My Mech Queen

Chapter 357

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Soon, the mechanics of the 5th mechanics group were assembled.

Fang Shi immediately recounted the new order to the mechanics of the 5th mechanic group, and ordered everyone to prepare quickly, and they will gather again on the battleship No. 3 flight platform in half an hour.

After learning that all members of the Battle Princess Mecha battalion supported Lamborghine, the mechanics of the 5th mechanic group were quite surprised. They were actively preparing for the upcoming fierce space warfare. The ground, and they know little about the situation of the Rambo star ground.

Fang Shi also did not know about Lambo Star. When he talked with Qiu Rou not long ago, he asked a question, but unfortunately Qiu Rou did not know the specific situation of the current Lambo Star, only to support Lambo Star Not only the Battle Princess Mecha Battalion, but also more than 3000 Mecha troops went to the reinforcements.

After half an hour, more than 5 100 people in the 20th maintenance group appeared on the No. 3 flight platform of the Aegis-class Star Domain aircraft carrier.

Fang Shi carefully cleared the crew of the 5th maintenance team, and after confirming that they were correct, he took the crowd to a Jiashuo aircraft. The space inside the aircraft is quite wide, enough to seat 5 100 20 mechanics in the 7th mechanic group.

Soon, the shuttle-shaped aircraft left the Aegis-class Star Domain aircraft carrier, carrying everyone in the 5th mechanic group to the Rambo star quickly. After a while, it passed through the planet ’s atmosphere and toward a large military base somewhere on the ground. The space port landed away.

In addition to the 5th crew of the 1th maintenance group, they landed in the spaceport by aircraft, and dozens of other aircraft landed in the spaceport one after another.

Fang Shi and the mechanics of the 5th mechanic group just walked out of the aircraft, and immediately the personnel and vehicles of the ground base military came to greet them.

All the 5th mechanics got into the vehicle arranged by the military.

Soon, the vehicle drove out of the military space port, headed in the direction of the military zone, and finally stopped in a square.

The square is very large, similar to a huge stadium.

More than 1000 people have gathered in the square, and there are still continuously people to join.

Under the guidance of a base military personnel, the 5th mechanic group finally joined the 5th company of the Battle Princess Mecha battalion in the corner of the square.

Qiu Rou stepped forward and said to Fang Shi: “Due to the special circumstances, a meeting of oaths will be held here later, and then directly join the ground operations.”

Fang Shi slightly nodded, reproduced: “en.”

Afterwards, he notified the information to the 5th mechanic group and then began to wait quietly.

Successive personnel arrived at the square.

Fang Shi looked at it a little bit, and found that most of the confluence on the square were people wearing the military uniforms of the Imperial pilots, and only a small number of them were wearing the military uniforms of the mechanics like everyone in the fifth mechanic group.

In addition, other companies and mechanics of the Battle Princess Mecha battalion also came to the scene one after another. Fang Shi wanted to find Ye Xiangyi from that one after another silhouette, but there were too many people, plus the pilots were all wearing uniforms. It’s really difficult to recognize at a glance.

Half an hour later, more than 6000 people gathered in the square, including about 5000 pilots, and more than 1000 mechanics.

Soon, a huge light screen appeared on the central platform in front of the square, and a middle-aged man wearing a empire lieutenant’s shirt appeared seriously and certified.

The middle-aged man is Lieutenant General Zhang Heyun, the highest commander of the Lamborghine ground forces.

Zhang Heyun didn’t make any twists. He first introduced himself briefly and expressed his eager welcome to the support forces. Then he went straight to the topic and briefly explained the current situation of Rambostar. The theme of this oath meeting is to clear the Mecha forces of the Lambo Star Alliance.

After listening to Zhang Heyun ’s words, Fang Shi also had a relatively preliminary understanding of the specific situation of Lambo Star. It turned out that Lambo Star had been invaded by the Alliance Mecha forces, and some of its ground bases were destroyed by the Alliance Mecha forces. The most important task of their reinforcements is to clear the coalition Mecha forces on the ground and to ensure the safety of the Rambostar ground military base as much as possible.

After Zhang Heyun’s speech, the light screen on the central stage in front of the square flashed slightly and disappeared. Then a colonel-level officer at a military base took the stage. The main content of his speech was an appointment letter. The pilots and mechanics on the square formed the Qing squadron. The top commander will be Major General Qin Tianyue, the Battle Princess Mecha battalion. In addition, there are two other deputy commanders, one of which is from the Rambo Star Ground Base. Colonel, the other deputy commander is to be borne by another Mecha battalion commander, his rank is also colonel.

Afterwards, Qin Tianyue came to the stage and gave a short speech.

The oath meeting lasted for more than an hour, most of which was when the highest commander Qin Tianyue came to power to issue specific action orders.

The pilots and mechanics in the square will have a preparation time of 3 hours, and then the troops will formally join the battle against the Alliance Mecha invading troops.

Soon, more than 6000 people gathered in the square and left the square in an orderly manner, starting their slightly tense preparations before the war.

Qin Tianyue and the two deputy commanders summoned the relevant senior officers to immediately convene a specific action plan on the Qing fighting and the assignment and arrangement of the tasks of each unit, in order to better attack and eliminate the alliance Mecha forces.

Fang Shi and everyone from the 5th mechanic group walked out of the square with the flow of people. Under the guidance of the base army personnel, they gathered with the other 4 mechanic groups of the Battle Princess Mecha battalion.

There are nearly 600 mechanics in the Battle Princess Mecha camp, and the five mechanics groups are now merged under the unified command and arrangement of the team leader Bai Chaoge.

At the meeting place, Bai Zhaoge said at a moderate pace: “I believe everyone knows the situation of the Rambo Star. Ground combat can be different from space combat. There are naturally many changes in the way the mechanics work. We impossible all of us went with the Mecha team. . Most of us will be assigned to various military bases, at the military bases are always ready to repair the damaged Mecha, and a small number of people will follow the Battle Princess Mecha big army to clear and fight, the main task is to respond to Mecha emergencies , And initially judged the Mechas to determine whether they are suitable for continuing operations. My initial plan was to select 50 mechanics from our entire mechanics team to follow the Mecha troops. The base military will provide a Mecha for each accompanying mechanic. The selection of accompanying mechanics still has high requirements for the level of machine control … “

Bai Chaoge continued to speak for more than ten minutes in a row, and apparently she had sufficient arrangements and plans before this.

Fang Shi listened attentively. He naturally had a relatively clear understanding of Bai Zhaoge’s arrangements and plans. Most mechanics would be assigned to various military bases to stand by to repair the Mecha sent back from the battle, and a small part The mechanics undertake the duties similar to those of field doctors. They perform preliminary treatment of the temporarily damaged Mecha. There is no professional mechanics library, and they only solve some Mecha problems, and the larger problems need to be transported to the military base. service.

After Bai Chaoge finished his speech, Huang Junpa, the deputy head of the group, was close to announcing the list of accompanying mechanics, of which Fang Shi’s name was among them.

In this regard, Fang Shi not at all accidents, he is very suitable for this kind of accompanying mechanics. Now his machine control strength has reached the level of 8-star pilots, he can act as both a mechanic and a pilot.

Indeed, Bai Chaoge had similar considerations in selecting accompanying mechanics. In fact, the mechanics of the Battle Princess Mecha camp had a must for the machine control strength when they entered the mechanics group, and generally needed to reach the level or potential of star pilots. Most of the people in the mechanics group have reached the level of one-star pilots or above, but the direction of the mechanics is ultimately on the mechanics. Although they have a certain level of machine control strength, most of them still stay at a low level. First-level mechanics, so she chooses mechanics with outstanding mechanical control as much as possible in choosing the accompanying mechanics.

The 50 accompanying mechanic technicians soon announced the end. In addition to Fang Shi, 5 other mechanics in the fifth mechanic group were selected.

After the announcement of the list of accompanying mechanics, Huang Junba continued: “The above 50 persons are accompanying mechanics. Presumably everyone has seen that there are ten people in each mechanics group. This arrangement is actually to better match the company of mechanics. 50 Personally, the original mechanics are divided into 5 teams, which correspond to the Mecha company you were responsible for. As for each team, Captain believes that you should have the heart. The first Small Captain Huang Jun pulls, the second team Captain Che Yu … 2 Team Captain Fang Shi. Well, the entourage will follow me and prepare quickly, and then you will start with the Mecha company. “

Before leaving Huang Junba, Fang Shi said goodbye to the 5th mechanic group and then left with 5 mechanics in the 9th mechanic group.

Looking at the silhouette of the ten departures, the eyes of everyone in the 5th mechanic group were still a little bit reluctant. Usually, a group is more or less emotional, but suddenly there are still some concerns in the hearts of ten people. This is accompanying. Pilots are not like staying at the base, and are likely to participate in the battle, but they are much more dangerous.

50 accompanying mechanics soon arrived at a Mecha library.

In the Mecha library, nearly 100 different models of Mecha are stored.

Huang Jun pulled his foot slowly, stopped, turned to look towards everyone, and said seriously: “This Mecha library No. 50 to No. 50 is our Mecha, I have 1 corresponding machine cards here, one later I will give it to you after another. But before that, I want to give you a detailed account of the basic duties and related precautions of the entourage mechanic. I hope you will listen carefully … “

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