My Mech Queen

Chapter 267

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Fang Shi will serve as the chief mechanic, and most of the people in the Conference Hall quickly accepted it. After all, the senior mechanic and the lieutenant colonel ranks there.

Of course, some people are difficult to accept.

When Chief of Staff Rosen announced that Fang Shi was the chief of the mechanics, Liu Yang’s face was almost black for a while, and then he heard the authority of the mechanics. His mood fell to the extreme. Fang Shi, as the chief of mechanics It may be easy to crush him with just a little use of the authority of the mechanic chief, and his days in the mine-clearing fleet will also become dull. This is by no means good news for him, but rather a kind of Blow.

Similar to Liu Yang, there were also Wang Long. Several people on the transport ship issued a threat warning to Fang Shi solemnly vowed, but the current situation has completely exceeded his expectations. I thought I found Liu Yang. A big tree, but this has just joined the fleet, Fang Shi has become the chief of the mechanics who controls their life and death. His heart can’t help but 10000 points, and his eyes are not frightened.

During Lawson’s speech, Fang Shi’s face was always calm, but his eyes were slightly complicated, and he had received a message from Lawson before serving as the chief mechanic, not at all surprised, The reason why the mind is slightly complicated is because the commander in chief Rosen mentioned. He knew that the commander-in-chief was Qi Yanyan. Recalling the scenes the night before, he inevitably had some ups and downs. Although he had planned to forget, he could n’t do it for a short time, especially when Rosen accidentally mentioned her , That touching face had already come to his mind.

“Fang Shi, I don’t have any expression to see you. Are you understood to serve as the chief mechanic?”

Hearing Fang Shi as the chief of the mechanics, Chen Shuya was also slightly surprised. He did n’t expect that he had just joined the fleet Fang Shi and became the leader of the mechanics group. However, Yu Yuguang realized that Fang Shi seemed to not respond at all, so he was curious. Di whispered.

Fang Shi slightly came back to his senses, but there is nothing to hide, lightly nodded, replied: “It is.”

Chen Shuya whispered lightly, and after a pause of 2 or 3 seconds, lightly said with a smile: “Oh, sir, I need to take care of it in the future.”

Fang Shi shook the head slightly helplessly.

In front of the Conference Hall, Staff Officer Lieutenant Colonel Rosen stepped down.

Jiang ten thousand li walked back to the center of the front desk and said at a moderate pace: “Everyone should be clear about what the staff officer said. Lieutenant Colonel Fang Shi will serve as the head of our machine repair team. The top chief of the team. In addition, I would like to explain the situation of the newly-established thirteenth group. The thirteenth group is composed of 3 new mechanics, of which the team leader will also be Fang Shi. Well, let ’s let the following We warmly applauded the commander-in-chief, Fang Shi, to speak on stage. “

After that, Jiang ten thousand li took the lead in applauding.

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The audience immediately followed a burst of warm applause, which instantly submerged the entire Conference Hall.

In applause, Fang Shi had already got up and walked towards the conference reception.

Fang Shi walked to the center of the stage, and the applause finally came down. Looking at the various gazes below, his calm mood slightly fluctuated. Before today, he had not thought that he would become the chief of so many people, but Fortunately, I received a message from Rosen before. At this time, he was unprepared. “Hello everyone, first of all I am very honored to be the chief of machine repair …”

What makes Fang Shi’s speech not at all amazing is just some decent words, but his calm tone reveals a firmness and a light dignity. He knew that as an officer, he must look like a real officer. This was when Xiong Xingxing had taught him a lot at Langya Star 6 Experimental Test Base. He had also seen a lot of Xiongxing training his soldiers. In short, when it should be dignified, it must be fully revealed. Just like the current Conference Hall, it is by no means a place where you can joke at will. He must come up with an officer who should have aura. Although he does not at all experience, he still Try to show it as much as possible.

At the end of the speech, Fang Shi sighed slightly in relief. The five-minute speech may be short for everyone present, but for him, it is slightly longer.

In the applause of everyone, Fang Shi returned to his seat at a moderate pace.

Subsequently, Jiang Ten thousand li once again came to the center of the front desk. First, he took Fang Shi’s speech and said a few words, and then notified a series of small things. Compared with the previous two major topics, it was obviously much more trivial. In addition, 2 new mechanics such as Fang Shi each received an audio device similar to Tianxun, which can communicate with each other, but the scope of communication is only limited to the inside of the fleet and is useless to the outside world.

Half an hour later, the meeting was declared closed.

Everyone left.

Fang Shi not at all left in a hurry, but waited until everyone had walked almost before getting up, because before Jiang ten thousand li had slightly gestured to him with his eyes left.

“Sir, here is a detailed information of our mechanics team and Mecha on the fleet, which might be of some use to you.” Jiang ten thousand li said rather respectfully, and at the same time handed Fang Shi a data disk, which is the mechanics Details of Mecha on the team and fleet.

Fang Shi took over the data disk, slightly nodded.

At this time, there were eleven people in the Conference Hall besides Fang Shi and Jiang Ten thousand li, and they all came to Fang Shi not far away.

Jiang ten thousand li was quickly introduced: “Sir, the people who stayed are the patriarch of ten 2 machine repair teams. I am the first group of Yangtze River ten thousand li.”

Fang Shi un’ed, glanced at the rest of the people, most of them were at the rank of lieutenant. The captain, including Jiang ten thousand li, had 4 people in total, “You all will introduce myself first.”

“Sir, I ’m Xu Star Sea, the leader of Group 2.”

“Sir, I’m Cui Changhe, the leader of Group 3.”

“Sir, I am the third group of Patriarch Dai Litian.”


The leader of the self-introduction mechanic repair team saluted Fang Shi.

Fang Shi was slightly nodded to everyone. After more than ten people introduced it, he slowly said, “I hope you will support me in the future.”

Twelve people said in unison, “Yes, sir.”

Fang Shi looked towards jiang ten thousand li and asked, “Team leader Jiang, do you know what else?”

Jiang ten thousand li immediately replied: “No.”

Fang Shi is currently not very familiar with the information about the fleet repair team and the fleet Mecha, and it is not very much to say, “Since that is the case, let ’s break up first. For the time being, I am not familiar with the situation of the fleet repair team. Have a good chat with you. “

“Yes, sir.”

After a short stay, the rest of the crowd left.

Fang Shi just sat at the entrance of Conference Hall. A lieutenant stepped forward and said, “Hello, Lieutenant Colonel Fang Shi. I’m Liu Cheng, the lieutenant officer of Lieutenant Colonel Rosen. The staff officer wants to invite you to have a cup of coffee. “


Fang Shi was slightly surprised, but quickly responded. Rosen should have wanted to talk to him, so nodded and said: “Okay, please lead the way.”

Subsequently, Fang Shi followed Liu Cheng and left.

Originally, I wanted to get close to more than a dozen team leaders with Fang Shi. I looked helplessly at the back of Fang Shi’s departure. Since they were invited by the staff officer Rosen, they would not be bothered. At the same time, I was a little surprised and thought Fang Shi and Rosen seem to be closely related.

“Team Leader Jiang, I don’t know if you have an understanding of the Excellency Chief. Let’s share with brothers. In the future, we will all be soldiers of his men. Anyone who has to listen to him will have more understanding and will help us to do things later. The team of Patriarch Dai Litian looked slightly dignified, his expression slightly complicated.

Another robust man leader with a slightly burly figure immediately echoed: “Yeah, I see that your Excellency, the Chief Executive, is not too small. It seems to have a strong relationship with Lieutenant Colonel Rosen. This is just after I walked out of the Conference Hall and was invited to drink. It ’s coffee. “

Jiang ten thousand li shook the head, said: “I heard in the Mu En Xing 9 military area that there seems to be a lieutenant colonel who wants to join our mechanic group, and I still listened to Rosenzhong before the meeting. I did n’t know it until the school notice. As for his specific personality preferences and so on, I do n’t know. ”

Everyone hearing this couldn’t help but slightly disappointed.

Under the leadership of Liu Cheng, Fang Shi went to a small elegant cafe in the battleship 5-Layer. The cafe was a little calm, sitting a few people sporadically, perhaps because of time, it was already 22 o’clock.

When Fang Shi just walked into the cafe, he saw Rosen sitting in the corner. I saw that Rosen was thinking about something, brows slightly wrinkle, a little fascinated.

Liu Cheng reminded: “Sir, Lieutenant Colonel Fang Shi is here.”

Rosen looked back slightly, looked towards Fang Shi, faintly smiled, and said politely, “Please seat.”

Fang Shi gently nodded and sat down opposite Rosen.

Rosen asked casually, “What to drink.”

Fang Shi replied: “Anything is fine.”

Rosen glanced at the adjutant Liu Cheng standing next to him, and gestured slightly.

Liu Cheng immediately nodded to the help desk.

Rosen took a sip of the coffee in front of him and said at a moderate pace: “Congratulations on becoming the chief of the mechanic.”

Fang Shi thanked: “Thank you.”

Rosen continued: “Right, Lieutenant Colonel Fang Shi, I do n’t know if the commander talked to you about the special situation of the fleet repair team?”

Fang Shi was slightly stunned. The commander in Rosen ’s mouth was the chief commander of the fleet, Qi Yanyan. In the Muen Sin 9 military area, he had talked to Qi Yanyan a lot about the minesweeper fleet and many things related to Mecha. He didn’t know what the special situation in Rosen’s mouth was referring to. Taking a breath, he asked slightly: “I don’t know what you mean by the special situation?”

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