Chapter 99: The bald hair has a crush on the little demon?

“Zou Ren, do you know Mr. Yue, how can you call him Team Leader Yue?”

Lin Chuan keenly felt that after Zou Ren called out this name, Yue Qin’er’s expression changed, and she asked calmly.

Zou Ren was invited over because he admired Zou Ren’s character at the time, but he did not expect that he gave himself a surprise and recognized Yue Qingyang.

“Yeah, kid, do you know me?” Yue Qingyang said, calmly, looking at Zou Ren with a smile.

“If I don’t know or don’t know, I should have admitted the wrong person.”

After Zou Ren came back to his senses, he shook his head like a rattle, and firmly refused to admit that he knew Yue Qingyang.

“It turns out that this is the case. I have a popular face, and it is normal to be mistaken.”

“Little friend Lin, this time I’m not only here to disturb you, but also want to talk to you about one thing. Let’s talk slowly in the evening and let this kid join us.”

Yue Qingyang revealed the incident lightly, and spotted Lin Chuan and Zou Ren cryptically.

“It’s my honor to be able to talk with you late at night with Mr. Yue.” Lin Chuan immediately responded.

It seems that at night you can know what kind of identity this Yue Qingyang is.

Others didn’t care much about their conversation, after all, they didn’t know Yue Qingyang at all.

Moreover, Zou Ren called him “Captain Yue”, which didn’t sound like a person of weight, and they didn’t even care.

However, Chen Yuanming, a caring person, realized that Yue Qingyang must have an extraordinary origin.

But people are old and fine, so he won’t break things like this.

“This little friend Lin, I have raised his status a lot, it seems that it is not enough.”

“Sitting in such a beautiful house, the well-known brothers in Changzhou are also trying to please him, and there are such extraordinary bosses who are in contact with him.”

“Perhaps, he should be introduced to Qian Shichang, brother Qian. He is going back to fight for the position of Patriarch, but he is very short of help.”

“Although the position of the head of such a wealthy family in the capital cannot be easily shaken by an outsider, but with one more helper, there is more hope.”

Chen Yuanming looked at Lin Chuan who was talking and laughing with Yue Qingyang, and fell into deep thought.

The group continued to wander in the Qinghuang Xiaozhu, admiring the surrounding scenery.

Wandering around, they came to the vegetable garden.

Seeing the fruits and vegetables growing well in front of them, they all felt relaxed and happy, a worthwhile trip.

“It takes a lot of thought to grow pure natural vegetables so well.”

“From here, you can see how hard you are, Xiaoyou Lin.”

Yue Qingyang touched the eggplant and picked a cucumber. He liked the vegetables in front of him very much.

He also grows vegetables at home. He knows how difficult it is to grow vegetables so well.

Others nodded one after another, seeing the yard full of vegetables, they had already begun to drool.

“Wherever, I just like to do this. It’s normal to spend a little thought.” Lin Chuan said modestly.

Yue Qin’er kept pouting her lips when she heard what they said.

Lin Chuan has been working so hard. Recently, I have handed over the little demon fox to the vegetable garden.

Of course, the fruits and vegetables in the vegetable garden do not know why, they are growing really well, and Yue Qin’er can’t say anything.

Just thinking of the little demon, the little demon appeared in front of everyone.

Covered in snow, it shuttles between fruits and vegetables, like an elegant elf, attracting everyone’s attention.

But soon, they felt very disappointed, because the guy Bald, who came out of nowhere, looked at the direction of the little demon with his head.

After finding that someone was looking at it, it quickly retracted its head, and after a while it couldn’t help but poked its head out.

“Brother Chuan, you, Qinghuang Xiaozhu, are really wonderful. You actually have such a beautiful fox.”

“But your dog seems to have a problem. Doesn’t he like that little fox?”

“This is a god dog that beats a motorcycle, actually playing secret love?”

Zou Ren couldn’t help joking when he saw this scene.

“Bald hair secretly loves the little demon?” Lin Chuan was startled when he heard the words, feeling very surprised.

He did discover something before, but he never thought about it.

After Zou Ren said so, he discovered that it seemed to be the case.

Since the little demon entered Qinghuang Xiaozhu, the behavior of Bald Mao has become weird.

In most cases, it will appear around the little demon. This is really an iron crush!

“Well, you bald, you have secretly played with a crush.” ​​Lin Chuan directly spoke to bald.

“I’m not, I don’t, don’t talk nonsense!” Hearing the sound transmission, Bald Mao was taken aback, and he came directly to Denial Sanlian, and then quickly slipped away.

The unvoiced bell hung on its neck was swayed and made a very pleasant sound.

With this reaction, the secret crush did not run away!

Lin Chuan glared at him with hatred of iron and steel, and said nothing.

It’s still entertaining guests now, and it’s not too late to clean up your bald hair when you’re done.

“Ms. Lin Chuan, the bell that hangs on that dog is also a treasure, right?”

“I was feeling groggy today. When I heard the ringtone, I suddenly felt refreshed.”

After hearing the ringtone, a young man looked at Lin Chuan excitedly and said.

“That bell is really interesting. It can refresh you, and it’s a surprise.”

Lin Chuan glanced at that young man unexpectedly, and only then noticed that there was a very strange feeling on this young man, as if he was gloomy.

But this feeling faded quickly, and soon disappeared.

This phenomenon was so strange that Lin Chuan frowned.

But after thinking about it, I can’t figure out what the situation is.

On the contrary, Yue Qingyang seemed to have discovered something. He took a deep look at the young man, and then closed his eyes and listened carefully to the ringtones that were farther and farther away.

“Well, it’s almost noon. Let’s pick vegetables by yourself, pick what you want to eat.”

“The humble house is simple, and there is no good thing. I can only entertain you with a meal of rough tea and light meal.”

Lin Chuan didn’t take this weird thing too seriously, and continued to greet the guests.

When everyone heard the words, they stirred up fruits and vegetables enthusiastically.

Eating vegetables picked by yourself is indeed something fresher for these people.

But for Lin Chuan’s cooking skills, they dare not expect too much.

Anyway, they were mentally prepared before they came. As long as they didn’t make it particularly unpalatable and barely finished a meal, they should be able to do it.

But soon they discovered that they were too naive.

Lin Chuan’s cooking skills are beyond their imagination!

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