Chapter 208 Tears turned into grass?

“How much time is this, how can I find it so quickly.”

“However, the team attaches great importance to this matter. I have already contacted people from the relevant departments to investigate this matter. As long as there are any clues, I will not let it go.”

“I believe it won’t be long before there will be a result, and those who dare to do things at that time will have to bear the corresponding consequences!”

Seeing that Lin Chuan was so anxious, Su Mei smiled and shook his head, and talked about the current situation.

He also gritted his teeth when he mentioned the immortal cultivator who was doing things.

If there was no Lin Chuan this time, they would have to be overcast by the immortal cultivator, how could they not hate him.

“That said, when we know who that person is, our group will start revenge. Can I participate?”

Lin Chuan heard the meaning in the words, eager to try.

“You can be considered a participant in this matter. You should be able to participate. Please wait for notification when the time comes.”

“When we pass, we must let him know what will happen to the heavens to do things!”

Nine Tails Qiao’s face is full of murderousness, which is incompatible with her delicate appearance.

“Okay, then it’s settled!” Lin Chuan nodded heavily.

He naturally can’t bear anyone who dares to shame him.

And when I went this time, I could see what is happening in the world of immortality in other countries, why not do it.

“Let’s not stand outside and talk all the time, just go in, I’ll cook a meal for you, and treat you well.”

After putting the curse aside, Lin Chuan warmly entertained the two teammates.

The three of them walked into Qinghuang Xiaozhu talking and laughing. When the scenery inside Qinghuang Xiaozhu appeared in front of them, Sumu and Nine Tails were stunned.

“Your house is really extraordinary. Is this the background of the Xiuxian family?”

Kyuubi looked at the picturesque scenery in front of him, somewhat obsessed.

They are also well-informed and have been to many good houses.

But the unique Qinghuang Xiaozhu still shocked them.

“If you can live in such a house, your mood will be better, I am afraid that the speed of cultivation will be much faster.”

“Pixiu, you also said that you are not a local tyrant. What is such a house, not a local tyrant?”

Su Ma looked at Lin Chuan with envy and said.

He was still in the bachelor apartment allocated by the group, and he was drooling with envy when he saw such a house.

“You two should stop praising me. This house is not worth any money. Our family is just living in by ourselves, so there is no such thing as a local tyrant.”

Lin Chuan waved his hand and tried his best to belittle the value of Qinghuang Xiaozhu.

As a human being, you still have to keep a low profile.

“That’s true, your house is too biased, no matter how well you do it, you won’t be able to sell for the price.” Jumei and Jiuwei nodded one after another, agreeing with Lin Chuan’s words.

Nowadays, when buying a house, you always look at the location first, but it doesn’t matter what the house itself is.

A house in a good location, even a small ruined house decades ago, can sell for millions.

And if the location is not good, even if it is built into a palace, it will not sell for the price.

Don’t look at Qinghuang Xiaozhu built like a finely crafted work of art. If you really want to sell it, you may not have a good location to buy a commercial house.

When Lin Chuan said so, the two men’s mentalities suddenly became more balanced.

After all, the same team members, if Lin Chuan surpassed them too much, they would be very embarrassed!

The three of them continued to walk in, at a much slower speed. Jumei and Jiuwei couldn’t help stopping from time to time to admire some details in Qinghuang Xiaozhu.

As for the two little guys, Xinxin and Cici, leaping behind them, clinging to each other.

They heard what Lin Chuan said, he wanted to cook and entertain the two teammates himself.

This means that they have the opportunity to eat the food made by Linchuan again, how could they miss it.

Lin Chuan took two teammates all the way to the vegetable garden.

“This is my vegetable garden. Pick what you want to eat.” Lin Chuan pointed to the vegetable garden and said generously.

Under the supervision of the little demon, the two little guys had almost cleaned up the vegetable garden.

Although it’s still a bit messy compared to before, the lush growing vegetables are enough to attract the attention of Suo Mi and Kyuubi.

“My goodness, you still have such a good vegetable garden in your home. The vegetables are so beautiful that they look delicious.”

Looking at the vegetables in front of him, Kyuubi rushed over and began to choose.

“My heart is getting sour again. I live in such a beautiful house and can grow my own vegetables. I really envy this life.”

Su Ma looked at the vegetable garden in front of him, and then at Qinghuang Xiaozhu next to him. Just as he calmed down, he began to panic slightly again.

This is how people can live their lives!

“I’m just a idler, I like to do these things, you busy people, it’s normal to not have this idle time, I still envy you.”

Lin Chuan said modestly again.

People have worked so hard, they can no longer be hit by others, right?

The three of them picked vegetables in the vegetable garden, and it didn’t take long for them to pick out a bunch of vegetables.

Xinxin and Qianqian also carried private goods, and quietly put the vegetables they picked into a vegetable basket, and wanted Lin Chuan to cook them for them.

“Hey, the grass here seems a little special.” When they were about to go back after picking the vegetables, Kyuubi noticed the strangeness on the ground.

Everyone looked over, and they saw a few scattered grasses growing lonely in the gaps between the vegetable ridges, which seemed a little out of place.

“There was obviously no weeds here before, so why did it suddenly grow so high?”

Lin Chuan looked at the few grasses, very surprised.

He would come to see the vegetable garden from time to time, and the little demon would often stare in the vegetable garden, and would not allow weeds to appear at all.

As a result, not only weeds appear now, but they also grow so high, which is very abnormal.

“No, this is not an ordinary grass, it’s the elixir of tears!” Suo Wei stared at the grass for a while, and suddenly said with excitement.

After speaking, he rushed over, gently tucking a stalk of grass, and carefully observed it.

“Yes, it’s the Tears of Tears!” After the observation, Jubi said more firmly.

“What is the tearweed?” Lin Chuan felt even more strange.

He had never heard of this kind of grass, how could it appear in his vegetable garden.

“The tearweed is a special kind of spiritual grass. It is the main material for refining Lingxi Pill. It is very rare.”

“It is said that the tearweed is produced by the tears of creatures who are born with wise eyes. I don’t know if it is true or not.”

Seeing Lin Chuan’s bewildered look, Su Ma explained to him.

“Tears came from?” The speaker had no intention, and the listener was interested. After hearing what he said, Cici couldn’t help looking at Xinxin, who was staring at the tomatoes and drooling.

She remembered that when Xinxin was cleaning the vegetable garden yesterday, she cried, and she was almost there where the tearweed grew!

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