My Master Is a God

Chapter 2739: The power of bear blood frenzy

The bear girl in the ontological state herself said she was a kind of madness. She was nine meters tall, and her hideous appearance was completely in the state of a beast, and now she suddenly became a super beauty. Isn't it a true portrayal of Beauty and the Beast?

Yang Yiyun turned his head to let the bear girl get dressed.

For this bear girl, Yang is... really afraid to have an idea, because when his eyes are closed, her violent and ferocious side appears in her mind, which is really shadowy.

So forget it!

Don't dare to have extra thoughts, of course, just think about it, think about it because of her violent side.

In order to restrain his own conjecture, he turned his head and deliberately imagined the ferocious side of the bear girl's violent body in his mind, finally suppressing the flame.

"Master is fine~"

The voice of the bear girl rang in her ears.

Yang Yiyun just looked up.

The next second he got a fever in his nose again.

Although the bear girl is now dressed, she is wearing a big red dress like a cheongsam, showing her tall and perfect figure to the fullest, attracting more attention and glamorous.

I don't know where she finds such clothes that are extremely lethal to male animals. It's a deadly rhythm.

Yang hurriedly closed his eyes and imagined the beastization of the bear girl in his mind.

It will take a while to get better.

Anyway, he knew that he couldn't look directly at the bear girl, otherwise he didn't know what he would do. The focus was on the bipolar picture of beauty and the beast. This taste was too heavy, and he couldn't get the most mouthful.

Take a deep breath for a while, which is better.

I could go out now, but Yang Yiyun thought about studying the blood of the bear girl before. Now that I have time, I can’t let it go, because he feels some special powers in the bear girl’s blood, which is great for him. Attractive.

At this moment, after the bear girl returns to normal, she naturally wants to study a little of her blood.

I wanted to see what was going on in the bear girl's blood and why it gave him a feeling stronger than Medusa.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun said, "Will Xiong Huan discuss something with you?"

At this time, Yang did not dare to look at the bear girl when he spoke. He was afraid that his Dao heart would be confused. In fact, it was true. This bear girl is too demon, even his current concentration is hard to resist, and The charms of Yu Linglong and the Saintess of Shahu are different, they are the kind with the charm of demons, and they are very evil.

So I didn't dare to look at him, and spoke from the toes.

"Okay~" Xiong Nui agreed to Yang's request without even thinking about it.

"Then give me a drop to study it." Yang blushed a little.

He can feel that the bear girl is very dependent on him.

This is not all the cause of the water of life.

"How much do you want?" Xiong Nui asked directly.

"Uh~ give me three or five drops~" Yang took out a small pill bottle while he was talking, and motioned to the girl Xiong to fill it in.

The bear girl who took the pill bottle didn't say a word, and with a move of her finger, she immediately gave Yang Yiyun a whole bottle.

"Give ~ enough?" Xiong Nui handed it over.

Yang Yiyun took it and saw that the good guy was filled up directly, and this pill bottle was less than a hundred drops.

Quickly said: "Enough is enough~ Enough."

Yang Yiyun is really a little bit naive towards the bear girl, and feels a little cute. In fact, in his opinion, the bear girl is indeed a bit innocent.

This may be related to her previous experience and growth.

Of course, from now on, the bear girl has completely transformed from an ugly duckling into a white swan, and her life has changed.

And the source of all this is him.

In this regard, Yang has a bit of pride and sense of accomplishment.

Of course, the water of life has played a huge role in the invincible effect of the ten thousand monsters.

This gave him a bit of confidence in the big idea in his heart.

If he could rely on the water of life to subdue a few masters of heaven, then the purpose of his trip to the eternal **** realm would be considered complete.

However, it is too early to think about this, and we need to look at opportunities.

Yang observed the blood in the pill bottle, and said to the bear girl: "Xiong Huan, the water of life suppresses you. After you go out, you can't tell anyone, including your father. Does my master understand?"

"Oh, I know, I won't say it, then can I call you Big Brother Yun?" Xiong Nv asked with her big eyes blinking.

"Yes, as long as you don't want the owner to call anything, the name is not important." Yang observed the blood and answered casually.

Xiong Nui called his master the title, anyway, before he won the next powerhouse of Heavenly Dao level, she couldn't call it.

"Okay, Brother Yun." Xiong Nui smiled happily.

But at this time, Yang Yiyun was moved in his heart, extracting a drop of bear girl's blood from the pill bottle, which became more and more attractive to him.

In his eyes, the blood of the bear girl was extremely red, several times brighter than the normal red, and it was a strange red.

The only drop of blood in his perception contained a very powerful and violent power, and it was also very attractive, exuding a sub-scent, which actually made him feel hungry.

The next moment he bit his teeth, Yang Yiyun swallowed this drop of blood directly. He wanted to understand what this drop of bear girl's blood was like.

I can't see the trick, but now I can only swallow it and feel it.

He always feels very special and wants to swallow it. This is a drop of blood and power.

Try it out.

Why bother.


After the bear girl swallowed this drop of blood, she suddenly exploded in her body.

But there is no harm. On the contrary, huge and unmatched energy spreads in the body, but all of it has penetrated into his own blood, which is illegal.

His blood flowed quickly.

The muscles of the whole body began to beat...


Yang Yiyun felt an unparalleled amount of violent violence exploded in his blood, covering every inch of his body's muscles.

The intertwined divine light of blood and golden light burst out from his body.


But the whole body bones make sounds.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun was terrified, and he felt that his body was growing.

It rose like a blow.

From the beginning, he felt itching and hot, as if it was on fire.

Immediately after the magical scene appeared, his bald head actually began to grow hair.

In the blink of an eye, the hair grew to three inches before it stopped, but it was still white hair, the same white hair as before.

This point Yang Yiyun knows that it has a lot to do with the experiment he sent back then. After Liu Lingling blew himself up, he had white hair all night. He swore that if Liu Lingling was not found from the Netherworld, his hair would not be black all his life. The vows are still valid.

He didn't expect that the bear girl's blood would actually make his hair grow again. Of course, the point is that at this moment, he feels that his body is turned upside down, and the speed of blood circulation is almost about to burn.

From head to toe, his body grew to three meters tall, half the size.

If the upper body clothes were not for the contraction function of the **** clothes, it would have been burst long ago, and the whole body was full of muscles.

At this moment, he felt power all over his body, and his strength had tripled out of thin air.

Other than that, there doesn't seem to be any other feelings.

Yang Yiyun was stunned.

"Big Brother Yun, seem to be crazy too~"

The voice of the bear girl rang in her ears.

Indeed, he went crazy.

This is all because of a drop of blood from the bear girl.

The magical blood of madness made him feel that he was full of the desire to fight, and his heart was violent, but he was under control.

About half an hour later, Yang Yiyun felt the violent power in his body began to disappear.

Finally he understood that the uniqueness of the blood of the bear girl is simply against the sky.

A drop of the bear girl's blood can make people mad for half an hour, and the power will triple out of thin air.

After half an hour, the madness will disappear, and there are no sequelae, this is simply natural fighting blood.

Yang Yiyun looked at the bear girl with fiery eyes. The blood of her madness, swallowing the blood bear, is really extraordinary, but I don't know what the bear girl will look like after being completely mad, and how powerful it is.

No wonder the power he felt in the bear girl's blood was stronger than Medusa.

This bear girl is simply the **** of war and blood.

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