My Mech Queen

Chapter 358

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(Children’s shoes, Happy National Day!)

After talking about the duties and precautions of the accompanying mechanics, Huang Junbiao handed out the machine cards to everyone in turn.

Obtaining the machine card, a lot of excitement appeared on many faces. Although they usually contact Mecha frequently, they have very few chances to actually control the Mecha battle. Usually, they touch the machine combat through the simulated system. A real Mecha is still very different from the psychological level. Now they can also be regarded as having a real Mecha of their own. It is inevitable that there are still some fluctuations in their hearts.

Fang Shi looked quite calm, but he still operated Mecha many times. He was still in touch with Mecha during the actual experiment.

“These Mechas seem to be defensive Mechas!”

Fang Shi received Mecha No. 41 and walked all the way. It was found that the Mecha placed on the Mecha position seemed to be all defense models Mecha, and there was a slight accident on his face.

“It seems that the accompanying mechanics are designated as protected objects. Although these defensive Mecha cannot guarantee the safety of the accompanying mechanics by 100 points, the driving of this defensive type is at least equivalent to an additional protective cover, which is more conducive to their safety. . “

Fang Shi thought slightly, but vaguely guessed the intention of this arrangement.

Suddenly, behind Fang Shi, there was a snort: “hmph, is this base intentional? It’s all defensive Mecha, not an attacking Mecha, they are also too small to look at us. Although they are not as good as those high-end mechanics, we have some battle strength anyway. “

Hearing the familiar voice, Fang Shi showed a little helplessness, no need to guess that he knew it was Mo Xiaoci’s voice. There were 5 female mechanics in the 7th mechanic group selected this time, including Mo The three raccoons, Ling Feifei and Huangpu Youlan were among them.

In the 5th mechanic group, Fang Shi felt that Mo Xiaoci was still quite an incomprehensible person. When everyone in the mechanic group repulsed him, she approached actively, and when he was approved by the 5th mechanic, her attitude But it was a 180-degree turn, which became quite indifferent, occasionally rigid irony and scorching satire, and sometimes even deliberately used extremely complicated machine repair problems to make trouble, he really couldn’t understand where he had offended Mo Xiaoci.

Ling Feifei said carefully: “Little elder sister, our entourage mechanic task is to maintain Mecha, but not to fight. This defense Mecha is very suitable for us.”

Mo Xiaoci said indifferently: “These Mechas are all turtle shells, and there is almost no chance for us to show. If you can destroy several damn alliance Mechas and get some medals, what a good thing.”

Fang Shi, who walked ahead, secretly shook the head, reminding: “Don’t forget the precautions that Deputy Chief Huang has just said, the accompanying mechanics are not going to fight, if it is …”

After Fang Shi finished speaking, Mo Xiaoci pouted, and said impatiently: “understood, I just said it casually. By the way, Leader Fang, what is your machine control strength, if it is If not, when the time comes I do n’t mind you hiding behind me. “

Regarding the strength of machine control, Mo Xiaoci still has some confidence in herself. Now she is a 5-star pilot. Even if she is put in the companies of the Battle Princess Mecha battalion, she can barely mix a medium, and you can definitely do it in the machine repair group. Be considered top-notch.

Fang Shi said helplessly: “Relax, I won’t hide behind you.”

Mo Xiaoci hummed softly: “This is what you said.”


Soon, Fang Shi had reached Mecha position 41.

“Meadun D500 model Mecha!”

Fang Shi looked at the Mecha in front of him, but at a glance recognized the specific model of Mecha, belonging to the Shield series Mecha, barely regarded as the 6th generation Mecha of the empire, the Shield MAX model Mecha he had driven in the minesweeper fleet was based on the Shield D500 model upgraded version.

After a few glances, Fang Shi boarded Mecha, entered the control cabin, sat on the pilot’s seat, and skillfully inserted the card that Huang Jun had just pulled into the card slot.

The Mecha system will start soon.

Fang Shi checked the system a little, and after confirming that it was correct, he withdrew the card in the card slot and got up and left the control cabin.

At this time, the specific departure time has not yet arrived, and Huang Junba just asked everyone to confirm.

Later, under the leadership of Deputy Chief Team Leader Huang Junba, the people also made some other preparations, such as the machine repair box, which is an essential tool for the accompanying mechanic to simplify the Mecha problem, and it is also the core of the accompanying mechanic It must be ensured that the repair kit of the machine repair box is complete.

Two hours later, the Mecha of the accompanying mechanics walked out of the Mecha library in an orderly manner, and at this time, there were many silver square boxes behind their Mecha.

The red cross on the square box is the repair box of the accompanying mechanics.

Fifty Mechas soon reached the open area. At the edge of the area were multiple Mecha launch platforms. With these Mecha launch platforms, Mecha might save Mecha reserves to the greatest extent possible.

More than 1000 Mechas have been gathered in the open area, which looks slightly magnificent, and these Mechas have obviously been divided into 5 squares, each of which has more than 300 Mechas.

The 5 phalanx is exactly the 5 companies of Battle Princess Mecha.

Arriving in the open area, Huang Junba ordered the entourage mechanics to follow the team and go to the square of the Mecha company in charge.

Fang Shi led the 5th team to the 5th company.

Seeing Mecha coming with Mecha carrying a large box, many pilots of the Battle Princess Mecha camp showed their curious eyes. Many of them saw this dressed Mecha for the first time, but they were I have heard that a small number of members of the mechanics team are required to accompany them.

Fang Shi and the others just arrived at the 5th Company phalanx of the Battle Princess Battalion, a Mecha 002 Mecha came out to greet it.

“Yes, Team Leader?”

The Mirage 002 model Mecha heard a slightly cold voice.

Fang Shi knew that the opponent was Captain Qiurou from the fifth company, so he quickly replied: “en.”

Qiu Rou continued: “There is a certain danger in this operation, and I will arrange a team to take charge of your safety. When the time comes, I hope you will cooperate well.”

Fang Shi said quietly: “Well, I am understood.”


Soon afterwards, a single Mecha flew out through the platform, reached an altitude of nearly ten thousand meters, and arranged in an orderly flying formation in the altitude, sailing quickly in a certain direction.

Regarding Battle Princess Mecha’s goal of clearing the battalion, Fang Shi learned the initial news from Qiu Rou’s mouth. Because the monitoring facilities such as the Rambostar satellite were extremely severely broken, the ground base did not know the exact location of the Union Mecha forces, only know At present, the approximate area of ​​activity, and Imperial Mecha troops such as Battle Princess Mecha Battalion are going to the Alliance Mecha activity area to clear up. Now their first target is a military base in the area destroyed by the Union Mecha a few hours ago. See if there are any gains.

Soon after, the Battle Princess Mecha battalion arrived at the reservation target area.

More than 1000 Mechas have descended to a height of more than 1000 meters from the ground, and at the same time greatly reduced the flight speed. The purpose is to be able to observe the specific conditions on the ground and see if you can find the signs of the activities of the alliance Mecha forces.

The height of more than 1000 meters is actually very low for Mecha. Fang Shi can clearly observe the surface situation through Mecha’s field of view. Now the area where they are located is the World of Ice and Snow World, and the surface is ups and downs. The mountains are covered with white snow, and there are small snowflakes flying in the sky.

“It’s nothing more beautiful can be imagined to look down at this piece of ice and snow Heaven and Earth from the sky. It can definitely be regarded as a rare natural scenery. This is unfortunately an era of war. Even if it is beautiful, there is no who stops to appreciate.

Fang Shi looked at the snow-white Senior Sister under him, feeling a little emotional in his heart, and at the same time there was a little helplessness.

The large Mecha unit of the Battle Princess Mecha battalion quickly flew over a high or low snow peak and moved towards the direction of the booked military base.

Somewhere in the snow-capped snow valley, when all the Mecha of the Battle Princess Mecha battalion flew over, an originally flat snowfield suddenly raised, and then a tall silhouette appeared, if you look closely, you will find that it is a Taiwan’s white Mecha, a white Mecha engraved with the Union logo.

White Mecha moved towards Battle Princess Mecha Battalion’s flight direction was standing, it seemed to be observing most of the specific flight directions and routes of Mecha away.

In the control cabin, a young man looked at the light screen in front of him, his eyes narrowed slightly, his face slightly dignified, and he murmured in his mouth: “If you read correctly, this Mecha unit has about 1500 The scale is really not small, it seems that the empire has finally acted, and the command center must be notified as soon as possible. “

Soon, the younger took out the palm-size special communication equipment and described the situation just now.

In an underground command center a few thousand miles away from White Mecha, each and everyone in the uniformed military uniforms are busy.

In the command hall, a woman wearing a white alliance military uniform is looking down at a piece of data in her hand. Her eyes are very focused. The light from the light blue beautiful pupil always locks the piece of data in her hand.

Her white military uniform did not seem to have any folds, and the special epaulettes showed her rank. A league colonel, if you look closely, you will find that she is also a league pilot. Half of her face is very beautiful, sheep-fat white jade like fair skin, willow-like eyebrows, big eyes, tall nose, light lips, pointed chin, how to look beautiful Extremely woman, but her cheek is only half of the face, and the other half is covered by a silver white mask, making people want to uncover and take a look.

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