My Master Is a God

Chapter 2706: The cobra people wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and all the best.

Hearing Yang Yiyun's question, Tu Jingyuan regained his consciousness and quickly said: "Master, there seems to be something under the sand here, but it is strange that I can't feel it at all to feel it, but there is nothing wrong with subordinates' talents. , Why don’t you give it a try, what's the weird existence under the ground?"

"Yes, you can try it, you may find it early, but don't overturn the boat in the gutter at that time." Yang Yiyun naturally understands what the earth spirit said to try, which is to check the desert under your feet, there may be a lot of movement.

But in this way, the base friend is very likely to touch something, but instead of always guarding it, it is better to pick the bright spot.

It's better than fear.

Of course he is not afraid, but there must be pressure in the guards around him.

If there is a discovery, that would be the best.

Tu Jingyuan was an old sign again. He stomped his feet, and the ground under his feet shook, but this time it didn't crack.

There are trees here and grass on the earth.

It's not a desert, but in Yang Yiyun's sense it is a desert.

After the soil essence yuan stomped, the shaking quickly subsided.

"The master didn't seem to have noticed anything, it was very strange. It clearly felt something was wrong, but I couldn't find out what was wrong~" Tu Jingyuan was a little embarrassed as he spoke.

Yang Yiyun smiled slightly and said, "It's okay for us to continue walking and looking."

He couldn't feel the environment here, let alone the earth essence element. Although the earth essence element did not respond, it at least showed that the underground problem was not big, which was also good news.

Keep going...

Time was very fast, and in a blink of an eye, Yang Yiyun calculated that at least ten days had passed.

He felt something wrong at this time, as if he was trapped in this woods.

Yu Linglong was absolutely wrong, and said, "Yunzi, I always feel that something is staring at us."

Yang Yiyun heard what Yu Linglong said, and he was taken aback for a moment. He really didn't feel anything staring at him, but he believed that what Yu Linglong said was true, because even though Yu Linglong's cultivation had fallen sharply to the level of a **** king, these Nian did not recover, but her Dao Mind Realm was still at the level of Dharma and God, and after hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation experience in the Universe Pot, she had improved her mood a lot.

In her words, she has already touched the realm of heaven, so Yu Linglong's perception is far more sensitive than him.

Now Yu Linglong said that something was staring at them secretly, that must not be wrong.

Adding to the fact that Tu Jingyuan didn't check out anything in the underground, Yang Yiyun had to consider the surrounding environment.

Obviously they are sleepy and have been circling in the woods.

But it's not a formation method. The soil essence also added this point. Not a formation method, these trees are all real.

This is a little tricky.

Yang Yiyun pondered for a while and said, "It seems we can't go on like this. According to this situation, we won't be able to go out even after a hundred years."

"Yunzi will wait for a while and I will say, "If you attack, we will get something out in the dark, maybe we can go out." Yu Linglong whispered.

Yang Yiyun nodded, expressing understanding.

At the next moment, Yu Linglong directly transmitted the voice: "Ten meters away from your left, the first plant is from the bottom."


Yang Yiyun's backhand is a palm in the air.

Under the rumbling, the tree pointed by Yu Linglong was shattered.


In the next second, a voice sounded.

At this time, Teng Snake swished and rushed over, and said: "The master turned out to be a snake. Let me take care of it."


Teng Snake rushed over, the dust was flying.

The sound just now was also a snake call. Teng Snake can be said to be the king of snakes, and it is just right to let it go.

After a while, there was no movement.

I saw the snake emerge from the dust, and a half-snake man dragged behind its tail.


It was thrown in front of Yang Yiyun.

"Master, this is a clan of snake-eyed people. This clan is extremely poisonous and very dark, but the shoes are not suitable for me, and they want to use poison on me, it is simply looking for death." Teng Snake is proud and ruthless at this moment. The snake fell to the ground.

"Say~what are you sneaking in here?" Teng Snake yelled, staring at the snake man on the ground.

Yang Yiyun looked and saw that the upper body of the snake man was a human body, the lower body was a snake, the pupils were golden, and the cultivation base aura was restrained, but his eyes were too busy, and the cultivation base was at the level of the **** king.

"Ahem~you wait to die, our warriors can come, then you will all die~hiss~" This snake man faced the cultivation base a lot higher than him, Yang Yiyun and others, but there was none. Not the slightest fear, but his eyes were full of vicious threats.

"Looking for death~" Teng Snake was furious and was about to make a move.

Yang Yiyun raised his hand to stop Teng Snake and said, "Searching for the soul, I need to know the information here."

"It's the master." Teng Snake responded, and the next moment he directly searched for the snake man's soul.

A moment later, after Teng Snake's powerful and brutal soul search, the snake man's soul flew away, but Teng Snake also finished searching for the soul and got the information he wanted to know.

But he quickly said: "Master, we have to go out as soon as possible. In the mind of this snake man, I saw the existence of King Cobra. It was very terrifying. There were two great gods and five great gods sitting down. Speaking of this, the cobra family is the only one. The overlord in the Lieyang Desert is no weaker than the Shahu Clan.

Even better than the sand fox tribe, the King Cobra, it is very likely to be a strong man in the realm of heaven, and here is a **** realm in the Lieyang Desert, the sand fox family and the cobra family each stand in half of the country, where we are now The land is on the dividing line between the two races, and to be precise, it is closer to the cobra race.

This little snakeman is just a patrolling existence. The news of our intrusion has been passed on. We must go as soon as possible. We can’t go to the northeast. We must go southeast to get out of this snake king forest. Otherwise, wait for the cobra clan to become stronger. We are afraid that there will be big trouble when the person comes. The ancestral precepts of this clan are absolutely exclusive, and it is the rule of no mercy for any outsider..."

Yang Yiyun's expression changed drastically as he listened. He didn't expect to be lucky enough to explode. Whenever he encounters a sandstorm, he can enter the Sun Desert God Realm, and he can also encounter the cobras. The key point is that the cobras are more difficult to deal with than the sand foxes.

Not to mention whether the Snake King is a powerhouse in the realm of heaven, the existence of two Dharma gods and five great gods alone is not something he can provoke now.

Hurriedly said: "Then go quickly, waiting for someone to come to death~"

"Master will go with me. After searching for the soul, I know how to get out of this wood." Teng Snake quickly led the way as he spoke.

A group of people left quickly...

It just didn't go far, and I felt the earth tremble.

At this moment, a sharp sound resounded throughout the woods: "The bold madman kills my clan son Lang and wants to run like that, save your life."

When Yang Yiyun heard the whole voice, the whole person suddenly became ill.

He felt it, at least the powerful aura of a mid-level **** master.

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