My Mech Queen

Chapter 359

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Bai Qianqin, the Galactic Alliance Ten-Star Sealed Pilot, the Kamen Mecha Battalion Commander, one of the elite Mecha Battalions in the Alliance, and the Chief Commander of the Rambo Star Alliance Mecha Force.

Looking at the latest outstanding results of the Alliance Mecha forces in the hands, the white cheeks not at all showed any rejoicing on the cheeks, just looked calmly, and the pupil light blooming in the dim-blue pupils still carried A touch of coldness.

Suddenly, a young female major walked quickly to Bai Qianqian.

The female major quickly calmed her mind and said as calmly as possible: “Sir, I discovered the movement of the Empire Mecha. There are three branches, which are surrounded by the three directions from the southeast, southwest and northwest to the area 3.”

Bai Qian Qianpupil light flashed slightly, put down the data in her hand, but her face still remained quiet, not at all exposed something unexpected.

“How many Mecha units does the Empire 3 dial Mecha troops?” Bai Qianqin asked lightly.

The female major quickly replied: “According to preliminary estimates, the three imperial Mecha units each have at least 3 Mechas.”

Bai Qianqin slightly nodded, said: “The number is quite a lot, I need a detailed information about the Imperial Mecha troops, and immediately notify Colonel Ouyang, Colonel Lan and Cai Shangxiao and the others to hold an emergency meeting.”

The lieutenant commanded him immediately.


The Mecha battalion of the battleship Mecha battalion maintained a low-altitude and low-speed flight, and flew toward the target military base at a moderate pace.

Two hours later, the large Mecha forces of Battle Princess Battalion finally arrived at the booked military base.

The military base is located in a broad valley plain, but at this time the military base is already devastated, most of the buildings have collapsed, and there are almost all traces of bombing, thick black smoke billowing from all over the military base Towards the sky, it is clear that the military has suffered extremely severe damage.

Fang Shi carefully observed the tragedy of the military base below from the air, but he felt a little emotion in his heart. If he did n鈥檛 guess wrong, this military base experienced a fierce battle a few hours ago. Many of Mecha 鈥檚 crippled or severely damaged remains, including some of the remaining fragments of the Alliance Mecha.

In addition to some early warning Mechas, the Battle Princess Mecha Battalion landed on military bases and started ground searches, on the one hand to see if they could find some valuable clues; on the other hand, to see if there were any survivors.

Half an hour later, everyone in the Battle Princess Mecha camp found more than 100 base survivors, many of whom were hiding under the body with the body. With the help of Mecha in the Battle Princess camp, they finally saw the light again, and Accept inquiries from the relevant personnel of Battle Princess Mecha Camp.

Soon, everyone in the Battle Princess Mecha battalion settled more than 100 survivors and sent rescue information to the headquarters base. Then Mecha’s large troops looked towards a certain direction and ran quickly.

Through the clues searched by the military base and the information provided by the survivors, Qin Tianyue has judged the general direction of the large Mecha forces of the alliance that destroyed the military base, and this time Mecha not at all took off, but took the ground. On the one hand, it is to save energy for Mecha to save for the critical moment; on the other hand, most of the alliance Mecha also uses ground travel, so they can better catch the trail of the alliance Mecha.

Fang Shi and the 5th Squadron have been closely following the 5th Company of the Battle Princess Mecha Battalion, and they are surrounded by more than 20 Mecha.

Surrounding the 5th accompanying crew of mechanics was Qiu Rou who arranged to protect them.

Along the way, although I did not encounter the Union Mecha forces, Fang Shi was still very vigilant. From the vast military base, he seemed to feel that the Union Mecha forces were already not far, and the battle between the two sides was likely to start at any time. Too.

Less than half an hour after the Battle Princess Mecha battalion left the military base, Qin Tianyue received an emergency call for help.

The message sent for help came from the 2nd Mecha Unit of the Qing Dynasty.

At the departure of the general base, Qin Tianyue and Mecha forces unanimously negotiated. The Qing Mecha forces were divided into 3 forces to attack the Alliance Mecha forces 鈥檃ctive area from 3 different directions, so naturally the enemy was found as soon as possible. Party goal.

The 3 Mecha troops all have nearly 2000 Mecha. Even when they encounter the large coalition forces, they also have a certain amount of effort. This is also an important reason for the three Mecha troops to move separately.

Qin Tianyue was a bit surprised by the request for help from the 2nd Mecha Army in the Qing Dynasty. The 2nd Mecha Army was actually attacked by the Alliance Mecha 鈥檚 sneak attack, and the number of sneak attack 鈥檚 Alliance Mecha was almost 4000, almost the 2nd Mecha Army 鈥檚. 2 times.

The 2nd Mecha unit was obviously unable to resist and is now retreating while fighting.

After receiving the specific request for assistance, Qin Tianyue immediately issued a series of emergency orders. The large army of the Battle Princess Mecha battalion on the ground immediately took off again and sailed quickly to the position of the 2nd Mecha unit that issued the request for assistance.

Fang Shi was also slightly surprised by the sudden order that appeared. Although he knew what had happened, he still had some guesses in his heart. It should be an emergency situation, otherwise it would not be so suddenly. However, such a move will not consume Mecha’s energy reserves.

Although Qin Tianyue 鈥檚 orders were quite urgent, Mecha 鈥檚 actions in the Battle Princess Mecha battalion were still very orderly, arranged in an orderly formation and flying fast, not at all showing no signs of confusion.

However, when the large forces of the Battle Princess Mecha Battalion flew to a big snow valley, they encountered a special situation.

“Boom, boom, boom …”

Suddenly, several hundred attacks suddenly roared out of the snowy valley below. Various attacks such as missiles and beams of light shot like wild storms towards the Battle Princess Mecha battalion.


The Mecha team of the Battle Princess battalion responded slowly. Among them, Mecha, who was in charge of early warning, immediately issued a signal of enemy attack, and Mecha in the attacked area almost simultaneously opened the energy shields and quickly made evasive actions.

“Explode, explode, explode …”

A series of explosions rang through the sky almost instantly.

However, the seemingly fierce sneak attack attack not at all achieved the effect of the booking, and the destroyed Mecha Empire in the sky was less than ten.

There are hundreds of Mecha Alliances hidden in the snow valley, and when they attack, they are completely exposed.

Seeing that only a few Imperial Mecha were destroyed in the air, the Alliance Mecha pilots showed their surprises and surprises. The main task of their small Mecha unit of 100 was to ambush the Empire to support the Mecha troops and delay each other as much as possible. Support speed.

“How could this happen? This round of attack has been premeditated, and the timing is just right, and the other party should not have discovered it before, but only a few Mechas were destroyed. How could such a result occur, is this one? Is the Mecha unit the empire’s ace Mecha unit? “

In one of the Alliance Mecha control cabins, a major-level alliance pilot was surprised to see the picture in the light screen, and in his mind was quickly guessing, and soon he seemed to realize what.

When guessing that the Mecha unit in the air is likely to be the ace Mecha unit of the empire, the Union Major Commander immediately realized the great danger, and immediately shouted into the voice: “All … everyone listens, immediately withdraw … “

The major 鈥檚 order was not completed yet, but Mecha was suddenly hit by a thick blue green light beam and an armor-piercing projectile, and then a violent explosion occurred. Similar scenes abound in Daxuegu.

The Battle Princess Mecha battalion’s counterattack was so rapid that even the alliance pilots had not responded, and nearly 2000 attacks tilted down from the large Battle Princess Mecha battalion in the air almost simultaneously, like a sudden drop of hail.

“Bang, bang, bang …”

The sound of the explosion lay in the snowy valley, and the thick snow was blown into the sky, and many snowflakes directly turned into gas in the violent explosion.

Fang Shi was very surprised by the sudden sneak attack. Unexpectedly, the Mecha of the Alliance was still ambush here, but he soon saw the rapid and fierce anger of the Battle Princess Mecha Battalion, and almost the artillery fire of the Alliance sneak attack just fell. At the end of the curtain, the Battle Princess Mecha camp members Mecha immediately launched a strong counterattack against the Daxuegu below.

From that violent explosion, Fang Shi knew that there should be a lot of alliance Mecha in the big snow valley below that had turned into bursting fragments.

A round of strong attacks, although most of the 100 Mecha in the Daxuegu have opened their energy shields, they still seemed quite awkward in the rapid attack of the Battle Princess Mecha battalion, only to see a burst of ambush. More than 100 Mecha have been dismembered into countless pieces.

After a round of violent attacks at the Battle Princess Mecha battalion, not at all means not stopping at all, second round, third round, round 4 …

The Alliance Mecha, which barely escaped the first round of the Battle Princess Mecha Battalion 鈥檚 attack, was already in disarray. The commander 鈥檚 Mecha was already shattered into pieces during the Empire 鈥檚 first round Mecha 鈥檚 attack. They didn’t even have the chance to fight back at all. Their despair rose in their hearts, and they were fully aware of how stupid this sneak attack was.

Mecha, the chaotic alliance, began to flee in 4 and the alliance pilots in Mecha prayed for a chance to live.

“Boom, boom, boom …”

The dense explosion in the Snowy Valley didn’t stop until 3 minutes later.

Soon, the explosion stopped.

Xuegu also restored calmness slightly, but it seems that it should not be described as Xuegu at this time, because the original Xuegu has no snow at this time, only the pitted black scorched ground, only the large and small Mecha fragments, Only one after another gray black smoke …

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