My Mech Queen

Chapter 266

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In Conference Hall, absolute silence.

Staff officer Lieutenant Colonel Rosen looked calm and quickly walked to the first row of seats near the center and sat down. The lieutenant behind him sat down with one of the captains, while the other captain walked up. Conference Hall reception.

The captain who walked to the front desk was a tall man of 3 15-16 years old. He was about 1.8 metres tall and had clean and short hair, which seemed quite capable.

The man glanced at everyone in the Conference Hall and took a breath, not only preaching slowly: “Hello everyone, I am Jiang ten thousand li, today’s meeting will be hosted by me, since everyone is here, then it is now official Let 鈥檚 get started. First, let 鈥檚 welcome the special guests of this meeting, Lieutenant Colonel Rosen, the special guest of this meeting with more applause. “

“Pa, snap …”

The neat applause burst into the entire Conference Hall in an instant, and it was very warm.

Rosen got up slightly and did a standard military salute to everyone, then sat down again.

Jiang ten thousand li slightly indicated that the applause of everyone in the Conference Hall stopped, and he continued to preach: “Everyone has been in the minesweeper warship formation for more than 3 months, and they know each other a little bit. If someone is a straight person, he will go straight to the topic without going around with everyone. Today’s meeting has two main topics. “

“The first theme is welcome, the past few days everyone should have heard about it, and you have seen many new faces in the Conference Hall. They are the 20 5 mechanics who newly joined our mechanics team. We will be a group in the future, please welcome them with your warmest applause. “

“Pa, snap …”

In the Conference Hall, thunderous applause burst again, quite warmly.

After the applause stopped, Jiang Ten thousand li continued: “I believe everyone is curious about the new companions. In order to better promote mutual understanding and understanding, I suggest that the new companions introduce themselves. I don’t know what you think? “

“Good, good …”

The crowd below gave a burst of approval.

Jiang ten thousand li nodded, said: “Okay, then there is a new companion one after another to introduce himself, and there is someone who invites first place to introduce himself-Lieutenant Colonel Fang Shi.”

Fang Shi was a little surprised. He did n鈥檛 think he was the first, but he was already prepared when he introduced himself in Jiang Ten thousand li. I saw that he got up and stood up, then walked either fast nor slow Conference reception.

Jiang ten thousand li politely made a please gesture.

Fang Shi stood in the center of the front desk, facing the attention of nearly two-three hundred people, but his face seemed extremely calm, at a moderate pace to self-introduced: “Hello everyone, my name is Fang Shi, I am currently a A senior mechanic, from the Snowflake Company, was very fortunate to join the mine-clearing warship formation mechanics team. I hope everyone will advise me in the future. “

Fang Shi’s words were short and calm, not at all arrogant.

After listening to Fang Shi’s self-introduction, most of the people below were more or less surprised. On the one hand, because Fang Shi was already a lieutenant colonel at a young age, after all, many mechanics later not at all noticed Fang Shi, who was wearing a uniform of the lieutenant colonel in a corner corner, until then they were surprised to find that there was still a lieutenant colonel among the new mechanics, which surprised them; on the other hand It is the information revealed by Fang Shi’s self-introduction. The senior mechanic from Snowflake Company, whether it is Snowflake Company or advanced mechanic, is amazing enough for many people. Many people have unconsciously adopted a look-up perspective to look at this seemingly ordinary Lieutenant colonel. In addition, Fang Shi is calm and without arrogant words, but has won the favor of many people. Although Chen Shuya’s move before the meeting made them somewhat contempt Fang Shi, but this is after all a matter of two, in some angles they still despise.

After Fang Shi stepped down, Jiang ten thousand li stepped forward and said, “Here is the second Lieutenant Chen Shuya.”

Chen Shuya has not yet come to power. The eyes of everyone below have locked her tightly, and many people are subconsciously swallowed saliva and said.

“Hello everyone, my name is Chen Shuya and I am currently a mid-level mechanic from the Warhawk Mecha company.”

Chen Shuya 鈥檚 self-introduction is a bit shorter than Fang Shi, and the speech speed is much faster than Fang Shi. The crawler finished the introduction in a few seconds, and then hurriedly stepped down.

Everyone on the stage was slightly stunned. Those who wanted to stop some more information but didn’t want to stop suddenly. They couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed, but looked towards Chen Shuya’s eyes are still very excited.

The third person to introduce himself on stage was Liu Yang. His self-introduction was quite detailed and lasted for almost 3 minutes. However, everyone in the audience seemed not interested in him. Many people still focused on Fang Shi and Chen Shuya. It seemed that Liu Yang had completely ignored Liu Yang on the stage.

Liu Yang on the stage naturally saw it in his eyes, and he felt a lot of pain in his heart. He was absolutely glorious in the college, but when he arrived in this fleet, he found that he was already somewhat eclipsed, not only offended a lieutenant colonel, but also At this time, he was completely deprived of brilliance, and it is inevitable that he has a little bit of grudge and bitterness, but who sympathizes with him?

Indeed, Liu Yang 鈥檚 luck is really a bit back. If an intermediate mechanic is usually attracted by many people, he is also very popular in the mechanics team. After all, there are only a dozen intermediate mechanics in the fleet of nearly 300 mechanics. division. However, now he hardly attracts who 鈥檚 attention. First, the rank of Lieutenant Colonel Fang Shi and the powerful aura of the senior mechanics of Snowflake Company; secondly, Lieutenant Chen Shuya, the middle-level mechanic of Qingli, who is still interested in it. Concerned about a relatively sad Liu Yang, many of them even did not remember Liu Yang’s name.

After a brief self-introduction, Liu Yang was lost and returned to his seat, secretly watching Fang Shi’s gaze more resentful and hateful, and somewhat angry.

Subsequently, Wang Long, Zhou Rong and the others also took to the stage to introduce themselves. As junior mechanics, they actually just walked through the field and showed their faces in front of everyone, not at all caused many people’s attention. Most of them are quite self-knowledged, and their self-speaking words on stage are as concise as possible.

The self-introduction session lasted for more than 40 minutes, and 20 5 new mechanics came to power to complete the self-introduction.

After the last person who introduced himself stepped down, Jiang ten thousand li stepped forward in time and said loudly: “Finally, let me welcome the above 2 15 newcomers with warm applause again.”

“Pa, snap …”

In the Conference Hall, applause still roared.

Applause ceased, Jiang Ten thousand li continued: “The second theme of the meeting is as follows. According to the high-level meeting of the fleet, we agreed to set up a mechanic repair chief in our mechanic repair team, to lead the mechanic repair team, and add a 2th group of mechanic repair. The new mechanics are all included in the thirteenth group. Among them, please refer to the staff officer Lieutenant Colonel Rosen for details. “

Hearing the news from Jiang Ten thousand li, everyone in the Conference Hall showed some surprises. They were not surprised that they had set up thirteen groups. It made him somewhat unexpected that the high-level of the fleet was going to set up a mechanic chief in the mechanic repair team. Obviously It is to establish a chief executive. Before, they used teams as their units, and each team did its own thing. There were occasional conflicts between the teams and the teams. They often required the coordination of the middle and senior levels of the fleet. Now they set up a commander. They also know how much it means. In addition, he I was still very curious about who would do this chief.

Soon, Staff Officer Rosen stepped onto the stage in the applause of the crowd, his face remained calm, glanced at the crew of the crew under the stage, and slowly said: “According to all members of the high-level important meeting of the Minesweeper Fleet 3.25 Unanimously agreed and approved by the commander-in-chief of the fleet personally, a mechanics commander will be set up in the fleet Mecha mechanics group, the entire mechanics group of Commander. The candidates for the mechanics chief will be decided by Lieutenant Colonel Fang Shi after all the members vote. The post is given by the fleet chief commander himself, and will be directly responsible to the commander in chief. The specific authority of the chief commander is as follows … “

Rosen spoke for more than ten minutes before stopping.

The people below listened attentively. When the relevant authority of the chief mechanic was read out by the staff officer Rosen, they already had a wave of waves in their minds again. The newly established chief engineer had a lot of authority and almost reached a People have the final say, for example, he has the absolute personnel appointment and removal rights within the mechanics group, which means that each group he wants to be the group leader can be the group leader, he can be exempted directly from a group leader; The Chief Executive enjoys the final evaluation power of all the mechanic repair team members. The result of this evaluation is closely related to the future of the mechanic. Excellent evaluation is more conducive to the improvement of status. Poor evaluation is likely to be imprinted on the mechanic repair like a stain In your career. In addition, the commander-in-chief is directly responsible for your fleet commander, there is no obstruction in the middle. It can be seen that the senior officer of the fleet or the commander-in-chief attaches great importance to the role of the commander-in-chief.

After listening to the content of Staff Officer Rosen 鈥檚 speech, many of the participants subconsciously looked at Fang Shi again secretly. After that, he was the boss of the entire Mecha mechanics group. Before that, they also guessed whether the role of the chief of the mechanics will be with Rosen. Lieutenant Jiang ten thousand li and Lieutenant Xu Star Sea, who entered the colonel, were the first mechanics to enter the minesweeper warship formation, and two of the mechanics also enjoyed a high reputation. But now they know that they guessed wrong. The position of the general manager was actually taken by the new lieutenant colonel. He was a little surprised and slightly dissatisfied at the same time. After all, the other party was just a newcomer. Contrary, but considering the identity of Fang Shi senior mechanic and lieutenant colonel, they are only slightly contradictory in their hearts, and the surface is still submissive.

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