My Master Is a God

Chapter 2738: Beauty and the Beast

If it hadn't been for the bear girl to succumb to her master, and hearing her voice, Yang Yiyun could not believe that she was the bear girl.

It really frightened Yang Yiyun.

Looking at the big guy in front of him, it was really difficult for him to connect with the bear girl, but the feeling and voice of the water of life told him that it was indeed the bear girl Xiong Huan.

"Are you Xiong Huan?" After swallowing, Yang Yiyun asked after he recovered.

"Well, it's me, I'm Xiong Huan, my master."

The big guy who fell in front of Yang Yiyun spoke, still the kind of voice full of magnetism with a little childish voice.

It's hard to imagine a blood bear with a height of eight or nine meters, with a body like a mountain, with extra long blood-red hair, and eyes like copper bells with sharp fangs, can make such a pleasant sound.

Yanran is a big change from the previous 360-degree rotation. The previous bear girl was also huge in Yang Yiyun's eyes, but she was more than two meters tall, and the hair on her body was of the kind of earthy gray, which looked very ordinary, just like she was The appearance of a bear, just a very fat body.

The two bears are completely different from the present. The bears at this moment are eight or nine meters tall and do not have any fat on them. When they stand up, they are very vigorous and full of wild impact vision, which is very shocking.

After being confirmed, Yang Yiyun had to admit that it was indeed Xiong Huan.


Yang Yiyun exhaled and stood up.

"You... are you really Xiong Huan?" Yang was a little bit disbelieved when he looked left and right.

"Yes, it's me~" The scarlet bear in front of him nodded again.

"Well, get up~" Yang Yiyun looked at the bear girl who was still kneeling in front of her and let her stand up.


In the next moment, Yang Yiyun only felt his eyes dark.

The bear girl stood up.

Absolutely nine meters tall, standing in front of Yang Yiyun made him feel like a giant.

"How did you become like this?" When Yang asked this sentence, he was actually a little guilty in his heart. When he wondered, did the operation on Xiong Nui completely change the appearance of Xiong Nui?

Will there be any sequelae?

In case of any sequelae, will Xiong Youtian trouble him?

When I was thinking about it, I just listened to the bear girl happily saying: "Master, this is the crazy state of my bear clan. This awakening is the first stage. This is normal.

However, the hair on my body has changed drastically. It is different from my father and them. I belong to the mutant bear clan, but I have mutated into the form of the ancestor of my family and become the blood-swallowing bear. This is a good thing. Thank you master for the Shenshui, and thank you master for solving the blood vessel problem in my body.

By the way, it was the surgical operation that the master said before. I now know that I am not unable to practice, but my practice method is different from that of them. My power comes from blood. It belongs to the power of the ancestor's blood that has been passed down from generation to generation. It is you, the master. Let my blood evolve and awaken me the power of the ancestor..."

Yang Yiyun finally understood what she said.

Also knows that his surgical procedure is correct.

Just thinking that he had only done ordinary surgery before, and he was still a little worried, but now, everything is that the bear girl has undergone some changes in the body of the bear girl that he does not know about.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun said: "You let me check your physical condition~"

"Good~" Xiong Nui's trust in Yang Yiyun as always, even more than before.

Next, Yang Yiyun reached out and put her hand on Xiong Nui's body to check.

After a while, Yang Yiyun's expression changed several times before he withdrew his hand.

He even envied this bear in his heart.

Sure enough, as he himself guessed, everything in the bear girl's body returned to normal. To be precise, the bloodline was completely stretched out and spread all over the body. Her bloodline was extraordinary. In his inspection, the bear girl's body was indeed There is no magic power, but there are so many blood vessels, just like a world of blood vessels, countless, beyond hope, how many blood vessels does she have?

Tens of thousands, millions, tens of millions are possible.

Very shocking.

When he vowed to operate on the bear girl, he saw the blood vessels in the bear girl's body, and there were definitely no more than a hundred blood vessels.

Now there are countless large and small.

It is definitely derived from the previous evolution.

In other words, the number of these blood vessels represents the strength of the bear girl. Yang Yiyun also felt the vast sea power in the bear girl’s blood. It was more powerful than he imagined, and it made him feel thrilling. He even felt that the strength of the bear girl's body was stronger than Medusa's level.

Sure enough, I made it myself.

Yang wanted to laugh out loud at this moment.

But it is estimated that the image is still suppressed.

This madman had the Heaven-swallowing Blood Bear, and now it belongs to him.

The power of the water of life has been completely integrated into her blood. Even if the power of her blood is extremely powerful, the water of life is always unique.

The bear girl is very smart, she should have felt what the water of life is like in her blood after waking up, so she bowed down to Yang Yiyun and called her master.

Everything went smoothly.

Yang Yiyun knew that he had really transferred this time, and there was another Heavenly Dao level powerhouse beside him, and he was also a special Heavenly Dao level powerhouse.

"Master, thank you~"

When Yang fell into conjecture, Xiong Nui uttered a very serious thank you.

Yang Yiyun was taken aback, then smiled and said: "You are welcome, you don't blame me. In fact, the Shenshui you take has a controlling effect. This is natural and not what I think, but it can indeed improve your bloodline. , It turns out that indeed your bloodline has improved, and... can you still change your shape? It’s tiring to talk like this."

When Yang talked to the bear girl, he raised his head and said, always feeling very awkward. He didn't know if she could turn back into a human form, so he asked.

The bear girl nodded and said: "It can, master later."

At the moment when Xiong Nui's words fell, she saw her whole body shining with blood.

In the next moment, it turned into a human form.

However, after the bear girl turned into a human form, Yang's eyes went round and couldn't close again.

Because at this moment, after the bear girl changed her human form, her whole body was actually in the state of Chi Guoguo, the biggest change...She was completely no longer as obese as Roshan before.

Standing in front of him at the moment was a red-haired beauty with a height of two meters and an S-shaped figure, really at the level of a fighter in the goddess.

A pair of big long legs are particularly conspicuous, the facial features are also exquisite and picturesque, the eyes are **** and bright, the eyelashes are very long, and the beauty is cute and cute.

The rhythm that is simply terrible to Yang, the lethality is invincible.

Before he knew it, he felt hot in his nose.

"Master, your nose is bleeding~"

The bear girl's reminder sounded in his ears.

Yang awoke like a dream, flushed, and stammered: "Do you have any clothes to put on and talk first."

While speaking, he quickly turned his head, gasped for breath, and said to his heart that he was dying.

And a word suddenly came to my mind—Beauty and the Beast.

It seems to be the most confirmed portrayal of the bear girl right now.

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