Chapter 236 Are You Talking About My Apprentice?

When Yun Zhongzi traveled around the world, he met a young man who was quite talented in spiritual practice. Seeing Lie’s joy, he accepted him as an apprentice.

It didn’t last long, and he didn’t like to be publicized, so not many people knew about it.

Now Yue Qingyang came to the door to inquire about the situation, naturally there was nothing he dared not admit.

“Why, did my apprentice make any mistakes?”

“If he violates the rules on your side, you don’t have to give me face, you have to be punished and respectful if you want to fight.”

When Yun Zhongzi heard him mention his apprentice, he thought that the apprentice had made some mistakes, and directly expressed his attitude.

Although with his current cultivation base, he doesn’t need to care about the repair management team at all.

But after all, the repair management team represents the government, and if you don’t give the repair management team the face, the government still has to give a little bit of face.

As long as he doesn’t kill his apprentice directly, and let him suffer a bit in the repair management team, it can be regarded as a kind of training.

“It’s not what you thought the predecessor, your apprentice didn’t make any mistakes.”

“On the contrary, because of his talents, our repair management team also recruited him as a non-staff member.”

Yue Qingyang was embarrassed when he heard the words.

How come every elder in the practice world, when they see him here, think that some disciples and grandchildren violated some regulations, so the repair management team can’t find someone for anything else?

The old man Yun Zhongzi is also Damn it. He clearly keeps in touch with Lin Chuan, and he must know his situation, so he just pretended to be confused.

Really think that little trick can be hidden from the repair management team?

“Your training team has accepted my apprentice in?”

“That’s good, learn to deal with the government earlier, so as not to lose money.”

Upon hearing this, Yun Zhongzi frowned first, feeling that the repair team’s hands were stretched too long.

Soon he was relieved again, and felt that this was also a good thing.

“Senior, what you said is wrong. The government has always been tolerant to the spiritual world. How can it hurt you?”

Yue Qingyang heard Yun Zhongzi’s dissatisfaction with the government, his face changed slightly, and he said with a smile in a blink of an eye.

“Hehe, you can just coax the little guys in the base-building period, and fool me, a few hundred-year-old old guy?”

“It doesn’t need to be far, just say the last time the Five Kingdoms practitioners united…”

Yun Zhongzi was very disdainful of what he said, and opened his mouth to settle accounts with him.

“Ahem, senior, don’t talk about Chen Zhima’s rotten grains, let’s look forward.”

“Recently, your apprentice has made a lot of noise in Changzhou. Seniors, you are really a successor.”

Seeing that he was going to turn over the old account, Yue Qingyang interrupted him quickly and changed the subject.

He knew that none of these old monsters of the Nascent Infant stage were good stubbles, and they were simply inadequate.

Fortunately, there is also the topic of Lin Chuan. It is impossible for Yun Zhongzi to not care about his apprentice, right?

“My apprentice made a noise in Changzhou?”

“I really don’t know this. After all, I have separated a lot of time from him.”

“What the hell did he do to make you rush over to find me?”

Sure enough, Yun Zhongzi became interested, and instantly saw Yue Qingyang’s purpose of coming to him.

“Your apprentice is not simple. In a mansion in Changzhou, he arranged a spirit gathering formation.”

“As soon as the news spread, the whole practice world was a sensation. I don’t know how many immortal cultivators rushed there.”

“In addition to visiting you, senior, I really want to ask, what is your intention for asking your apprentice to do this?”

Yue Qingyang said about the Deling Building, staring at Yun Zhongzi with scorching eyes.

He didn’t believe Yun Zhongzi’s curiosity at all. It is impossible for Yun Zhongzi to not know what Lin Chuan did.

They are all foxes for thousands of years, so why do they still play in the Liao Zhai? Let’s just spread them out.

Originally, Yue Qingyang wanted to slowly contact Yunzhongzi through Linchuan, and then tried to pull Yunzhongzi into the camp of the repair management team.

However, Yun Zhongzi’s handwriting this time is really not small. In order to stabilize the spiritual world, he must come to clarify the matter and ask Yun Zhongzi’s purpose.

“Wait, what’s your intention?”

“I don’t even know what’s going on, what can I do for it.”

“Furthermore, I didn’t leave any practice formations for my apprentice. Are you sure you are talking about my apprentice?”

Yun Zhongzi was fainted by Yue Qingyang’s question. It was obviously something that had nothing to do with him, and Yue Qingyang even ran over to ask him what he meant.

Simply inexplicable!

“Did your apprentice collect it in a village a few months ago?” Seeing Yun Zhongzi pretending to be deaf and dumb, Yue Qingyang asked directly.

“Yes.” Yun Zhongzi nodded.

“Did you give him some very powerful treasures, and also gave him a lot of miraculous medicines, so that he can cultivate by leaps and bounds?” Yue Qingyang asked again.

“That’s right.” Yun Zhongzi nodded again.

“Did you give him a lot of cultivation techniques and taught him the technique of drawing symbols?” Yue Qingyang asked again.

“…All right.” Yun Zhongzi hesitated a little.

“That’s right, this person is your apprentice!” Yue Qingyang said very confidently.

It’s not that he has to be so troublesome and doesn’t directly say Lin Chuan’s name.

In the realm of spiritual practice, a name can’t represent anything. Anyone can wear several vests and show people in different identities.

So if you just talk about a person’s specific situation, you can accurately target a person.

Just like now, Yun Zhongzi could no longer refute, saying that the man was not his apprentice.

“My apprentice really made a practice formation to recruit immortal cultivators?” Yun Zhongzi finally believed that his apprentice did this, but he still couldn’t believe it.

He was pretty sure that the things he gave to his apprentice did not include the practice formation, so how did he get it?

“So, senior, are you really unaware of it?” Yue Qingyang saw this and realized that Yun Zhongzi might really not understand the situation, so he suddenly became calm.

If Lin Chuan did all this by himself, it would be terrible.

“Of course I don’t know. No matter how I like that apprentice, it is impossible to give him the practice formation.”

“It’s not petting him, it’s hurting him!”

Yun Zhongzi shook his head firmly.

He was not guilty, and he was guilty of his crimes, and he handed over the precious practice formation to a practitioner in the realm of practice. That really wished him to die earlier.

“Then what’s the situation?” Yue Qingyang was also dumbfounded.

“Then you have to ask him, in any case, to be able to make such a big movement, my apprentice is a bit capable, and he didn’t give me the shame of being a master.”

On the contrary, Yun Zhongzi didn’t care about the inside story, only felt that there was light on his face.

“Then I’ll leave first. I want to disturb you. I hope you don’t mind Senior.” Yue Qingyang had no choice but to leave dingyly.

Seeing him go, Yun Zhongzi disappeared in an instant, and appeared in a restaurant in a small town in the blink of an eye.

“Boss, the chicken ass I want is still there, but I can’t give it to others!” Yun Zhongzi asked hurriedly.

Eating chicken butt is a serious matter. As for young apprentices, let’s go and take a look when you have time.

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