My Master Is a God

Chapter 2707: Snake God Lord

"Don't stop and move on~"

Yang Yiyun ordered everyone to continue forward, at least to get out of this woods.

He is not afraid of anything. It is mainly the guards around him. In the face of the strong, it may be a big death.

Consider for these people around you.

Teng Snake led the way, and the three hundred guards turned into streamers to follow closely behind, and their speed was not full.

In a blink of an eye, Teng Snake took everyone to the edge of the woods, and Yang Yiyun saw that the woods were green and seemed to be an oasis.

But at this time, he felt the arrival of the divine lord behind him, with many snake-men with eyes, no fewer than hundreds.

Other snake-men are easy to say, but the snake-man whose breath is in the middle of the gods is not easy to deal with.

"You want to go out and wait for me."

Yang Yiyun confessed to Yu Linglong and Tu Jingyuan around him, and the level stopped.

"Master, let's stay~"

"I do not go."

Tu Jingyuan and Yu Linglong spoke one after another, and they naturally knew that Yang Yiyun wanted to break.

"Don't let me be distracted, go out and wait for me, a middle-ranked **** still keeps me." Yang Yiyun whizzed back while speaking and rushed directly to the coming snake-man god.

Seeing this, Yu Linglong, Tu Jingyuan and the others knew that Yang Yiyun wanted to say nothing, but he couldn't hold back him. If he stayed at this time, it would be tantamount to hindering him, so they left quickly.

According to the previous saying by the snake hunting soul, as long as you get out of the woods, you will be in front of the sandfox clan territory, and the eye snake will not chase it out.

Of course, for the time being, it's because even if they are out of the woods, the Cobras will not pursue them, but they have stepped into the territory of the Shahus. I hope the Shahus will not embarrass them.


Yang Yiyun stayed to block the pursuit of the Eye Snake Clan and buy time for everyone. He knew that only one or two points would be enough.

Turning around, the Dragon Slaying Sword in his hand slashed immediately.


Sweep with one blow, with a large range.


Now Yang is also a junior divine master, and the power of swordsmanship is more than ten times more powerful than before. Under this sword, the sword aura is rippling hundreds of meters.

Wherever he went, screams continued.

Killed more than twenty eye snakes in one shot.

As for the first median divine lord Snake Man, he didn't get the slightest impact, but he stopped under Yang Yiyun's sword.

However, his body was shocked by the sacred light, and the sword energy that swept across him was directly dispersed, but the more than 20 ordinary snake people around him were directly killed by Yang Yiyun.

" are so bold~"

A sharp and gloomy voice came from the middle-ranked **** master snake population, and at the same time, seeing him wave his hand, all the snake people stopped behind him.

"You are so courageous. You forced me. I have no intention of offending. I just strayed into your territory and just wanted to go out. It's as simple as that." Yang Yiyun stared at the middle-aged man, who looked a little lean and had brown hair. But it was a man with thin cobras who spoke.

The upper body is the human voice, but the lower body is the snake tail, and some tails are more than three meters long, with dazzling markings and shining scales.

It really doesn't seem to be an easy host.

But Yang Yiyun really had nothing to fear in the face of the middle **** master here.

As soon as he took out the sword, he found that although the opponent had resisted it, his body still trembled, not obvious but he could not escape his eyes.

His sword is now just a random strike, not a full-strength sword, and even the power of the Taoist tree is useless.

In terms of breath, he even felt that he was better than the snake-man of the middle-ranked god. Although he was a small difference from the opponent, his cultivation system was special, and he had always been able to fight beyond the ranks.

I really don't fear anything to deal with this middle god.

The reason why I can say something kindly is that Yang Yiyun doesn't want to provoke the entire Cobra human race, and there is no way anyone can let them have five great gods, two great gods, and even a strong person in the realm of heaven.

It is better not to provoke the enemy.

Of course, it also depends on whether the other party gives face.

"Hmph, kill my clan brother, your kid still wants to get away, dream, and pay your life~"

The snake-man of the middle divine lord did not give Yang Yiyun any face, but after a cold snort, he came in a flash and roared: "The flames are in the sky~"

Suddenly, this god-man and god-lord's body radiated great light, and countless flames appeared out of thin air and swept toward Yang Yiyun.

"If you can't be kind, then what if you are destroyed~"

The corner of Yang Yiyun's mouth raised, but he didn't move at all.

Because the opponent is displaying the power of fire.

What a coincidence, he is least afraid of flames.

The magic weapon of the **** city in his hand can absorb the sky fire that has been nurtured for countless years, what kind of flame he can't bear, can't absorb it?

Power is nothing like that, Yang Yiyun felt that he was going to use the flames of Transcendence City to be stronger than the opponent.

Since such snake-man gods mainly fight, how about fighting?

If you can't be kind, then die.

He bet that the other strong people of the snake human race would not all be dispatched.

From this divine realm, there is also the sand fox clan. After killing such a god, he left the woods and entered the sand fox clan territory. Does the cobra clan have the ability to break into the sand fox clan?

In Teng Snake's soul search, the strength of the two clans is equal, and they are of the kind of death feuds. Fighting has erupted for countless years. Everyone wants to drive the other clan out of this divine realm.

But none of them succeeded.

These questions Yang Yiyun can understand after a second thought, the experience of step by step from mortal to immortal to **** for so many years is not in vain. He has seen, heard, and experienced many things.

There are more things like the Shahu family and the Cobra family.

So after Yang Yiyun figured this out, he didn't hesitate to do anything.

Since this middle-ranked divine master divine man is going to fight, then he can be a killer.

With a movement in his heart, the Ten Great Trees merged into a phantom of a towering tree, appearing behind him, under the light of the gods, his strength greatly increased, the **** city in his hand flashed, and he roared: "God city swallowed~"

The flame that immediately attacked directly entered the city of God.

At this moment, the Snake Man Divine Master was shocked, but he did not expect that he would release a powerful flame, and he would be taken by this human race.

Suddenly it felt bad. He felt the dangerous smell. It had been a long, long time since he felt it. The last time he was fighting against the Shahu clan, he felt it on a pharaoh of the Shahu clan and almost killed him.

The instinctive snake-man **** lord turned around and fled.

But at this time, only the human race yelled: "Sword of Dao Seed, cut it for me~"

The Snake God Lord, who had turned and swished away from tens of thousands of meters, had a numb scalp, roared and roared, feeling the danger, and the whole body inscription was defensive.

But I still feel a pain behind my back.


A mouthful of blood came out.

so close.

He was seriously injured but finally alive, and at this moment he was in a safe place.

When I turned around, I didn't see the human race catching up, but found that the aura of the family members had disappeared one by one.

Eyes breathed fire: "Human, you die~" The snake-man **** lord was furious, and the next moment an inscription flashed on his eyebrows, and he sang inwardly: "The **** lord's seal~"

Buzzing, in the next moment, the surrounding divine light is overwhelming, and four divine lights appear in a row.

But four gods appeared.

It was the other four **** masters of the Cobra clan who were summoned.

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