Chapter 100 Practicing World Management Group

A group of guests were in a pavilion, enjoying the fairy tea prepared by Lin Chuan, chatting leisurely, and waiting for Lin Chuan to cook.

But soon, they couldn’t sit still.

Because they smelled the scent wafting from the kitchen.

They are located more than 20 meters away from the kitchen. Even so, they can smell the fragrance of the dishes made by Lin Chuan.

The scent is very light, but it is very attractive, people can’t help but take a deep breath, wanting to appreciate the smell more clearly.

Under this scent, no one wants to chat anymore.

There was a young man who couldn’t help but get up and walked to the kitchen following the fragrance.

With his movement, other people also moved, and a group of people rushed to the kitchen mightily.

At the door of the kitchen, the fragrance is even stronger.

I haven’t seen the dishes yet, the smell alone makes them salivate.

When you see clearly what the source of the flavor is in the dish, these people secrete more saliva.

It was a plate of fragrant twice-cooked pork, the fat and thin pork belly was cut very thinly, and the fat part after being fried turned directly into a transparent color.

It is decorated with green peppers, red peppers, garlic sprouts and tempeh, making the whole dish look distinct.

The dishes that reflect the radiance of oil make people hard to move their eyes.

The color, fragrance, and taste are delicious, I’m afraid that’s it.

“What are you doing, why aren’t you waiting at the pavilion?” Lin Chuan heard the movement and looked back at the crowd around the door, wondering.

“Didn’t we have seen your cooking skills? We just wanted to come over and take a look, observe and learn.” Wang Xi was clever, and immediately found a reason.

“Yes, yes, we are all here to observe and learn.” Others thought that the reason was good, and they nodded in response.

“Then you are free.” Lin Chuan still felt a little inexplicable, but he didn’t care where they were willing to stay.

As for observing and learning, are the cooking skills brought by the Kitchen God’s Book so easy to learn?

Lin Chuan, who had fried twice-cooked pork, continued to cook, and then fried mutton with green onions, braised duck with mushrooms, fish head with chopped peppers, braised eggplant with oil, and made a tomato and vegetable soup.

The ingredients for these dishes, the vegetarian ones, were basically picked by these people, and the meaty ones were bought by Lin Chuan from the villagers.

In terms of quality, it is absolutely top-notch.

Coupled with the cooking skills brought by the Kitchen God’s Collection, the taste is unstoppable, let alone these ordinary people.

After Lin Chuan brought all these dishes to the table, the guests had already taken the bowls and chopsticks and couldn’t wait to start eating.

For a while, there was no more voice in the entire pavilion, only the sound of chopsticks colliding with the dishes, and the continuous sound of chewing.

In one minute, the dishes on the table have been reduced by half.

After three minutes, every plate on the table became clean.

This is not because Lin Chuan cooks too few dishes, he actually adds weight to each dish, which is a large plate full.

According to common sense, it should be enough for everyone present.

However, Lin Chuan’s dishes are really delicious.

In addition to these guests, he was looking forward to this meal since he made the first dish, and his appetite skyrocketed, so he was eating quickly.

They were afraid that they would miss a bite of the delicious food, all of them would be like robbing, madly stuffing the food into their mouths.

This led to only three minutes of work, and the dishes on the table were already empty.

“Or, let me cook some dishes for you.” Lin Chuan, who had only eaten a small bowl of rice, stood up and said, looking at the empty plate.

Although he had prepared enough dishes, he still felt that he was a little inadequate after eating a meal so quickly.

“No, no, no, I’m actually a little bit supportive, if I eat it again, I can’t eat it anymore.”

Chen Yuanming wanted to try the delicious food made by Lin Chuan again, but his stomach really didn’t allow it, so he could only drink the fresh vegetable soup for a while.

Others are in the same state.

Eating food crazily is really cool, but the stomach is too late for digestion, and the food is all piled in it. In fact, it doesn’t feel too wonderful.

“Forget it then, I said you are all poor, and you are so gobbled up as to eat, and no one is robbing you.”

Lin Chuan scooped up the only fresh vegetable soup that hadn’t been eaten completely, made a rice paddle to eat, and looked at the eaten plates one by one and complained.

He didn’t have time to taste a few mouthfuls of the dishes he made.

Wang Xi and their faces looked embarrassed, but they didn’t think there was any problem with their behavior just now.

It’s just that Lin Chuan feels that no one is robbing them. In their view, the other people who are also guests are all their competitors.

If the speed is a little bit slower, it may really not be able to eat.

Such delicious dishes, one bite less, it is equivalent to missing a hundred million, how could they allow it.

“Brother Chuan, next time I have a chance to come to Qinghuang Xiaozhu for dinner?” Zou Ren asked expectantly.

Others also stretched their ears, hoping to get the reply they were expecting.

“I am here by invitation. When I invite you, you can come over.”

“After all, cooking is indeed a kind of enjoyment for me, but it’s boring to cook every day. Please wait for me to invite you to come again when I have time.”

Lin Chuan didn’t say anything to death, but he almost closed the door for them to enjoy the delicious food.


All the guests were speechless.

They have never seen such a wayward person who opens the door to do business.

Open if you want, don’t open if you don’t want to, and don’t even have guests.

This kind of life… is so cool!

I’m jealous!

They had nothing to say about Lin Chuan’s willfulness. After playing for a while, they took advantage of the sunset and left one after another.

Only Yue Qingyang, Zou Ren, and Lu Maocai, who had just been accepted as apprentices by Lin Chuan, remained at Qinghuang Xiaozhu.

This apprentice Lu Maocai still made Lin Chuan worry.

When I was entertaining guests before, I helped with a lot of things after I was busy.

It was all right now, and ran to the room prepared for him again, and went to practice calligraphy alone.

Lin Chuan brought Yue Qingyang and Zou Ren to a study room, closed the door and started a private conversation.

“Master Yue, can you reveal your identity now?”

“Although I don’t care much about your identity, after all, I don’t care about you, but now that I have curiosity, I still want to find out.”

Lin Chuan said to Yue Qingyang with a smile.

He was very curious about what group leader Yue Qingyang was that could scare Zou Ren into that way.

“Originally, I planned to observe you for a while and then reveal my identity to you.”

“Since it has been recognized, let’s just say it directly, I am the leader of the management group of the spiritual world!”

Yue Qingyang sat on the chair, a pair of tiger eyes scanned Lin Chuan and Zou Ren, and said slowly.

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