Chapter 101: This Is Included?

“The spiritual world management group?”

“Puff…hahaha, it turns out that you would also be joking, Mr. Yue.”

Lin Chuan was startled when he heard the words, and then smiled directly.

“Why do you think I’m joking?” Yue Qingyang frowned as he didn’t expect Lin Chuan’s reaction.

“According to Yue Qin’er, this practice world is very large, with complex forces, and big men are rampant all over the world.”

“Can a group manage such an extremely powerful force?”

“The management group of the spiritual world has a very big name, but it sounds like the kind of bluffing organization established by the people.”

Lin Chuan didn’t hide it, but directly expressed the thoughts in his heart.

“Brother Chuan, that’s not a bluffing organization, it’s a formal organization established by the government, and its power exceeds…”

After hearing his words, Zou Ren couldn’t help but remind.

He was afraid that Lin Chuan did not know the severity and offended the big man Yue Qingyang.

But when Yue Qingyang’s eyes looked at him, he immediately fell silent and didn’t dare to say one more word.

“The management group of the spiritual world really sounds like an organization used by the people to bluff people.”

“But our role is still a little bit, and we also have some influence in the spiritual world.”

“As for the effectiveness of the management, just think about whether you know there is a cultivator before you meet your master.”

Yue Qingyang stared at Lin Chuan and said lightly.

Lin Chuan’s heart moved when he heard the words.

Of course he knew that the management group of the spiritual realm should be an official organization, but he just thought the name was a bit funny.

After thinking about it carefully, the world of spiritual practice and the world of ordinary people seem to be isolated, and most ordinary people don’t even know the existence of immortal cultivators.

This alone is enough to prove the official ability to control the entire spiritual world.

After all, this is a country where even the reincarnation of Huo Fu needs approval from relevant authorities.

Zou Ren on the side heard their conversation and suddenly became confused.

It was the first time he knew that Lin Chuan was also a practitioner!

“Then what exactly does your group do, do you have to get your approval if you want to become a cultivator, and what certification is issued to the cultivator?”

“I was attacked by immortal cultivators before. If I report to your group, will you arrest them?”

Lin Chuan directly ignored the “master” mentioned by Yue Qingyang and asked enthusiastically.

He is actually quite curious about how the practitioner management group manages practitioners.

“You are treating us as police officers in the spiritual world, how is this possible?”

“Just like you just said, there are so many immortal cultivators with vast magical powers, how can we manage them.”

“What we can do is to define a few rules for practice and severely punish immortals who violate the rules.”

“As for the immortal cultivators that you said sneak attacking you, that is a matter between the immortal cultivators, and we can’t control it.”

“But if you are an ordinary person and you are attacked to death by them, we will absolutely punish you!”

Upon hearing this, Yue Qingyang smiled helplessly, and talked about the responsibilities of the management team of the spiritual world.

He wants to completely control the world of cultivation, but he also needs to have that strength.

“Then what are the rules of the spiritual world, tell me to listen, so that I don’t know when I violated it.” Lin Chuan continued to ask.

“Your master didn’t even tell you this?”

“This fits his temper, but it’s too irresponsible.”

Yue Qingyang was surprised to see that Lin Chuan didn’t even know this, but when he thought of the character of the big man, he understood a little, and shook his head and laughed.

“??” Lin Chuan black question mark face.

How to listen to the meaning of Yue Qingyang’s words, it seems that he knows who his master is.

But the problem is that he doesn’t have a master at all, how could Yue Qingyang know something that didn’t exist at all?

“Then I will tell you. Actually, the rules we define for practice are very simple.”

“First, immortal cultivators are not allowed to wantonly spread the situation in the spiritual world, causing social commotion.”

“Second, immortal cultivators are not allowed to attack mortals, and the fighting method is limited to the inside of the spiritual world.”

“Thirdly, all actions that damage the landform or damage other people’s property due to fighting law shall be compensated at the price or the debt shall be paid by work.”

Yue Qingyang didn’t know what Lin Chuan was thinking, and seriously stated the three iron laws set by the management team of the spiritual world.

In fact, to put it bluntly, they don’t care what is going on inside the spiritual world, but if things go to mortals, then they are in charge.

It is a pity that Lin Chuan’s current status is a practitioner, and it is not within the protection scope of the spiritual realm management team.

So if you encounter a practitioner who is asking for trouble, you still have to solve it yourself.

“You mentioned working to pay off debts. Are there any practitioners working for you?”

Lin Chuan hadn’t hoped that the officials would protect him, and he didn’t care much about it, so he continued to inquire about things he was interested in.

“Of course there is, there are still a lot of them.”

“Xiaoyou Lin, if you are willing, you can also become a non-staff member of our spiritual world management team.”

“There is not much to do. You just need to monitor the violations of the practitioners around you. What do you think?”

Yue Qingyang smiled and answered for him, throwing out an olive branch by the way.

“Does this non-staff person have a salary?” Lin Chuan pondered for a moment, and asked seriously.


Yue Qingyang and Zou Ren were speechless.

You are an immortal cultivator, and you actually asked about salary, which immortal cultivator cares about money and other things like money!

“Naturally, there is no salary, I think you don’t need Lin Xiaoyou either.”

“Becoming our non-staff personnel can obtain certain law enforcement powers and immunity, and also have the opportunity to obtain various good things that our group has collected that can be used by immortals.”

Yue Qingyang resisted the urge to complain and told Lin Chuan about the benefits of non-staff members of the management team of the spiritual world.

“If this is the case, then I will join!” Lin Chuan thought for a while before nodding and saying.

He doesn’t care about good things. After all, no matter how good things are, can there be things from gods?

What he cares about is the law enforcement power and immunity that Yue Qingyang said.

Regardless of Yue Qingyang’s words, this power is not big, under certain circumstances, a little power can be used for fun.

And he doesn’t have much to do, it’s okay to join in and play.

“Okay, Xiaoyou Lin, you made a wise choice.”

“This is the certificate and contact device prepared for you. From now on, you will be a member of our spiritual realm management team.”

Seeing his promise, Yue Qingyang took a few things out of his pocket.

“…” Lin Chuan couldn’t help rolling his eyes as he looked at what he was handing over.

Good guy, it turns out that Yue Qingyang came here prepared, just wanting to collect him, and even prepare his credentials!

I just want to know who you are, but you picture me as a whole. Is this appropriate?

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