My Master Is a God

Chapter 2737: Barbed tongue


Yang Yiyun took a deep breath and looked at the bear girl and said, "Huan'er, you have to hold back, and even if you listen to me, you and I need to cooperate well before I can help you, understand?"


The bear girl hummed.

Yang Yiyun's trust in this bear girl turned into a responsibility at this time.

As for the assurance of this operation, Yang Yiyun is still a little bit, after all, he still has confidence in his own medical skills, but he has specialized in it before.

The medical technique that I put in my mind will not be lost, but unfortunately I haven't used it for a long time. This medical technique also lies in the fact that practice makes perfect, and ingenuity can produce essence.

It's been a long time now, and to be honest, Yang is still a little guilty in his heart.

But now there is no choice. If it doesn't work, it has to work.

Seeing the bear girl talking, Yang Yiyun took a deep breath, his hand flickered, condensed into a one-foot knife to act as a scalpel.

The oversized acupuncture and moxibustion were condensed with mana in my heart.

Swish swish stuck all over the bear girl and left.

These acupuncture and moxibustion have become a formation method to prevent accidents.

With the functions of gathering spirits, stopping bleeding, calming the nerves, etc., this is for accidents.

After the acupuncture formation was completed, the small knife formed by the condensed mana in Yang Yiyun's hand suddenly flashed.


However, it cut the bear girl's body directly, and it didn't make any difference to have the sense of the sword, and the length and depth of the wound were all in his mind.

Then someone Yang started an unprecedented three-dimensional surgery...

Of course, movement is the main arterial blood vessel in the bear girl's body. These blood vessels are the key to the problem. There are stutters in segments. What he needs to do is to remove these stutters, then reconnect them with mana, and then straighten out the bear. Women's blood vessel and meridian problems.

This is a long cutscene, and I dare not go wrong.

I have to say that Yang's method is a bit whimsical, but in fact he was really fooled. When the stutter on a major blood vessel was removed and reattached, unexpected effects appeared.

The blood became fluent, and the capillaries on the main blood vessels were manifested and scattered all over.

Yang Yiyun hadn't found so many capillaries before.

He breathed out a suffocating breath, and he had confidence in his heart.

If one succeeds, there will be the next one.

His choice was simple and rude, starting with the heart and then moving away from the limbs.

This is the problem.


I don't know how much time has passed. Yang Yiyun doesn't know it, but he knows that his whole body is sweating, and his clothes are wet and dry again and again.

Finally, the last blood vessel in the bear girl stammered smoothly.

Just when he connected the last blood vessel with mana, there was a bang.

A very dull voice rang from the bear girl's body, to be precise from her heart.

Immediately afterwards, there was a constant roar...

The blood light made a masterpiece at this moment.

A powerful wave of air emanated from the bear girl's body.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun felt a little palpitating, and his body was involuntarily forced to retreat to the corner by the wave of air in the bear girl's body.

At this moment, Yang is so stunned~

His surgery has not been completed yet!

It is only the first step to sort out the blood vessel problem. Then there are some disordered meridians that have not moved, and they need to be sutured, and the mana-cohesive acupuncture and moxibustion that is pierced all over the body of the bear girl is pulled out.

But now this situation...

Obviously, some kind of power broke out in the bear girl, and after appearing autonomously, he couldn't get close at all.

The mountains in both hands were still stained with blood, so Yang Yiyun looked at the bear girl.

But the next moment he was surprised.


The bear girl let out a long howl.

Immediately afterwards, the acupuncture and moxibustion he put on the bear girl flew out of her body, but they turned into unnecessary. This is normal. The acupuncture and moxibustion that he put on the bear girl was shattered by the powerful force of the bear girl. , It's nothing.

Amazingly, Yang Yiyun's two-meter-long wound on the Xiong Girl's body, which he had operated on, recovered almost instantaneously in the glow of blood.

This is self-recovery.

Then the blood halo of the bear girl's body became thicker and thicker, and in a blink of an eye, the bear girl was completely covered by the blood light.

In Yang Yiyun's eyes, it completely turned into a large cloud of blood, and the body of the bear girl was completely invisible.


Yang Yiyun didn't know what happened.

But this situation does not seem to be a bad thing.

But at least one thing, Yang Yiyun can be sure that his surgical operation on Xiong Nui was successful, at least half of the time.

But now it seems that the bear girl will recover the remaining half of herself.

Yang Yiyun knew that the powerful energy contained in the bear girl's blood would definitely not be a display. After the blood vessels were normal at this moment, it was completely in the process of self-repair.

And he also felt that the power of the water of life was taking effect.

"Look at your good fortune, I tried my best."

Yang Yiyun waved his hands and the blood stains dissipated and hurriedly.

The rest is waiting.

After this operation, he was exhausted and exhausted both spirit and mana. Fortunately, he had a Dao kind of audit, otherwise he might not be able to sustain it.

At this moment, after feeling that the bear girl had entered a state of self-repair, he also sat down and began to recuperate.


Shinto practice doesn't know the years, and the meditation and retreat remain indifferent.

I don't know how long it took before Yang Yiyun finally recovered.

The moment he opened his eyes, he was startled, and his whole body became tense.

Because when he opened his eyes, he saw a huge, blood-red, red-haired, huge head, his eyes were like copper bells, with fangs growing, but they looked terrifying.

Staring at him right in front of his nose.




Suddenly, he jumped out of shock and subconsciously leaned back, but his head hit the wall. He was in the corner author before recuperating, and the back of his head hit hard, causing Yang to breathe in cold air.

However, at this moment, there was a damp and heat on his face, which made his body stiff again.

It was the monster in sight that stretched out his big tongue like a fan and licked his face.

The sticky hot tropics have thorns, and the left half of the face feels hot.

Before he could make any counterattack, the huge head backed away, but he uttered, "Xiong Huan, thank you Master for your help~"


The ground in the entire secret room trembled, and the monster was actually kneeling in front of him.

Yang finally reacted and saw what the monster in front of him was.

It's a bear.

A big bear.

The body is eight or nine meters tall.

The blood-red hair all over his body looked very strange.


But Yang Yiyun knew that this huge and wild one with sharp fangs, looked terrifying, was the bear girl Xiong Huan before.

Of course, if it were not for her to protect her name and voice, Yang Yiyun would definitely not be able to connect the big blood-red bear in front of her with the bear girl before.

There is no doubt that the bear girl has evolved.

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