Chapter 206

Lin Chuan felt very innocent about the matter of Luohan returning to the vulgar.

He didn’t invite so many Xitian Buddhas to participate in the show, he only invited Xuanzang, and the rest were stuffed in by the Tathagata Buddha himself.

As a result, Luohan was so vulgar by the fairies that the Tathagata Buddha came to blame him again, which was too unreasonable.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Master Xuanzang, I was wronged!

The program was attended by the arhats themselves, and the decision was made by the arhats themselves. What does it have to do with me?

If the Buddha is to blame, he can only blame those Arhats for their lack of firmness in the Buddha’s mind.

By doing this, I can be regarded as helping Xitian eliminate a few Buddhas who were not worthy of nurturing. I should be rewarded. 】

Feeling wronged, Lin Chuan said confidently.

As soon as he said this, Xuanzang did not respond for a long time, and he was obviously suppressed by Lin Chuan’s words.

Xuanzang didn’t expect that facing the Buddha’s condemnation, Lin Chuan not only didn’t panic, but also openly asked for benefits.

This is totally unreasonable, so how can he pick it up?

[Xiaoyao Xian: Master Xuanzang, why don’t you speak anymore? Are you thinking about what rewards should be given to me? In fact, just give me something, I won’t pick it. 】

When he didn’t speak, Lin Chuan became more energetic and gave Xuanzang another combo.

Tell you to frighten me, is he the kind of person who is easily frightened?

[Xuan Zang: Amitabha, the sophistry of the benefactor, the poor monk can be regarded as a master.

I hope that when the Buddha lays down his punishment, you can still maintain such vitality. 】

The honest person Xuanzang was obviously irritated by Lin Chuan, and his tone was no longer as polite as before.

Lin Chuan saw Xuanzang’s warning, his brows jumped, and he didn’t dare to talk nonsense anymore.

The punishment of the Buddha is not a joke.

The Great Sage Monkey is great, he made a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace back then, and upset the Heavenly Court.

As a result, the Tathagata Buddha slapped him and suppressed the Monkey King at the foot of the Five Elements Mountain.

If the Tathagata Buddha also gave him such a trick, with Lin Chuan’s small body, I am afraid that he would not even have the opportunity to be suppressed, and it would directly become a pool of flesh…

[Xiaoyao Xian: If you have something to say, please don’t use force at every turn. If you say yes, how about my Buddha’s mercy?

And even if I were punished, it would not be beneficial to the current situation of Xitian, but it would deepen the gap between Xitian and Heavenly Court, and the gain would not be worth the loss! 】

Lin Chuan quickly persuaded him to dispel Xuanzang’s dangerous thoughts.

[Xuan Zang: Buddha Amitabha, what the benefactor said is reasonable, but is Xitian going to swallow his breath and eat this dumb loss? 】

Xuanzang naturally knew the consequences of punishing Lin Chuan, and sent another message to Lin Chuan.

Lin Chuan carefully pondered it a bit before recollecting it.

Xuanzang was telling him that the Western Heavenly Buddhas were very upset now and were looking for a way to vent.

And the small role of Lin Chuan is obviously very easy to handle, just suitable for letting the Buddhas of the Western Heaven vent…

As for the consequences Lin Chuan said, the Western Heavenly Buddhas can naturally afford it. Anyway, they did not offend the Heavenly Court once or twice.

They all dared to do the things that flew the gods to the west, and taught Lin Chuan what it was.

In this regard, Lin Chuan just wants to say: Are you polite?

Of course, this can’t be said to Xuanzang, otherwise if the Buddhas of the Western Sky attack him in a rage, his small body will not be able to hold it.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Master Xuanzang, I understand what you mean, send me the WeChat account of the Buddha, I want to talk to him directly, and solve the current troubles of Xitian! 】

After thinking about it carefully, Lin Chuan said to Xuanzang earnestly.

To untie the bell, you must tie the bell, and no matter how much you talk to Xuanzang, it is not as useful to say a few words directly to the Buddha.

[Xuan Zang: Amitabha, the donor is interested, but the Buddha did not like these foreign objects, so naturally there is no WeChat signal.

However, I can go to the Buddha and let him communicate with you on my cell phone. 】

Lin Chuan was a little surprised when he learned that Buddha Tathagata did not have WeChat, but soon figured it out.

In the beginning, the Buddhas of the Western Heavens didn’t use WeChat, the reason is that WeChat was created by Taishang Laojun.

With the relationship between Tathagata Buddha and Taishang Laojun when they meet each other, it is strange that Tathagata Buddha can use WeChat.

That is to say, Lin Chuan engaged in a wave of things, and many Buddhas in Xitian began to use WeChat.

Speaking of which, Lin Chuan actually pitted Xitian more than once, so it is no wonder that there is such a big grievance.

[Tathagata Buddha: Amitabha, what does the donor want to talk to the old monk? 】

While Lin Chuan was thinking about it, Tathagata Buddha returned a message to him.

Of course, Xuanzang’s WeChat account was used.

Looking at the news, Lin Chuan took a deep breath, a gleam of excitement flashed in his eyes.

Talking directly with the Xitian boss, this is exciting!

[Xiaoyao Xian: Buddha, the matter of a few arhats returning to the vulgar, really has nothing to do with me.

Of course, I didn’t specifically come to you to explain, nor do I pray for your forgiveness from the Buddha.

I know that the matter of Luohan returning to a vulgarity had a bad influence on Xitian, shaken the Buddha’s heart, and made the heavens look down upon Xitian.

So, Buddha, do you want to make a big deal with me to save the face for the West? 】

He crackled and typed a bunch of words, checked it several times, and then sent it.

The Buddha was unhappy with him. If he said something wrong and annoyed him again, don’t talk about it. You would be lucky if you didn’t get slapped to death.

[Tathagata Buddha: Come and listen. 】

The other side was silent for a while before sending back a message.

“I know I guessed it right, you’re not getting the bait!” Lin Chuan let out a long sigh when he saw the news.

The plight of Xitian he was talking about was actually guessed, not particularly rigorous.

But anyway, as long as these words have an effect, it is a success, and he has a chance to reap the benefits again.

That’s right, Lin Chuan wanted to find the Tathagata Buddha, not only wanted to ease the relationship, but more importantly, he wanted to make a profit.

Now that Xitian is in trouble, Lin Chuan can help him solve the trouble, so he can’t help him.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Actually, the solution to Xitian’s current problems is very simple, which is to engage in a big event that can attract the attention of the entire fairy world.

As long as such an event can be held, Xitian will naturally have the opportunity to show its strength.

The event is beautifully organized, and the Buddhas of the Western Heavens will naturally be able to return to their hearts. Maybe they can attract some gods. 】

Lin Chuan threw another bait to paint a bright future.

[Tathagata Buddha: How do you do it? 】

The Buddha directly returned in seconds.

When Lin Chuan saw this, the smile on his face was even greater. It seemed that the Buddha was really moved.

[Xiaoyao Xian: I just have such an idea, but I haven’t figured out the specifics yet. 】

[Tathagata Buddha:? ? ?

I give you a chance to reorganize the language! 】

With the care of the Buddha, seeing Lin Chuan’s words made a trace of anger.

What kind of person, drawing such a big pie attracted him, but in the end he said that the pie hadn’t been done yet, it was so irritating!

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