My Master Is a God

Chapter 2708: Destiny

When Yang Yiyun looked at the good guy, he saw that the four great gods around him were bright, and there were obviously four more powerful auras in the field. At first glance, he was summoning his accomplices.

"Lord won't play with you, no matter how cheap."

At this moment, Yu Linglong and the others have already walked out of the woods, and Yang is not stupid, so they just strayed away.

He was to delay time and let Yu Linglong and the others walk out of the woods. Now that he had already gone out, he didn't have to do it. The other party summoned four more powerful masters at once, and he stayed to fight, that is. fool.

As long as you leave the woods and come outside, it is the territory of the Shahu tribe. If the Cobra people chase it out, you can fight when you want to. I believe the Shahu tribe will not let the snake people break into their territory.

The two races have been fighting, it can be said that they can't understand each other, and they both want to drive each other out of the gods.

As the saying goes, one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers is the eye snake tribe and sand fox tribe, this kind of thinking.

Yang Yiyun slid, swish, turned into a flash of lightning and reached outside the woods.

When I got outside, there was a pool not far away, and it was a desert oasis.

"What does the master do now?" Tengshe asked.

Huang Shulang said at this time: "The master might as well go directly into the depths of the oasis..."

"The other party is chasing Yunzi~" Yu Linglong said.

Yang Yiyun saw that the five gods in the woods behind him flickered, and it must be the five masters of the cobra tribe.

"Go, go into the depths of the oasis." Yang Yiyun made a decisive decision, and he and Huang Shulang wanted to go together.

Since the enemy has five masters, it is obviously not suitable for direct confrontation, and according to the information of the snake man who has searched for the soul of the snake, after passing the woods, it already belongs to the order of the sand fox clan. No matter if they go inside, it will definitely happen. Alarmed the sand fox tribe.

Those snake-human tribes behind will catch up, and there will surely be no good fruits to eat.

For them right now, it is a good thing.

This is called taking advantage of strength.

As long as the five great **** masters of the Snake-Human tribe dare to catch up, the Shahu tribe who believes will definitely not sit idly by, after all, have broken into the territory.

As for them, it doesn't matter, wait until you meet Shahu.

Anyway, offending one family is offending, and offending two families is also offending. If there are too many lice, it doesn't itch.

Besides, the Shahu clan might not take action against them. Isn't the enemy's enemy a friend?

The mentality of Yang Yiyun and Huang Shulang is the mentality of gamblers, but they are currently the only choice.

Soon they reached the edge of a lake.


A trembling sounded by the river, followed by a masterpiece of divine light, but a barrier appeared on the shore of the huge lake.

Yang Yiyun waved and stopped.

Enchantment, a very powerful enchantment.

It seems to protect the water source, but also like a real dividing line.

"The sand fox is a heavy land, comers stop~"

A clear and magnetic female voice resounded across the sky.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun felt a little anxious, because the five masters of the snake-human race chased after him.

"Stand well, don't resist."

In the next moment, Yang Yiyun made a decisive decision, let go of the divine consciousness and enveloped everyone, and with a move in his heart, he collected all of the Universe Pot.

He was blocked by the enchantment, and then chased after the soldiers. He didn't want to hurt the people around him, so he took them all into the Universe Pot, and now he was the only one left. It was easy to handle.

He heard the voice of the old man stopping but he saw no one.

But I want to be a master of the Shahu clan.

At this moment, he didn't run away, just standing in place, waiting for the arrival of the five master snake people behind him.

As for the Shahu people, hehe, otherwise Xiaoye didn't chase and kill him in the past, okay, then fight a game here. Anyway, this is the place of your Shahu people, it's earthshaking, don't blame me.

Let the snake-human race enter the territory of your sand fox tribe and make a big fight, presumably they won't have any brilliance on their faces.

"Swish swish..."

The five divine lights fell on Yang Yiyun a hundred meters away.

The five auras were locked on Yang Yiyun at the same time.

Did not speak, did not step forward.

Just stare at it.

The corner of Yang Yiyun's mouth raised, it was the time, he still didn't have the slightest fear, among the five great gods, there was no upper god.

Only the one who fought with him in the first place was the middle **** master, and the remaining four were actually the same junior **** masters as him.

Yang was relieved now.

As long as he doesn't run into the upper god, he is really not afraid.

And he could see that these five snake-human races also had fears, what fears?

Naturally, they belong to the Shahu family.

Otherwise, it won't stop, but will hit it directly.

"Boy step forward and die~" The middle **** master who is still the leader said.

"Fate is here, I have the ability to take it." Yang Yiyun squinted his eyes.

The state of his whole body has reached its best, and the Dao tree behind him still appears, and the God City in his right hand is put away. At this time, the flame is afraid that he won't be able to use it. He has an idea.

As long as these five snake-human tribes dare to come up, he is sure to kill one or two, or even all of them.


The leader of the middle **** man gritted his teeth and ordered.

It is true that they are afraid of the sand fox tribe, but this human race kid and hateful are right in front of them, blocked from the fox **** lake, which shows that the fox tribe did not let him pass. As for the other people around this human race, it is obvious that they are Being hidden, this is normal. As a Tibetan who is a **** and has some Xumi space means, it is good that this is the only human race left. The five of them work together to solve it without any effort.

The five great gods come out together, if you don't take this human race, then don't mix up, and you will even be laughed at by the Shahu tribe.

Since I didn't see the Shahu Clan appearing, then just ignore it.

With an order, the five killers of the snake human race turned into streamers and went straight to Yang Yiyun.

At this moment, in a bamboo forest at the other end of the lake, an old woman and a young girl were watching.

The girl said, "Grandma, don't we help?"

"Look at who, a few little snakes are chasing and killing a human race. The human race kid looks confident and interesting." The old woman said with a smile.

The girl said again: "Grandma's stinky snakes ran into my clan land~"

"I know, don't worry, now is not the time to turn your face with the snake-human race, the time is not yet ripe, you have to wait for the time." The old woman spoke slowly.

The girl narrowed her mouth and said, "Grandma grandma, you all said waiting for the time. It's been an era. When is the time when the time is right?"

"In the prophecy of the ancestors, we must wait for the man of destiny to appear, and wait for the thing guarded by my clan to ring automatically. Only when my clan leaves the Lieyang Desert, there will be no need to fight the snake-human clan. "The old woman spoke kindly.

"Grandma, we can't beat King Cobra?" The girl asked after turning around.

The old woman sighed: "Hey~ it's not that we can't fight, we can't fight. Our mission is to protect and wait for the destiny to appear. Only then can my clan ask that curse and leave the desert to survive in these three realms..."

"Where is the Destiny?"

"Who knows, maybe it's about to appear~"

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