My Mech Queen

Chapter 265

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(Thanks to Long Yu, 2 monthly tickets for classmates, and 3 updated tickets for Xia Yunyi!)

Space seems to be immersed in darkness forever, without day or night. The inside of the battleship is just the opposite, bathed in light all the time, and the bright lights illuminate almost every corner.

At 9:30, Fang Shi left the room and went to Conference Hall A7 on the 6th floor of the battleship.

Soon, Fang Shi arrived at Conference Hall A7 on the 6th floor, which is a medium-sized Conference Hall that can accommodate three-four hundred people.

In the Conference Hall, there are dozens of people sitting sporadically in the seating area below, all wearing imperial military uniforms, but they are slightly surprised compared to ordinary military uniforms. They have a simple logo on their chests. That is a special sign for mechanics. In the empire, mechanics belong to special forces and have their own unique marks, which can be clearly recognized at a glance.

The dozens of people present here are basically at the rank of lieutenant. According to the relevant regulations of the military, the title of junior mechanic can be awarded to the rank of lieutenant if they can enter the army. The rank of lieutenant mechanic is given to the rank of lieutenant, and the rank of senior mechanic is given to the captain. The rank of military commander is given to the rank of major by a senior mechanic. Of course, the mechanic mentioned here refers to the Mecha mechanic. Although the mechanic cannot be compared with the Mecha designer, it is quite good compared to other special arms. After all, the rank of lowest lieutenant ranks into the rank of officer. In addition to the rank of lieutenant, there are also lieutenants and captains, but they are relatively few, and only a few of them are sporadic.

When Fang Shi walked into the Conference Hall, many of the people who talked suddenly stopped, their faces were a little surprised, and their eyes looked towards Fang Shi in unison, of course not because Fang Shi looked good How handsome, but because of the badge on the military uniform.

After an instant of silence, there was a more intense discussion.

“Hey, it turned out to be a lieutenant colonel. Did this officer go wrong in Conference Hall? The captain rank seems to be the highest in our mechanics group.”

“It should be right. Look at the special sign of the mechanic on his chest. The meeting tonight was held in front of all the mechanics of the fleet. He is definitely a mechanic to come.”

“Really Lieutenant Colonel! Is it the latest mechanic who joined the fleet? Tsk tsk, I think he is 2 fifteen-sixteen at his age. How could he have the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in such a young age? I am afraid that mechanics like us will have to mix up to 4 50 years old to get the rank of school. “

“It’s really strange, maybe it is a child of Great Family, otherwise it’s really difficult to explain.”

“Damn it, Lao Tzu despise this kind of 2nd generation children most.”


The sitting people stared at Fang Shi while whispering, talking with surprise, envy, and contempt …

Fang Shi was slightly surprised by the discussion boom when he first entered the meeting. However, in the face of everyone’s eyes, his face was calm and abnormal. He glanced at the seating area and found an empty seat in a corner. .

Everyone still whispered, and from time to time peeked at Fang Shi with 2 eyes, like watching precious animals.

As time went by one minute and one second, there were more and more people in the Conference Hall, and there were people coming in one after another. Most of the people who came in did not notice the wearing in the corner Fang Shi in school uniform.

“Wow, our mechanic team finally came to a beauty.”

“Tsk tsk, what a big beauty, this figure, this face …”

“Damn it, I haven’t seen a woman, all the harras have fallen out, just look at you.”


When Chen Shuya walked into the Conference Hall in a short military uniform, the hormone of the male mechanic in the room seemed to be instantly excited.

Fang Shi glanced at Chen Shuya and was also slightly surprised.

Chen Shuya in a short skirt and military uniform is indeed very eye-catching. The slightly tight military uniform just shows the exquisite and small figure. The fair and well-shaped legs are exposed. The black-framed glasses reveal an intellectual beauty that is different from the heroic posture of the military uniform. The two slightly conflicting beauty feels that her body is perfectly combined.

There are very few female mechanics in the mechanics group, and there are naturally fewer women who are eye-catching. And such beautiful stunners as Chen Shuya are definitely rare. reaction.

Chen Shuya, who had just walked into the Conference Hall, immediately noticed something strange. She glanced straight at tú tú in the room. Her heart tightened suddenly, and she felt as if she had suddenly fallen into the wolf den. The concealed desire to look really disturbed her.

However, Chen Shuya seemed to quickly find a life-saving straw. Her eyes stayed in the corner of Fang Shi. Although he was also looking at her, she felt a calmness from his eyes. , A calm that made her slightly lost but safe.

Chen Shuya confirmed her position, quickly accelerated some steps, and finally sat down in the seat next to Fang Shi, and showed a slight smile to Fang Shi.


At the moment when Chen Shuya sat next to Fang Shi, there was a very consistent boos in the Conference Hall. Although the sound was not very loud, everyone booed and could definitely hear clearly.

It was a boo of the same enemy, but also a kind of dissatisfaction and contempt.

“I’m leaning, a flower is on cow dung. Am I wise and handsome to miss Goddess? I’m not convinced, I’m not … I want to live and die duel with that kid.”

“God’s Day, you think you’re a great lieutenant colonel, wu wu …… It’s really a little amazing, what can you do about it, Lao Tzu despise you in your heart for 10000 years.”


Of course, everyone is just angry, and there is not much performance on the surface. After all, the other party is a lieutenant colonel, but they ca n’t be easily shaken. There is a resentment qi that can only be held forcibly, but their hearts are almost Everyone had a strong contempt for Fang Shi.

Feeling the collective contempt in the Conference Hall, Fang Shi’s face was slightly stiff, and his heart was crying for a while. This Chen Shuya was also too capable of pulling hatred. One pull is a big vote, which almost directly made him a public enemy. How to play well with your friends here?

Of course, in the face of Chen Shuya’s smile, Fang Shi was still politely nodded.

Chen Shuya glanced at the Conference Hall secretly, seeing that most people had regained their wolf eyes, and then took a long sigh of relief, while looking back at Fang Shi from beginning to end, faint smile and said: “Oh, Fang Shi, You look handsome in this military uniform. “

“Handsome ?!”

But Fang Shi showed a trace of helplessness. This was the first time that besides the younger sister Anxu, there were people who praised his handsomeness. He still knew something about the face of the general public, and he seemed to have nothing to do with such words as handsome.

Chen Shuya is definitely nodded.

Fang Shi shook the head, said: “Thank you.”

In the Conference Hall, fleet mechanics walked in continuously.

Among the later people, Fang Shi found Liu Yang and Wang Long and the others. Apart from Liu Yang wearing a lieutenant’s military uniform, the others were all lieutenant’s military uniforms.

Liu Yang took the lead in the Conference Hall and glanced a little. Then he found Fang Shi in the uniform of the lieutenant colonel and Chen Shuya in the lieutenant’s military uniform in the corner. The corner of his mouth slightly twitched. With Wang Long sitting down in a seat far away from Fang Shi, obviously he didn’t dare to mess with Fang Shi at this time. He had met with his major cousin in the Muen Sing 9 Military Area before, and he was also understood. This army doesn’t want to be anywhere else, and it pays a lot of attention to the hierarchy. His cousin’s help may not help, so his best way as a lieutenant is obediently and honestly. 10000000 Don’t do anything extraordinary, or even his cousin can’t save him, now he chooses Try to avoid Fang Shi as much as possible, hoping that the other party will not trouble him.

Fang Shi actually did n’t take seriously about Liu Yang and Wang Long ’s affairs. That kind of incident seems to be a trifle of sesame and green beans. I believe that after the other party knows the rank of his lieutenant colonel, it should ben’t be more delicate, as long as the other party He did not do outrageous things, he also disinclined to pay attention to the other party, but if the other party continued to secretly make a name for himself, he would never sit back and ignore it.

As more and more people entered, there were soon more than 200 people in the Conference Hall.

In the last 5 minutes, there was hardly anyone who entered the Conference Hall again. Obviously, the mechanics of the fleet were basically there.

20 points, the door to the meeting was opened again.

Several men in military uniforms quickly walked up, and the one in the front was Lieutenant Colonel Rosen, the fleet staff officer. There are 4 people behind Rosen, a lieutenant and 2 captains, 2 of whom have organic badges on the chests of the military uniforms. Obviously they are also a member of the fleet mechanics team. As for the lieutenant, like Rosen, there is not at all what special sign.

With the entry of Rosen 4 people, the whispering of everyone stopped immediately, and the Conference Hall was instantly quiet, everyone’s eyes all looked towards the few people who came in. They are still very familiar with the staff officer of the fleet, Rosen, but he is one of the really high-ranking members of the minesweeping fleet, and the staff officer seems to be very valued by the cold commander of the fleet. His weight is not light. For the appearance of Staff Officer Rosen, most people are still quite surprised. They have guessed that the meeting tonight should be an important meeting.

Fang Shi’s eyes also locked on the people who came in. At the meeting in the No. 9 Military District, he had met with Staff Officer Lieutenant Colonel Rosen and had a chat after the meeting. The impression was pretty good, and this morning Rosen He also let the captain specially send him a message, and he was not surprised that Rosen attended the meeting.

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