulties, the eighteenth floor of the hell was very difficult to repair, and we could only postpone the acceptance of evil spirits.

This is the big secret of our underworld. Friends of the fairy, don’t talk outside, otherwise we would be too embarrassed. 】

Just as Lin Chuan wanted to ask again, King Tai Shan sent a long paragraph and gave an explanation.

After Lin Chuan watched it, he felt numb.

His first reaction was not to believe it at all.

The dignified mansion, there will be financial difficulties, this is fooling the ghost!

But thinking about it carefully, Lin Chuan was a little convinced again.

Both the human world and the heavenly court have an economic system, but the human world uses coins, and the heavenly court uses merit points.

He didn’t understand the netherworld, but the human world and the heavens have it, and there should be some in the netherworld.

Perhaps because of some reasons, the economic system of the prefecture has problems, so that the financial difficulties have caused the entire prefecture to live very tightly.

But if this is true, the problem will be very difficult to solve. It is impossible for him to help the underworld to change the financial situation, and he will not!

[Xiaoyao Xian: Then there is no way to increase the city gods? 】

Not reconciled, he still asked aloud.

[The King of Five Senses: Naturally, there are ways, but if you just add a place to the city god, there will be no problem at all. 】

[King Biancheng: Yes, yes, yes, I can give a few indicators right now. 】

[King of Equality: With our relationship, no matter how difficult it is, we have to solve it. 】

These netherworld gods are beautiful in their words, as if recruiting a few more city gods for Changzhou is a difficult task.

Lin Chuan looked at them like this, but didn’t believe how difficult they were. With a flash of light in his mind, he thought of an idea.

[Xiaoyao Xian: You don’t have to be like this, how can I make you feel so embarrassed.

Since the underworld is in financial difficulties, I thought of a good way to make life easier for the underworld. 】

[The king of runners: Daoist Xiaoyao is really resourceful, so please let me know if you have any ideas. 】

[King Qin Guang: We have already gained a lot of benefits from you, friend of the immortal. It is really embarrassing to ask you to give us an idea. 】

[Bai Wuchang: Friends of the fairy, hurry up, people admire smart people the most. 】

Knowing that Lin Chuan had a way, the gods of the underground palace were still enthusiastic, but they seemed not as enthusiastic as before.

[Xiaoyaoxian: In fact, the solution is very simple, financial difficulties, the solution is nothing more than increasing income and reducing expenditure.

I don’t know much about the underworld. I can’t think of a way to increase revenue. I thought of a way to reduce expenditure, which is to lay off employees, severely layoffs! 】

Lin Chuan didn’t care about that much, and directly stated the method he thought of.

“Layoffs?” The god of the prefecture was shocked when he saw Lin Chuan’s idea.

Some low-level gods buzzed their heads.

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