Chapter 205

As members of the Cultivation Management Team, learning all kinds of knowledge about the world of immortality is what they must do.

So as soon as the black snake appeared, they recognized it, and they understood how vicious and terrifying this thing was.

If they run into it, and there is almost no resistance, they will be cursed, not to mention Lin Chuan, who has just entered the team.

The black snake did not exceed their expectations, and did not give Lin Chuan a chance to react at all. It bit Lin Chuan’s heart with one bite, and wanted to dig into Lin Chuan’s heart.

But at this point, the black snake stopped.

Because it desperately wanted to drill into Lin Chuan’s heart, but it couldn’t even bite the clothes Lin Chuan was wearing.

“Curse? Is this trying to yin me?”

Lin Chuan came back to his senses, and after understanding the situation, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he directly took out the platinum bowl and shone at the black snake hanging on his body.

The Buddha light in the platinum bowl suddenly appeared, shining on the black snake, and immediately caused the black snake’s body to rise with a faint black mist, and the entire black snake disappeared.

It turned out that this black snake was not a real black snake, but a product of cursed form.

The curse was destroyed immediately by the light of the Buddha in the platinum bowl.

“Puff…” A person sitting in a pool of blood in a dark hole formed by the accumulation of human heads spit out blood suddenly and fell into the pool of blood.

“This… you actually wiped out the curse directly?”

Naturally, Jumei and Kyuubi didn’t know what happened thousands of miles away, and they were dumbfounded when they saw the curse being wiped out.

According to their understanding, this curse is a vicious thing, except for a few magical artifacts, it is impossible to be destroyed before it enters the human body.

And those kinds of magical artifacts are all very precious things, and they don’t have a few of them in the management team.

As for Lin Chuan, they not only blocked the curse out of their bodies, but also eliminated the curse. How could they not be surprised.

“Didn’t I say that, I have something to deal with ungodly things, this curse doesn’t seem to be very powerful, so it will naturally be wiped out.”

Lin Chuan quietly put away the platinum bowl, and said innocently.

There is a seamless heavenly cloth, but Lin Chuan does not invade all the laws, if any curse can attack him, then he will be succumbed to staying in the mortal world, and he should be sent to the immortal world with gongs and drums.

Obviously, the person who wanted to curse Lin Chuan had no such ability.

“…” Seeing Lin Chuan speaking so easily, both of them were speechless.

But they also knew that this must be Lin Chuan’s hole card, and they didn’t ask too much, naturally it was Lin Chuan who said what he said.

“Anyway, thank you so much just now.”

“If the two of us go to find that box, we will definitely not be able to escape this curse. I’m afraid we will explain it here.”

Kyuubi remembered what had happened earlier, and looked at Lin Chuan with grateful eyes.

There was such a vicious curse hidden in the box, and she felt terrified when she thought about it.

Lin Chuan can be said to have saved the lives of both of them!

“Don’t be so polite, we are teammates, it is not normal to help each other.” Lin Chuan waved his hand so that the two of them don’t need to care too much.

The life-saving grace is too heavy, he will take the initiative to pass, mainly because he is interested in this matter.

“Yes, we only need to know these things in our minds.”

“Pixiu ah Pixiu, even saying that you are not a local tyrant, anyway, I will hold your thigh in the future.”

Seeing that the topic was too heavy, Su Ma reiterated the old saying to tease Lin Chuan, trying to ease the atmosphere.

Lin Chuan was carrying a heavy weapon, and Fu Lu threw it out as if he didn’t need money, no matter how he looked like it was a proper local tyrant.

“Don’t make fun of me, this is a curse again, it’s a bunch of walking dead, what’s the matter?”

Lin Chuan didn’t catch a cold with Jubi’s ridicule. Looking at the box in the ground, he always felt that there was some conspiracy behind it.

“The specific situation will not be known until the investigation is clear.”

“But this box and the curse in it, at first glance, are the handwriting of the heads-down masters in the small southeast country.”

“Controlling the surrounding animals through box alienation, with such a vicious curse hidden in the box, is definitely not simple.”

“Fortunately, we found it early, otherwise we still don’t know what big problems will happen.”

Juma stepped forward with a jade box, carefully put the blood-colored box in it, and said with a sigh of relief.

“It is true. If we hadn’t discovered it in time, we really didn’t know what kind of chaos would happen.” Kyuubi also felt that the conspiracy behind it was great.

“Do you want to hurry up and report, and then find out the real murderer behind the scenes?” Lin Chuan eagerly asked after hearing this.

Lin Chuan is very interested in mixing things up with big conspiracies.

“This matter is obviously out of the scope of our control. Reporting must be reported, but the rest of the matter is out of our control.”

“What’s more, we brought you Pai Yao on a temporary basis, so you shouldn’t mix it in.”

“We will take this box back to hand in the task and report the situation to the group. You should go back first, Pai Yao.”

“When we receive the quest reward, we will go to you right away, won’t you be unwelcome?”

Su Ma shook his head, briefly talked about the next treatment in the group, and joked again.

“Of course you are welcome. Two immortal cultivators are coming here. That’s a wonderful thing.”

He felt good about the two of them, and did not refuse them to go to his house.

“Then it’s settled, we will find you soon.” Seeing Lin Chuan agrees, Su Ma was very happy.

“Go, go, I don’t want to stay in this unlucky place anymore.”

Seeing that they had finished talking, Kyuubi urged them to leave, not wanting to stay here.

“Baby, I know you were scared just now, do you want me to comfort you?” Suo Ma heard the words and stretched out his sinful little hand to Nine Tails.

“I hate it, I know I take advantage of them, but they were really scared just now.” Kyuubi shyly patted Suowei’s hand away, and told the lover of his state of mind just now.

“Farewell!” Seeing that they were getting tired again, Lin Chuan didn’t give them any chance to continue spreading dog food, and left directly.

On the way home, Lin Chuan thought of the experience just now, and found it quite interesting.

Not only saw the strange methods of foreign immortal cultivators, but also met two good teammates.

That is, next time I meet with them, I definitely can’t be alone, absolutely can’t be fed dog food by them again!

“Didi!” Lin Chuan glanced at the phone and stopped the car quickly.

[Xuan Zang: Xiaoyao Xian, the Buddha asked the poor monk to ask you, what is his intention to target the Western Heaven in this way? 】

The news from Xuanzang can be said to be very explosive.

Seeing what he meant, it was on behalf of the Buddha Xingshi that the question came, naturally, because the previous three arhats were on the show, and then they decided on the spot to return to the vulgar.

“Sure enough, I really offended Xitian.” Lin Chuan muttered.

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