Chapter 235 Yun Zhongzi: Yes, I have an apprentice

Yun Zhongzi: Yes, I have an apprentice

“Ahem, everyone must have received the news, and I have received it too.”

“But I don’t know if this news is true or not. Don’t believe it lightly.”

“Even if this is true news, the price will definitely be very high. It is not as affordable as our Beihu Ice Cave. You must choose carefully!”

Seeing that the atmosphere on the scene was getting more and more weird, the host quickly racked his brains and suffocated something.

At the same time, he itched his teeth with hatred for the people who arranged the spirit gathering array in the Deling Building.

Which prodigal thing is it, actually arranges the Spirit Gathering Array in a building, and also recruits immortals to settle in.

Even a few days later, as soon as the news comes out, the attraction of Beihu Ice Cave to immortal cultivators will be greatly reduced immediately, and all the losses will be money!

“Don’t be jumbled and crooked anymore. If you have a chance to practice in a place where there is a gathering of spirits, who can see you, the heaven and blessed land that you don’t know when it will be destroyed?”

“Yes, the concentration of aura in the Deling Building must be much higher than you here. Anyway, you have to go there and try your luck first.”

“What are we talking to him here? Let’s set off now. We are some distance away from Changzhou.”

“Yes, right, right, go to Changzhou, look for the Deling Building, I don’t know if there is a place if I’m late.”

The immortal cultivator is so foolish, dismissive of the host’s words.

People who are impatient, even get up and leave, unwilling to say a word of nonsense.

“Uncle Master, what shall we do?” The disciple of the Ice Spirit Sect was dumbfounded when he saw this scene, and hurriedly asked the host.

“How to do?”

“What else can we do, of course, go to Deling Building and grab a spot!”

The host gritted his teeth and made a decision immediately.

Anyone with a bit of knowledge can see how popular the Deling Building will be.

If you don’t grab a position at this time, you won’t have a chance to grab it in the future!

A good auction, just because of the news from the Deling Building, has ended before it even started.

More than they were on the way, the immortal cultivators scattered throughout the celestial dynasty, all moved by the wind, and were rushing to the Deling Building.

The name of the Deling Building spread throughout the whole practice world.

On the second day after the Spirit Gathering Array was opened, immortal cultivators who were close to each other had flocked to Changzhou.

The immortal cultivators who rushed to the Deling Building immediately applied to settle in, and all the members of the management company went into battle, and they were all a little too busy.

Some immortal cultivators rushed to the wrong place in a hurry, arrived at other office buildings, and left as soon as they asked if the place was not right.

Of course, those people in the office building are not reconciled. They chasing the immortals and telling them about the various discounts of their office buildings.

As a result, the cultivators were indifferent and left faster, leaving the office building messy in the wind.

People in other office buildings in Changzhou couldn’t figure out why the Deling Building suddenly became so popular.

Someone secretly asked the people of Deling Building Management Company, but they didn’t ask what the result was.

They are all at a loss, how could they tell those people.

“Boss, get up soon, boss!” Lin Chuan, who had finally fallen asleep, was awakened by Ling Xiaoxiao’s shout.

“What’s the matter?” Lin Chuan opened the door sleepily, and asked a little irritably.

“Those cultivators are here. They came early in the morning and said they would settle in our Deling Building.”

“According to the current registration situation, the occupancy rate of our Deling Building has increased to 80%!”

Ling Xiaoxiao was very excited to report the situation to Lin Chuan.

She knew what was going on today, but she didn’t expect that a spirit gathering formation would have such a good effect.

If this situation continues to develop, the occupancy rate of Deling Building can reach 100% without waiting until today!

Of course, Ling Xiaoxiao should tell Lin Chuan the first time such exciting news.

“On this matter, will you wake me up?” Lin Chuan had already expected this, and he was not surprised at all, and said listlessly.

“Sorry boss, I disturbed you to sleep.” Ling Xiaoxiao said in embarrassment when she saw this.

“It’s okay. There are so many immortal cultivators gathered in the Deling Building. I really should go over and see the situation. Come with me.”

Lin Chuan didn’t mean to blame Ling Xiaoxiao, but also took her to the Deling Building.

The cultivators are fierce, but the people who manage the company are ordinary people. If one does not pay attention to anger the cultivator, he still doesn’t know what will happen.

“Okay.” Ling Xiaoxiao immediately became excited when he heard the words.

Since she confessed, this was the first time the two were alone together, and the opportunity finally came!

Lin Chuan noticed Ling Xiaoxiao’s expression of excitement, his face became stiff, and he started to have a headache again.

The crazy pursuit of a goddess really makes him overwhelmed.

However, Ling Xiaoxiao is still his assistant, and as his business gets more and more, it is even more inseparable from Ling Xiaoxiao, and it is difficult not to deal with it.

“It seems that we have to find a way to spread her away for a while and let her calm down.”

Lin Chuan turned his eyes and thoughts in his heart.

When the two rushed to the door of the Deling Building, they saw the crowded scene of the Deling Building.

A large number of people gathered at the door of the Deling Building. If there weren’t security guards to maintain order, the door would have been destroyed.

Feeling the strong spiritual fluctuations on these people before him, Lin Chuan deeply sweated for the security guards.

If the security guards who were yelling around knew that all the people they scolded were immortal cultivators, I didn’t know what it would be like.

But even if Lin Chuan told them the identity of these people, the security might not believe it.

Because the cultivators are so good to hide, they look like ordinary people.

If it weren’t for people who were also immortal cultivators, they would not be able to tell them at all.

“Ling Xiaoxiao, you’ve also seen it. There are all immortal cultivators here. If our management company does not have immortal cultivators, obviously it won’t work.”

“So I plan to appoint you as an assistant to the chairman and sit in the Deling Building.”

“The concentration of spiritual energy here is high, and the cultivation speed must be much faster.”

Lin Chuan pointed to a bunch of immortal cultivators in front of him, and said in a posture that Ling Xiaoxiao was considering.

“I will work here in the future?” Ling Xiaoxiao hesitated.

Lin Chuan’s several reasons are all valid, but she always feels that Lin Chuan seems to want to distract her.

Just when Lin Chuan flickered Ling Xiaoxiao in the Deling Building, Yue Qingyang finally knew the whereabouts of Yun Zhongzi and rushed to meet him in person.

Yue Qingyang couldn’t help it either. The noise in the Deling Building was too loud.

The responsibility of the repair management team is to maintain a stable situation in the spiritual world and always pay attention to changes in the spiritual world.

Therefore, he must ask Yun Zhongzi, the person behind the scenes, to ask clearly what his intentions are.

“Senior Yunzhongzi, after hearing the name for a long time, we finally saw it.”

“I heard that Senior Yun Zhongzi has an apprentice, dare to ask if it is true?”

After the meeting, Yue Qingyang was straightforward.

“As expected of the repair management team, the news is well-informed.”

“Yes, I have an apprentice.”

Upon hearing this, Yun Zhongzi narrowed his eyes and stared at Yue Qingyang for a long time before nodding.

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