Chapter 207 It turns out that the Buddha would play tricks too!

Lin Chuan saw the Tathagata Buddha reacting so strongly, but he didn’t panic at all, but felt very happy.

It can make Buddha Tathagata angry, and it will save face when he speaks it out.

As for the consequences of angering the Tathagata Buddha, Lin Chuan knew it well, and didn’t think it was difficult to let the Tathagata Buddha calm down.

Have already entered his rhythm, are you still afraid of the Buddha turning his face?

[Xiaoyao Xian: The Buddha calmed down his anger, I really didn’t think about it.

For such an important event, there are too many things to consider, and any detail may determine the success or failure of the event.

Therefore, whether it is for my own consideration or out of responsibility to Xitian, I can’t think of an activity at will! 】

He sent the words of dedication and responsibility, and the other side really disappeared.

No matter from which point of view, Lin Chuan’s remarks are fine. On the contrary, they reflect his responsible attitude and are worthy of praise.

[Tathagata Buddha: It’s the old monk who blamed you, please don’t blame it.

If you are the one, this program, according to the Queen Mother, was made by you all your hard work, and it has only become a big success now.

You really need to give you time and perfect your plan to make a good show.

The old monk will give you a period of time and look forward to seeing the results of the donor.

If you have any difficulties, you can talk to the old monk. 】

Tathagata Buddha didn’t know if he was moved by Lin Chuan, so he praised Kwa Lin Chuan fiercely and said that he would give him time to prepare.

“Perfect, Xitian was settled by Xiaoye.”

“Now Xitian also needs me to do the show. Is this the better person, the bigger things need to be done?”

“Hey, too good, there is no way!”

Lin Chuan stretched happily, feeling that the matter was stabilized.

The Tathagata Buddha was able to entrust him with the event. Naturally, he did not make a casual decision, because he had already had the experience of successfully hosting the event.

I have made a period of If You Are the One, the only one that the whole fairy world has focused on. It is no exaggeration to say that no fairy knows how to do activities better than him.

It is no surprise that Tathagata Buddha entrusted him with important activities to revitalize the Western Heaven.

As long as this activity can be done well, then he can walk sideways on both sides of Heavenly Court and West Heaven from now on, and the benefits will be great.

However, the Tathagata Buddha has opened up Chrysostoms. If he doesn’t want any benefits now, he is not at a loss.

[Xiaoyao Xian: It is indeed a little bit difficult. Recently, I have been working hard for If You Are the One, and if I want to think about new activities, Xiao Xian is really exhausted physically and mentally.

I don’t know if Xitian has any medicine that can relieve me so that I can think better! 】

Lin Chuan casually found a seemingly reasonable excuse, and went to the Buddha for benefits.

He has gained a lot of benefits from the Western Heaven, and he is still looking forward to what kind of benefits he can give to the Buddha.

Thinking of the benefits, Lin Chuan thought of the treasure hunting jade mouse, which was a heartache.

After I got this baby, there was no reaction, let alone baby, I haven’t even picked up a dollar.

It’s a blood loss to work so hard if you are the one!

[Tathagata Buddha: If you want something, go directly to Xuanzang, and the old monk will leave first. 】

Lin Chuan also expected what good things the Tathagata Buddha could give, but he just slipped away.

“Dignified Buddha, is it appropriate to do this?” Lin Chuan was dumbfounded next time, and he didn’t expect the Tathagata Buddha to use this trick.

It turns out that the Buddha would also play lame!

[Xuan Zang: The Buddha said that you are looking for something from a poor monk, what is it? 】

A word from Xuanzang eased Lin Chuan’s mood.

[Xiaoyao Xian: I haven’t thought about it yet, let me tell you when I think about it. 】

Lin Chuan, who was not in the mood, replied and ignored Xuanzang.

As for the event, I didn’t set a time anyway, so I thought about it slowly.

He stepped on the accelerator, speeded up and hurried back home.

When Lin Chuan returned home, it was already late at night.

Except for the clever fellow, Bald Mao, who ran to meet him, everyone else was already asleep.

Lin Chuan didn’t wake them up, and went back to the room to sleep quietly.

I don’t know how long I slept, but when my heart moved, I suddenly woke up.

Lin Chuan felt that his large array of mountains and rivers arranged outside Qinghuang Xiaozhu had been triggered.

And it’s not triggered by ordinary people unconsciously, it’s triggered by immortal cultivators!

“There are also immortal cultivators, dare to come to Qinghuang Xiaozhu to find death?” Lin Chuan jumped directly from the bed and rushed to the place where the mountain and river formation was triggered.

As a result, as soon as I arrived at the courtyard wall, I saw two little guys, Xinxin and Qianxi, sitting on the courtyard wall.

“You two little guys, what are you doing sitting on?” Lin Chuan said in a bad mood.

He felt a headache now when he saw these two little guys.

“Uncle, there are two idiots outside, they’ve been running around, giggling…”

Xinxin turned to look at him and said vaguely.

She was holding a chicken leg in her little mouth, and her mouth was greasy, and she didn’t forget to speak.

“There are two immortal cultivators who want to break in, but they are trapped in your formation. Xinxin and I are here looking at them.”

Cici stared at Xinxin’s chicken legs for a long time, swallowed, and then explained.

Seeing that they were not here to make trouble, Lin Chuan temporarily relieved his heart, jumped on the courtyard wall, and looked at the two immortal cultivators.

“Yuan and Nine Tails?” When he looked at it, he discovered that the immortal cultivators who had broken through the formation were two teammates who had just separated.

This is a bit embarrassing…

Lin Chuan quickly withdrew the formation and greeted him.

“Two, how do you miss me? You came here so early.” Lin Chuan said with a smile.

“Huh, Lin Chuan, why are you here?”

“So we actually entered the formation just now and have been trapped inside?”

Su Ma saw the sudden appearance of Lin Chuan, a completely different scenery from the surroundings, and he couldn’t guess what he had just experienced.

“Ahem, it’s normal to arrange some formations to prevent danger at home.” Lin Chuan said confidently.

“Pixiu, you are too capable of pretending, you pretended not to know the formation flag before, but the result was such a powerful formation at home, and we didn’t react.”

“No, I can’t accept it. People came to you when they got the reward. It’s such a treatment. You must compensate us well.”

The beautiful eyes of Nine Tails were full of resentment, and the tingling voice was very attractive.

“Charm? I seem to have met a colleague.” Cici on the courtyard wall, keenly aware of the charm released by Kyuubi, and a smile was raised at the corner of her mouth.

Using charm spells on Lin Chuan, isn’t that glaring at the blind?

“No problem, I will cook myself later, and I promise to satisfy you.”

“But you have to tell me first, what did the group say after you reported the situation, do you know who is doing the thing?”

Lin Chuan promised to entertain the two, and brought the topic to a curse.

He hasn’t forgotten, the immortal cultivator who wanted to curse him!

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